Should Russia put nuclear weapons in Cuba again if the US stages Nuclear weapons in Poland?
Nuclear Weapons in Poland
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Nigger you have nuclear weapons in Turkey, the entire fucking reason Cuban missile crisis happened. Russia should have nuked your ass and done us all a favour.
Why don't we just put our nuclear missiles in Russia and the Russians can keep theirs here?
300 iq move
way more countries have nukes than is let on. Switzerland has them in mountain bunkers. So does Ireland and Lesotho
Wakanda too
Sure, we couldn't care less as Russian politicians already threatens us with nukes every so often. It's not like they haven't nukes pointed at us for decades already so at least we could point some at them.
Why not just make an agreement with Russia for you to nuke yourselves in exchange for them doing the same.
You will save a fortune on rockets.
Single handedly solved the nuclear problem. Subarashi, honto subarashi.
>Should Russia put nuclear weapons in Cuba again if the US stages Nuclear weapons in Poland?
idk user I just want a pershing missile
Doesn't really matter.
According to both NATO and old Warsaw Pact war plans Poland was always to get heavily nuked to slow down the advance of troops from either side.
>TFW Vistula line was to be subjected to ~20-80 nuclear warheads in the mildest scenario
medium range nukes are b& so you couldn't hit countries close to the other
they're only b& if you get caught
Nukes are fake
you just need to have a loicense
>tfw ywn have one of the fake nukes the cianiggers use to fool people
why putin's so sad?
Wtf i hate Poland now. Fucking kike cocksuckers
for Russia it does not longer matter how close to their boarders burgers wants to set up their launch sites, because russians will always have an option of Dead Hand
how long would russia survive without the usa? what would they achieve except chinas eye as their next adversary?
There are no more huge Soviet tank divisions waiting to overrun Europe. Besides neocons and NATO shills constantly say how Russia is a big joke. So what is all the American firepower in Europe for?
Fucking survived since the 800s before anyone even knew America existed
They're still there, just need slight maintenance.
>medium range nukes are b&
That treaty hasn't been in effect since Russia tested their Iskander-K ground-launched cruise missile beyond 500km back in 2008. Catch up, slowpoke
Russia already deployed Iskander nuclear trains to Kaliningrad to threaten all of Europe and Scandinavia in violation of the last treaty.
The fuck you talking about? Russia doesn't depend on American to survive at all. Russia is also far older than America, the fuck do they teach you in spic land?
Russia keeps moving their country closer to our allies.
Your Varangian masters knew of America
yeh yeh i get that. but one of the biggest sources of money and goods/tech is usa right? i mean russia would go on but at level of civilization? russia is barely holding on as it is. itd be the dark ages
just being old doesnt translate into living through tomorrow.
Russia already has tons of bans on US goods, if anything Russia is one of the least dependent on the US. Western Europe and China would be devastated though, and south and central america would go to hell with no US aid.
Fuck nato, fuck the USA
Nice proxy Igor
What the fuck are you talking about?
The only thing Russia would lose is Pringles and coca cola, when the fuck have we ever relied on American technology?
Is this bait?
I’d love for that to happen. Finally, something interesting would happen in my boring life.! I think it would be absolutely thrilling to know that at any moment, the city I live in could be utterly destroyed by a salvo of nuclear missiles. Life would be over in an instant.
Now do a breakdown by model, and working condition. 12,000 of that number is T-64 and T-72, which are obsolete as fuck, and just rolling deathtraps for there crews.
Are you some sort of retard? Russia is one of the most self sufficient countries out there. They developed their own industries completely independent of the US because of the Cold War. They make their own tech for the most part.
Hell they even make their own microprocessors for their military tech while the rest of the world uses US made ones. God you’re so fucking stupid it’s actually making me mad.
china, no doubt would be fucked. they know this hence the african interest. china is going to rape africa worse than the west ever did and they wont try to build them back up when the guilt comes. bugmen have no guilt .
we have seen a lot of chinese influance here. they built our stadium ffs. we would probably be fine if either way. russia to me seems like a big best korea with unde vensable borders. are you on a flip phone right now?
still a tank though
Just like now. We are independent from US economy, unlike EU or China.
>12,000 of that number is T-64 and T-72, which are obsolete as fuck, and just rolling deathtraps for there crews.
While they are rolling deathtraps in the right situation, they are not JUST rolling deathtraps. They still have decent frontal protection and this can be augmented with ERA. They still move and still carry a 125mm cannon. Really, a tank is a tank and any tank is a big threat to almost everything on the battlefield.
h-hey dmitri, sell gas cheaper ok?
you can have some tasty apples in return
T-72 is our main force but most of our budget goes into missle and satellite research as opposed to building up more tanks
Our best is like 600 T-90s
Tanks kinda suck in the modern world desu
That's what Sadam Hussein said too. Shit doesn't stand a chance against modern infantry anti tank weapons, let alone air units.
what about that gas pipline that euros rely on so much? if that was gone itd totaly fuck russia. you might be too patriotic
Rurick is totally overrated for Russian history. Slavic nationhood existed befor him.
The only thing that he did, it's uniting some Russian state and starting royal dynasty.
You mean the same pipeline that basically covers EU entire energy sector?
I think it would be worse for them than for us
We still supply to china and India
Actually surprising Russia has a phone manufacturing industry, i didn't know this but just googled it now.
you aint gonna destroy 15 fucking thousand tanks before they get to the rhine dude
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not economist, so i actually don't know. But as long as China exist, we will be fine, i guess.
