>Paul Joseph Watson Yup! You seen the interview where he's says his younger FEMA camp articles were dumb in retrospect. I like the humility. youtube.com/watch?v=-T_ZsTh4ueQ
Leo Hernandez
>Dr William Peirce audio archives I like when PJW killed him in Murdoch Murdoch...?
dont watch owen benjamin then same comedy store satanic hanlders you faggot zoomer
Elijah Cook
I'm listening to Mike Rivero at the moment. I don't listen to him all the time, but it's a pretty good end-of-the-workday wrap up about whatever's been going on lately.
Brody Turner
Parker Lopez
>dont watch owen benjamin I don't I only really listen to Stefan Mollymeme and Red Ice TV. Also not faggot and not zoomer Boomer with 3 grown up and moved out white children. I'm only listening to this owen Benjaman thing to learn about him and his subversion.
I don't listen to ANYONE for political commentary, because political commentators are without exception, idiots. Why would anyone with three IQ digit spaces to rub together listen to some dumbass talk about things they don't really understand? It's like people who go to a gym to work out, thinking they're toughening up and getting healthy. NO you retards, you're working out in an air-conditioned safe place with padding and cold, clean water to drink. You wanna toughen up, go do special-forces grade PT out in the heat and rain and shit.
>Jarod Taylor His interviews are good, I love seeing his sound logic hit prejudiced normies. Dunno if I could deal with it daily though. Thanks for the recommendation though.
Jeremiah Foster
I don't base my opinion on the hot takes of youtubers on irrelevant faggots.
Adam Jackson
It's a fake news substitute for me. But I'll move to the woods based on your input.
Aaron Baker
>I don't base my opinion on the hot takes of youtubers on irrelevant faggots. What do you do then? Research all the news yourself then masturbate to Vagner?
Carson Robinson
>Faith Goldy Faith is okay but for some reason I find her voice annoying. She does have good things to say. JF hasn't had a single video in two months, I used to listen to him all the time. I guess he got a job maybe.
>JF hasn't had a single video in two months All that retard fucking takes time bro!
Faith Goldy is good, and it's good to see her running in politics. I saw an interview where she discussed finding based immigrants in the place where she was running which agreed with her on policies.
>Lauren Chen / Roaming Millennial. Because she's cute. Indeed she is, I remember her sounding smart too the times I've listened.
Daniel Sanchez
Yeah. He doesn't really deserve the hate, but there are other options from in and around the UK to get an overseas perspective from. I like Patrick Slattery's Monday shows with that Collet guy for a QRD, and PJ Bardon's show makes for good background noise if I'm up late on a Saturday night.
Elijah Rivera
Jordan Peterson
Josiah Foster
Mufti Menk
Nathan Turner
Yeah, she's pretty cool. Doesn't come off like a meme as some do.
Liam Brown
Clean your room and wash your penis. What ever you do don't ever make friends and combine resources. OH And fuck white identity.
>he refuses to name the jew? It's definitely not his strong suit. But a lot of the people who do name the Jew are fucking morons.
This article shows why the Jew's are hated in the west. But in Asia it's the coastal Chinese who are hated.
middleman minorities is what the author calls them. And people around the world hate middleman minorities and call them parasites. hoover.org/research/anti-semitism-generic
That meme is so gay, I don't think I can look at Rogan the same ever again, even though I know its a shop.
Robert Gomez
>fuck white identity When I hear him talk about white identity it's more like liberals you probably don't understand what will happen if you keep playing this game.
But definitely wash your penis.
Jaxon Hill
That is a hilarious image collection of Joe Rogan haha
Ecelebs who've turned on the Jews are low hanging fruit and obvious fodder for this shit.
Hunter Sanders
With your background with these Hoover Institute type people, can you recommend anybody who has the vast historical background and elaborate mind of Webster Tarpley who hasn't sunk into Trump Derangement Syndrome and rattling on about communism?
Dominic Ward
You will call me a goy but Tim Pool and Ben shapiro
Jackson Hughes
>Come to Jow Forums of course Yeah but Jow Forums involves reading!
Owen Sanders
>Mufti Menk Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe? is this guy a lol cow? Or does he seriously have a good take?
Henry Jackson
>Ecelebs who've turned on the Jews I think Porslain's more of a fascist. He's got an interview with Sam Hyde on there.
Jaxson Bennett
Lol, why? What is the point of listening to that weak ass shit?
