Christianity is not a solution

Why do christcucks think that solution to white genocide is MORE CHRISTIANITY - a religion that teaches "neither Jew nor Greek, all people are one in Christ"?
>inb4 "when Europe was christian it was 100% white"
Look at the stats you fucking retards - it's because there were almost no christians outside Europe & US 100 years ago.
Now missionaries converted most of negroids to christianity. And yet you faggots still think that being christian is any solution.
No, it isn't - white people must find different platform (eg. European paganism) in order to survive, not some jew religion.

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Poland why do you do this? I thought you were one of the good guys?

TO ALL WHO ARE HURTING AND DESPERATE – Please read - this is for you.

It has been said, “That the darkest hour is just before dawn”. When you have lost all hope, and all you see is darkness, remember, never let your life be defined by desperation and hopelessness, grasp this one moment in time, reach out to Jesus, He does His best work in dark places. Let the light of Christ shine within you. The very fact that you exist is God’s testimony of His love for you. Never give up, your finest day is yet to come, Receive Christ now, He is the caretaker of your soul. The Gospel message was created for you. The simplicity of the Gospel, - Here it is A=Admit you are a sinner (REPENT) B=Believe Jesus is Lord C=Call upon His name. This is your Blessed Hope, your only hope. At least give Jesus a chance. Read: Isaiah 41:10 Always remember that your Prayers’ Matter to God, He honors them. “It’s only when you put your trust in Christ and respond to His invitation that you understand what life really means”

REPLY: to me, if you would like me to pray for you, about anything. Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS – “What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and grieves to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.”

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Another antichristian thread, eh? Finally got your community back together after 8ch got shut down?

Christianity never teaches to race mix, in fact there are stories and teachings that point to the dangers of unequally yoking

>>>Amerimutt gives their opinion.

Doesnt America have 10 million Jews you dumb semite?

I am good guy. The thing is - Poland is not based because it's christian - Czechs are mostly atheist and they're based as well - it isn't about religion, it's about mentality.
I'd say that christan church in Poland is 5th column shilling pro-refugee and anti-nationalism stance.

>Christianity never teaches to race mix, in fact there are stories and teachings that point to the dangers of unequally yoking
What stories exactly? I'd like NT quote specificaly because christians are not supposed to follow OT rules (like circumcision).

What are you trying to solve?

All life on this planet is extict regardless. Even your own bullshit 'science' proves as much.

So what are you trying to prove?

Fuck off with your schizo christcuck bullshit. I'm not going to worship some jew on a stick.

Oh it's this d&c shit that's been posted >9000 times before. Funny how the jannies allow this, but delete any threads where this shit is actually answered and addressed. Larpagans are ALL postmodernist larpers that played too much Skyrim. That's all. Saged for shit thread.

fuck (((cucktianity))) we must get back to our roots

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You replied to me, I'll pray for you.

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>paganism is d&c
>gazilion of christcuck denominations that label each other as heretics causing deaths of milions white Europeans during crusades or religious wars (like Thirty Years' War) aren't d&c
this is the absolute state of christcucks

The solution is Christianity because Jesus will resurrect once again and the rapture will commence

I've been saying this for a long time. I cannot tell leftists apart from christians. both dish out tons of money to third world shitskins, both push for equality, both deny the existence of natural selection.

>"neither Jew nor Greek, all people are one in Christ"?
Ok, well if you would've actually read the bible, you'd know that God was comparing things that were obviously different, to show that when we all get to heaven, those kinds of differences wouldn't matter anymore. He's clearly not saying that there isn't any difference here because he's listing things that are obviously different.

Also, that's not a correct quote. Here's the actual quote:

> Galatians 3:28-29 ~ "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

There's a reason why he mentions "male nor female." Do you really think God is saying that there's no difference between them? Of course not. Now, unless one is trying to cherry pick, you can apply the same principle to the "Jew nor Greek" portion of the quote as well.

Thus, God saying that race literally exists, faggot.

>Please read

Attached: GOD 1.jpg (1282x1272, 450K)

>white people must find different platform (eg. European paganism)

Yeah, let's just forget that white people quite literally conquered the world while embracing traditional Christianity. Let's also forget that it's the only religion on the planet that actually NAMES THE JEW. Also, aren't there references of sodomy in Paganism as well?

> Sodomy is referenced in the bible too user!
Yeah, only when God is killing them, or when it's spoken about as a good thing.


>I've been saying this for a long time. I cannot tell leftists apart from christians.
Lefties = christian atheists

Occult globalist pedo-fags = Judeo-christian Gnostics

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>it's another "atheist never studies anything seriously yet still wants people to take his opinion seriously"

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You're a fucking idiot.
Thread theme.

