The best running back in the NigFL is white

Just an FYI

Attached: Christian_McCaffrey_(31452665438).jpg (2377x3031, 890K)

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Saquon Barkley is white?


muh sportsball
Read a book faggot

Imagine willingly being (((entertained))) by freemasons

Attached: MasonicFootballMEME.jpg (448x431, 70K)

The Jew York Kikes have been irrelevant since 2012

>caring about the NFL

What the fuck is wrong with you?

> Saquon Barkley is white?
No, he's shit-black. But CMC is white AND the best.

>>caring about the NFL
why not retake the nfl? One superior white player at a time.

Lamar Jackson is not white

He is a beast. Trucks niggers twice his size as if they were peewee football players

Too many soccer moms.
And our (men's) soccer team still sucks, the irony.

Just fuck off back to /sp/

He was taught by Greg 'HH 88' Olsen

Attached: AA4zI7e.img.png (624x336, 494K)

youre an ass blasted kike who sucks black dick. Sorry it hurts you so much.

So just wondering. How many Super Bowl rings does he have ? Obviously thats level to which greatness is measured.
AND if hes SO GREAT why does he play for such a shitty team ?

Who cares about handegg? Football is the only sport that matters. Look here at some typical "soccer" fans!

I love him to death and Panthers are my team but he is going to burn out carrying this team. He's also the team's best receiver by a wide margin as well and that's not a good thing.

Fuck the nfl

>watching niggerball

check out this faggot nerd loser