The only one I have found worth watching is alternative hypothesis aka peoples veto.
Otherwise there is no point. Just more people talking about the "esss jayyy dubble yeewwwws" and more instances of insanity that doesnt really serve a purpose for me.
The only livestreams I regularly watch are Matt Christiansen and Blonde, Nick Fuentes, Ramzpaul, and Mark Collett. Most everybody else in those circles I occasionally listen to.
>listening If people are talking about something read a primary source or watch a video of it happening, nothing’s gayer than having leaning on every word some other dude says, afraid to go to the source and think for yourself
>the vast historical background and elaborate mind of Webster Tarpley who hasn't sunk into Trump Derangement Syndrome and rattling on about communism?
Tarpley's good value, I should listen to him again. On the left it's tough. I've listened to some of the progressive's when they finally got redpilled with Epstien's "suicide". But they don't have the history like Tarpley, which makes them shallow.
I remember I liked this book discussion Chris Hedges, "America: The Farewell Tour" youtu.be/GeE5WnTUsF8 But I haven't gone deep with him.
If you like history the best center right is this guy. armstrongeconomics.com/blog/ Trump, AOC, Brexit, Catalonia wanting to leave Spain. All of that is a global trend of people vs the government elites. He's got a computer model that makes financial and political predictions based on 6000 years of data. It's predicting the break up of the US around 2032. It predicted a political outsider or 3rd party would win the 2016 election before Trump even announced! armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/224-collapsing-wave-structure-point-to-breakup-of-usa/
Hedges is alright, but not really enough to want to keep up with. I rely on my left-leaning friends to suggest the occasional lecture or whatever that is particularly interesting. I'll have a look at the armstrong guy, but maybe what I should do is try to pump my lefty friends for a weekly best-of pick or something. I like to try to keep up with different viewpoints as long as they are well-constructed.
Henry Lewis
>Otherwise there is no point. Just more people talking about the "esss jayyy dubble yeewwwws" Jolly Heretic is pretty good if you can endure his autistic humor.
It is more science than politics, but I think that is equally or more important.
Fuck him. After he had a video apologetic toward circumcision and his general arrogance, boomer attitude, and constant insistence towards religiosity, namely Christendom, I can't stomach his trash.
Blake Ross
Opinions on Revenge of the Cis? I think they’re funny but people calling them fat incel looking losers have a point
Jayden Robinson
>Tim Pool and Ben shapiro I remain skeptical this is a genuine post. I like Tim Pool but for me he's someone who pops up. I dont listen to Shapiro but will always love his second amendment argument with Piers Morgan.
Do you like them because one is right and one is left?
Nathaniel Murphy
Michel Collon.
I used to think there was something "more" about how the Jews acted, listening to this guy's and some other French speaking dude explain the geopolitic from the 1800's and 1900's opened my eyes to a lot of things.
Also listened a lot to my grandpa as a child (he's French and married my German grandma after the war) and what my father passed to me from his father (Italian/Greek side of WWII).
This was enough to convince me of what the fuck was wrong back then and how it spilled on today. The only part that was harder to redpill me on was the topic of women. I'm still very puzzled about this, I find it more difficult than other political topics.
Jason Hughes
>JF wut? he posts every day
Wyatt Carter
Porsalin is such a bitter weird faggot. He only attack the low hanging fruit, literally mentally ill people or absolute fools
I watch nick Fuentes daily, he's the funniest, smartest and most honest person on the internet
Sean last and people's veto are the best content wise
Faith goldy is redpilled for a woman but I don't watch women talking about politics anymore I watch TRS and strike and Mike whenever I can find it for free
Willian Luther pierce, Rockwell and Hitler speeches on bitchute to sleep
Asha logos and Robert sephr on mystical stuff, sephr is the best
Liam Bennett
My inner monologue. I don’t need identitarian grifters
Jack Hill
I'd suggest GW, but he doesn't sound like your flavor. Just names, numbers, dates, businesses, etc. He tends to be Metapolitcal.
This is mostly unrelated, but its the best scientific theory I've found in years. Why and How Consciousness Arises - Mark Solms Phd youtu.be/F7WF5gzPG1k His theory is all based on physical evidence. In my mind he's solve what Consciousness actually is. TLDR; feelings = Consciousness = analog predictions
>Opinions on Revenge of the Cis? I think they’re funny but people calling them fat incel looking losers have a point Love em, Royce is married so...fat but not incel Mersh used to work with strippers but I think you could call him a fat incel. But I judge people on the content of their character. Their good but their more street smart than academic, but no ones perfect you got any alternatives that are funny?