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wypierdalaj zydu

>one day our jew kebab is gonna come back and save us all

Christcucks are literal fucking retards.

>Yeah, let's just forget that white people quite literally conquered the world while embracing traditional Christianity.
Your tired fake argument

Europe wasn't fully Christian until the 1450's AD. We had been conquering the world known since 6000BC.

From 380AD when Rome became Christian the white race shrunk in territory until all the was left was Europe. Then you created Islam.
Then with the expansion into the Americas, Christians bred billions of "hispanics" and Africans.
Then you put fake "Judah-ism" (a Christian-Rome invention) and anti-philosophy "Gnostic tranny occultism" (a Christian Alexandria Egypt invention) into power over the entire planet.


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Praying for you too.

>Isaiah 57:5-7
Now therefore, what have I here, saith the Lord, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the Lord; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.

Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.

Also the actual larpers are not pagans but Christkek Identity "WHITES WUZ ANCIENT HEBREWS AND SHIET" morons.

This escapist bullshit didn't happen for 2000 years and certainly won't happen now.

The fact that white people conquered the world just happened when Christianity was dominant religion. It would happen anyway.
>Let's also forget that it's the only religion on the planet that actually NAMES THE JEW
It doesn't name the Jew, only certain rival sect of Judaism (Pharisees). It would make no sense for Christians to be antisemitic when all of its founders were Jews.

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Tak, bo jak ktoś nie wierzy w żyda na kiju to pewnie sam musi być żydem.
BTW sądząc po błędnej pisowni to albo jesteś jakimś patusem albo zagranicznym oszustem który tłumaczył to przez translatora i udaje Polaka przez VPN.

Paganism isn’t d&c, but driving a wedge between Christians and pagans is.


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>Why do christcucks think that solution to white genocide is MORE CHRISTIANITY -
We (the West) lives in a post-Christian world. There's currently NO CHRISTIANITY so there can't be "More Christianity" because we no longer live in a Christian world. Faggot. The solution is RETURN TO CHRISTIANITY.
>a religion that teaches "neither Jew nor Greek, all people are one in Christ"?
Out of context quote. You're an anti-Christian fool using quotes out of their immediate context to prove your stupid anti-Christian bias.
>Look at the stats you fucking retards - it's because there were almost no christians outside Europe & US 100 years ago.
There were plenty of Christians outside of Europe 100 years ago but Europeans Whites were largely very Christians, still married Christians and founded large Christians families. 100 years of (post) modernist brainwashing, feminism, liberalism and generalized anti-Christian policies (destruction of the family) and here we are living in a de-Christianized secular socieities.
>ow missionaries converted most of negroids to christianity.
FALSE! This has nothing to do with missionary evangelization. Negroes never stopped making babies and Negro socieities never accepted the anti-Christian modernist propaganda. Europe is not Christian anymore because of Christianity being undermined in the West. It has nothing to with conversions.

The thing is Christianity is mutualy incompatible with nationalism - one requires you to protect your nation and race, while other prioritize personal salvation and other Christians.
Sooner or later there WILL be conflict of interests (especially now, when many nigs are Christian - Chrisitans should help their brothers in faith) and you must pick between religion or your people - and I'm certain almost all christcucks will choose their desert cult.

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>Poland is not based because it's christian - Czechs are mostly atheist and they're based as well - it isn't about religion, it's about mentality.
KYS. Poland is based because of Christianity and having lived through the materialist hell of Communism.

Probably because Poland and other Christian nations are the only traditional ones and taking passages out of context is incredibly Jewish

More important

>neither Jew nor Greek

Paganism was also universalist and Romans/Greeks openly just took any god- Celtic, Germanic, Egyptian- and slapped them into the pantheon all nice and everything. The Slavic pantheon likewise contained Iranian gods like Simargl. Furthermore the usage of the King James translation is suspicious considering you are a Pole and would have your own version.

Basically what I'm saying is you're either an American with a proxy or a teenage faggot, either way there's no reason I should ever give a fuck what you have to say because you are literally retarded and don't even know the first most basic shit about paganism. KYS.

Czechistan is faggy as fuck with 1/3 of the population "unknown ethnicity" and has Vietnamese guys and feminists running for president. Poland, Greece, Italy all have in common their religiosity and genuine nationalism and therefore you're a fucking retard.

>he responded to you twice

It's hungry for (You)s

>Jew on a sti-

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Nationalism literally only exists because OF Christianity you fucking absolute retard. Pagans did not have the concept of a nation, nations only existed since the treaty of Westphalia and the modern ideal of national boundaries extending through an entire greater people.