Ain't the huge USSR no more.
Russian GDP is about the size of Pennsylvania, smaller than Texas NY or Cali.
We are already sell it pretty cheap, fellow polaks, it's just your government who's bumping prices. But if you asked, i can make discount for your.
Just give me more your based games and we shall be in calculation.
yes that one. dont forget, china has a fake economy and relys on the usa like a parasite.. if the usa dies so does china and then russia.
so does zimbawe acording to your link.
Yotaphone and Zenit are manufacturing in China, unfortunately.
And we actually have some CPU industry here.
let them try its gonna be some dead russians cant write home to natasha no more cus their right arm missing in the gulf
The end of modern economy not necessarily mean the end of the world.
Actually, I think that it would be give a new breath to modern nation states.
China has a shit load of literally free resources pumping in from Africa
They won't starve
And our food industry is one of the highest
It would be the highest if we took piece of shit Ukraine too but until then one of the highest
what an ugly ramen-headed kike
This tbqh. Their own rockets and planes too.
yeah no offense to that user but wtf at being suprised at that? russias was the first to put somthing in orbit and put the first woman in space. i do think the woman in space thing is because they really didnt think it would work and didnt want to waste their good astronauts.
So basically, how you managed to fucked up your entire academia so hard? Even here marxists are seen as a boomer freaks.
i agree but it would be some dark times. hardly worth the rads and fallout. plus the war over the usa after they are done.
Is that sonar thing the Trump administration is even considering?
if russia takes in all the south african farmers it might make a small difference but face it mate, russia is the tim pool of the earth. you have lived on the street. you have come a long way. you arent afraid of everything being taken away and going back to "the streets". i respect that monumentally
Before first woman in to spare we are already haved successful(and failed) launches.
Actually, you're underestimate woman. They are much more stress-tolerant than mans.
If a complete world collapse happened then US would be fucked, people here are soft and probably only very remote farmers would survive. Russians and East Europeans have survived some of the harshest conditions imaginable, their people have been basically genetically breed to be survivors since everyone who couldn't survive died. Western Europeans are pretty soft as a whole too minus maybe Germans since they had to survivor the harsh conditions of WW2.
I don't know who Tim pool is
I think my point is that in a closed system economy that Russia can participate in, it's not out of the realm to have it be a self sustaining power house
The major issues we have through our history is the populi vs the people in power
There's a very large gap between social classes and if one side gets too big or too small it spergs out on the other
It's ironic that no force on Earth can take out Russians other than other Russians
Are Russians and Cubans still friends?
they cant because of the Monroe doctrine
maybe so but what about backing or parallel parking the spaceship? its was joke ivan. dont get your rubles in a worthless bunch. are you a womans?
>Monroe doctrine
We also have a statue with a poem that says everyone that is poor and sick can come here.
Not western women
i disagree. the gringos have been prepaing for this for a long time. almost cultish. the meek will indeed inherit the earth. we are pussies here too. i have provisions for a disaster like an earthquake where we could be looking at a month before the water is available. any longer than that im dead and there isnt much to hunt. the sea could provide but desu i would rather have the open expanse of russia to try to live off.
the reply above was for you
>So basically, how you managed to fucked up your entire academia so hard?
Jews. The same disease that infected you in 1917 has been in the West since at least 1924 when we accepted a ton of your Jews into the country. This disease has been running rampant here especially since WWII.
Reminder that Russians have historically had just as much intention of invading Poland than Germans.
In fact, they invaded Poland around the same time as the Nazis.
The worst immigrants were ever got were Russian jews.
Honestly, Poland might be the biggest threat to the EU today.
Yea i figures as much, i think you kinda overestimate people here. Prepers are the remote farmers, most people have absolutely no extra provisions or any real capability to live off the land. Seriously most people here only know how to go to McDonalds or local grocery store. Look at the chaos that unfolds when a mild black out happens. Additionally look at disasters like Hurricane Katrina where 3k people died most not directly from the Hurricane but from the conditions left by the Hurricane.
They truly are, they even claim they have a stealth tank with this picture to prove it. But all i see is a man standing in an open lot.
That's an absolute yes.
i guess. i always thought that if western russia fell, most russians east of the black sea wouldnt even know. maybe it wouldnt matter anyway. those people would only fight for their own property and family i think. i like that you love your country. so many fags have no allegance to anything these days
should we just nuke the hell out of Poland already?
Herpes lip...
>Sure, we couldn't care less as Russian politicians already threatens us with nukes every so often
wht are you lying, kike? I thought all jews were expelled out of Poland, or you are on vpn, you lying piece of crap?
Yes and Venezuela and Syria
Found the polak boomer
Varangians were both scandis and local Rus (slavs), mostly - slavs. why are you so bad in history? it's not hard to find out. gosh.
checked and basedpilled. If there is a nuclear attack, everyone knows who is really behind it.
no way. prepping is a full on million dollar industry in usa. the gringos even make inspiring movies about it. wolverines #1 was one of those. every tough guy movie has a scene where they get their stash to proceed to kick ass. it always saves them. i thinl this is ingrsined in gringo physke
I think it's more like 1000 IQ move
>how you managed to fucked up your entire academia so hard?
that "poem" was added to the statue years later by a yid, fyi
No way. Even most of the white people buy their coffee with credit cards. They don't save anything away for the future.
The EU is just a shitty copy of the USSR