Ian Wright
>Now since you've mined some data show flag, fed I have to use a VPN cos in Australia ISP's ban Jow Forums. Naturally as soon as they banned it I just had to see what was so scary!
Carson Bennett
Saw George Webb do an Epstein video with another dude and he had fresh info on the Zorro ranch stuff. I'll add him to watch list.
>maybe what I should do is try to pump my lefty friends for a weekly best-of pick or something. Sounds like a plan. I just thought of mintpressnews.com Whitney Webb is libertarian but in an interview she said everyone else there is left. >I like to try to keep up with different viewpoints as long as they are well-constructed. same, this is what the youtube algo should do, promote same topic different viewpoint with content of quality.
Jaxson Morales
You know, one of the things I don't keep up with is what the LaRouche people are doing (Tarpley used to be one), but they make pretty routinely interesting guests. If I had a magic wand, I would tell some of these zoomer-era e-celebs to try getting some of those older guys on as guests instead of just sitting around and talking about dicks again for an hour. If I had to pick one think about what made Alex Jone's show great back in the day, it might be his ability to pull a wide variety of interesting guests you might not have heard of otherwise.
Josiah Ross
>Does anyone know how many jew rogan vidoes I need to down vote to make jew tube stop forcing the little manlet into my feed? 666 down votes maAaaan! Pay Owen to ask him on his stream, he'll make up some bullshit for you. 147 IQ I swear my Mom tested me! WTF is wrong with this guy. If you have time watch the intro to the Sam Robert doc. It had me laughing for weeks when I would think about it. "The missing link."
Hudson Long
Yeah I listen to them when I don’t want to think too hard. They are fun to wageslave to. They hate all the right people.
>alternative hypothesis aka peoples veto Listening to "the European revolution" it's a lot better than "can you believe those liberals!" Thanks for the recommendation. Check out this theory
Angel Long
He's not a daily commenter. I don't do politics every day. That will drive anyone crazy.
Joshua James
>LaRouche people They had a deep historical basis for their viewpoints. I found Tarpley to be the best of them though.
>If I had to pick one think about what made Alex Jone's show great back in the day, it might be his ability to pull a wide variety of interesting guests you might not have heard of otherwise. Your right that is what is missing now, he had various conflicting viewpoints on. I'm sure someone will replicate that format eventually.
I think PJW could do it, or Whitney Webb. Hopefully someone does.
until they got the police shoah they made great vids
Justin Collins
I don't want to come off like a fanboy for one particular radio channel just because that's where I kind of wound up at as a default, but there's a LaRouche guy named Harley Shlanger who really does some dynamite interviews. It's great from my standpoint because he's an American living in Germany, so it's good insight into European politics, and he's usually on about things that I wouldn't just casually find on Jow Forums or whatnot.
Sebastian James
>Harley Shlanger Yeah I like this guy, he pointed me to a large water collection project in Africa I think. Are these the best links to follow him? harley.larouchepac.com/blog NEWS NOW, With Harley Schlanger youtube.com/watch?v=HXlzD1QI32c
Camden Carter
Yeah, he says his blog is the way to do it. I'm not sure how far he wants his email address to be distributed, but he's made the offer to certain listeners that they're welcome to mention having heard them one place or another for free access to all his stuff. For me, these days, I'm more interested in just keeping tabs on things than doing real research.
Luis Gutierrez
>Who does Jow Forums listen to for political commentary? The Fuhrer
yes, seems I didn't find his new channel until I seen his FB and then new broadcast. Seems unless stay on top of the based guys they move, I honestly thought maybe he got deplatformed
The voices in my head, and they don't need donations to tell me an opinion either.
Cooper Johnson
>listening to a lesser minds opinion on politics
Just to be clear, Im not a professional 'policy maker'. Im just an Jow Forumsack who greatly values his intelligence and redpills over any silly political commentary. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony neocons blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
Nick Fuentes America first , mister metokur, Sargon of Akkad, destiny to see what the lefts perspectives are.msm to see what bullshit there trying to push
99% of political commentators are partisan shills and propagandists. If you get any of your opinions from these fucks then you're a fucking retard. Read the news from various sources yourself and form your own opinions. If you don't understand something, research it. Don't let these faggot grifters tell you what to think, when they have no fucking clue themselves.