No one cares what you think because you're either 15 years old which is why you don't know a SINGLE fucking thing about anything you have to say or a fucking leftist shitting up the board.

>The thing is Christianity is mutualy incompatible with nationalism - one requires you to protect your nation and race, while other prioritize personal salvation and other Christians.
LOL. Christianity/Catholicism was instrumental to nationalism. WTH are you smoking? The Church teaches that nation is an extention of family and family is the foundation of a healthy society.


Go home muhammed.
No one cares about your pedophile religion and outside of Jow Forums no one blames Christians for faggot atheist shit.

Fuck you kike, Jow Forums is an Orthodoxy board.


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I blame atheist. They bring the global elite to our countries and expect everyone to be happy when they start causing trouble. How noble of them. Citizens voices are lost in this mind field. (Racist) has a new meaning ( protectionism) politicians cannot make you decide if you like sand niggers (Aliens acid spray ) or not. They are forcing it. After 911 as far as I’m concerned they should stay in there countries and either fix it or be a soldier. I don’t want a mutt culture especially when they attack jihadi and kill children.

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>We (the West) lives in a post-Christian world. There's currently NO CHRISTIANITY so there can't be "More Christianity" because we no longer live in a Christian world.
The West used to be nominaly Christian but had pagan values underneath - no one cared about scripture written by some Jews that said about turning other cheek or loving enemies. Later it embraced so called Christian "values" and it lead to tolerance and other degeneracy - so West is nominaly atheist but their values are Christian.
Contrast this with Czech Republic that despite being atheist still has pagan values.

>There were plenty of Christians outside of Europe 100 years ago but Europeans Whites were largely very Christians, still married Christians and founded large Christians families. 100 years of (post) modernist brainwashing, feminism, liberalism and generalized anti-Christian policies (destruction of the family) and here we are living in a de-Christianized secular socieities.
Then why you shill for a religion that (even if was based in the past - it wasn't, but let's say for the sake of argument that it was) now is cucked with leftist pope and worshiped by billion niggers that want to invade Europe? Why not Islam? At least they have less nigger followers.

>FALSE! This has nothing to do with missionary evangelization. Negroes never stopped making babies and Negro socieities never accepted the anti-Christian modernist propaganda. Europe is not Christian anymore because of Christianity being undermined in the West. It has nothing to with conversions.
Yes it does. Also don't forget about Christian humanitarian aid so niggers now don't die out of hunger and diseases and the church's contraception ban that cased even more rapid population growth.

Anyway - why am I even replying to some memeflag christcuck shill?


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Prague is a faggot tourist trap, so they had to choose between money or self respect. Money usually wins.


Oy vey fellow white people we must totally discard this whole jewish ch*istianity and replace it with another meaningless movement!

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>pray to our rabbi or you're a rabbi!

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Middle Ages kingdoms didn't have concept of nationalism either - nationalism developed in 19th century and often was anti-christcuck. And the few christcuck nationalist movements were all condemned by church.

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>No concept of nationalism
>Despite distinct nations and Kingdoms cropping up as singular nations allowed sovereignty such as Spain, which had two civil wars to reject communist influence

those who fear death shall have it

>Paganism was also universalist and Romans/Greeks openly just took any god- Celtic, Germanic, Egyptian- and slapped them into the pantheon all nice and everything. The Slavic pantheon likewise contained Iranian gods like Simargl.
You clearly don't get what interpretatio romana was - it wasn't about importing foreign deities but they refered to foreign deities in Roman names because they considered all religions to be related (and beside Egypian religion they were right because all other religions you mentioned are Indo-European - similarities between Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Iranian and Graeco-Roman pantheon are not because of universalism, but because they all root from the same source)

>Furthermore the usage of the King James translation is suspicious considering you are a Pole and would have your own version.
So what? Am I supposed to use Polish version on English-language website?

They hate because they don't want to fall into their own trap.

Jewsus hates Pharisees (they were not fucking ethinic group but religious sect you morons) - nothing redpilled
(((St. Augustine))) - christkike that invented theological basis for forced conversions of pagans (that lead to many deaths of white Europeans) while at the same time urged to left Jews alone

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The church has never actually propagated forced conversions, blame the Monarchs that did that unilaterally. On another note Mr. LARPer, I hope you realize Pagans acted like nogs but with a whiter complexion.

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i dont see how there could be such a thing as a forced conversation in christianity. you choose to walk with christ, you choose to believe. no one can force you to choose or believe, so no one can be forced to be christian