When are we going to say we've had enough? Whites have been trained to be passive and accept our slow death into oblivion as our countries are taken over by non-europeans.
Every time even one wrong doing happens to a non-white. Riots occur. They show their unity in force by demonstrating not to mess with their integrity. We lack this unity today.
How much longer will we take this? Are we really going to just sit here, shut up, and remain silent as our race goes extinct? Are we going to just let our cities, towns, and countries... everything we built, die out and surrender it to them just because we are too afraid of being called "racists?" If we're going to die out. Die out fighting. Start rioting against the system that brought this on you. See how they like what we go through every. single. day.
What isn't a leftist psyop when it comes to getting people to take to the streets in anger without any particular goal in mind? LARPing around with tiki torches? That was obvious communist agitprop as well.
Because we need fence sitters and that means not being the aggressor. It won't be long now. Just 1 more big deal mass shooting will almost certainly elicit ZOG to do something... actionable.
Ryan Harris
>everything is a leftist psyop So. You want to sit around and do nothing? How's that been working out for us in these last 50 or so years? There's a reason why blacks and other racial minorities are respected, but not whites.
Alexander Wright
>Because we need fence sitters and that means not being the aggressor. Being the aggressors would cause the fence sitters to defect over to us. Don't you realize that being purely defensive just furthers the idea that we are collectively weak, and therefore deserve what is happening?
David Collins
Whites, as a whole, will not take action unless they think they have a moral imperative to do so. It will be very hard for the average white man to justify rioting, particularly if there is no particular egregious event that would encourage him to do so. And even still, they would likely still prefer some more orderly means of showing their dissatisfaction. #lawfulgoodthings
Well, I'm not 50 yet. Sitting around has earned me a decent living where I got to watch how my particular corner of the world operates, and allowed me to spend money and spare time on getting ready to ride out a storm and maybe help my local community if I can. I don't really find that blacks really get more respect than the deserve IRL, so maybe you're listening to too much NPR or something.
I'm not sure what the advantage would be to getting out of my chair or how that would advance the interests of my fellow white people. I guess I could go down and schedule meetings in person with politicians, but phone calls and letters I can do from my chair.
Oh, incels? I'll be sure to stay inside and watch streams and eat popcorn.
Matthew Diaz
Why attack when they are at the precipice of tripping?
Carter Hall
>Start rioting against the system that brought this on you. You first. I'll back you up once it's started - trust me bro.
Now do it, faggot.
Jackson Moore
History would beg to differ. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:White_American_riots_in_the_United_States We've been conditioned into staying silent because we were taught to respect all races equally, and not look out for the interests of our own. Essentially, we have constructed a pathological victimhood narrative for the nonwhites, while the whites are the oppressors that need to sit down, shut up, and let their cities and downs be flooded with migrants.
Anthony Hill
Why the hell do you think I posted this? You need men for a riot. You can't do it alone, otherwise it's not a riot.
Elijah Turner
Okay. Where's your sign up sheet? How are you organizing?
riots -> culture of organized resistance -> guerilla war -> total war
Cameron James
no fuck you flesh is weak
Parker Jones
>chimp this is a keyword the shills are promoting in response to calls for activism
>when ZOG oversteps its bounds. are you literally braindead? literally every aspect of society is totally and completely fucked with corruption >demographic decline of european peoples >central bank economic planning >corporate monopolies backed by government >affirmative action / diversity industry >mass surveillance >big tech media >uncontrolled immigration >judicial overreach / family courts
lurk only, never post
Dominic Gray
We're not even rioting. We have to start that in order to get to the other stages.
Cameron Flores
>whites as a whole no one thinks this is going to happen we don't need whites as a whole we literally just need a few thousand people willing to fight and ~10% of the population backing them.
this place is pretty much running on the assumption that everyone wants it to keep running. there are vulnerabilities EVERYWHERE that could grind the economy to a halt
Jacob Adams
>starts talking about his personal life fuck off boomer, you are meant to LURK quietly
Jayden Young
The only value that whites mantain, is only gained when they have money.
This. We don't need everybody, we just need enough men to commit a giant riot to make some form of statement. It'll send shockwaves throughout society.
Hunter Jenkins
Gabriel Smith
OP missed badly on his target audience in addition to having no actionable plan. I don't think this guy has what it takes to be any kind of a leader.
Anthony Jones
Riots are supposed to be spontaneous. Not planned.
Landon Davis
Most are planned. Have you ever been involved with one?
Leo Bailey
it doesn't need to be organized
we just need people to start being disruptive randomly - demonstrating in public, posting flyers, graffiti, breaking windows, etc. all the way up to assassinating officials
we need to foster a culture of resistance that anyone can participate in, even if they aren't willing to risk doing illegal things.
Kayden Robinson
I agree, we need a prototype that can make a big statement and show people that it's worth it
My intent was not to imply that whites would be unwilling to take action, even violent action if the situation demanded it. Rather, I question why you would choose the frame of a riot and the lawlessness and anarchy that it implies. Even Tarrant wore a uniform during his attack, in accordance with the laws of war. Convince someone that what they are doing is righteous and neither fear nor threat of destruction will dissuade them.
Ayden Bell
You are the poster child for a sperg who conflates Jow Forums with reality, likely due to lack of socialization. You're not 'wrong' about anything you listed there but you believe the average normie invests the time to get informed on globohomo, ZOG, ect. Most people have a non political set of interests. W/o a catalyzing event, we won't have the numbers to not just be picked off individually were we to go offensive. Anybody you don't know personally is comprised. The worst crimes imaginable have been proven and nobody cares till it disrupts their lives personally. Besides. If you really think it's time to act, then go for it. But you won't :^)
Why don't you (You) me again instead of proposing anything constructive. That's a good plan. Where do I sign up for you random chimpouts to save the white race? Do you really want to grind the economy to a halt? That's about like a general strike, right?
Julian Lee
White people are technically the seed of the serpent. We are the ones who have persecuted others, I'm just saying. Karma will find us out, if you're mad come show yourself. Here's my page. m.youtube.com/watch?v=y4rB2CBngwU
Stay mad
Benjamin Campbell
The difference is most of the darkie protests you see are stealth Good Goy darkies who pose as opponents of the system (that has paid their families welfare and other gibs for three generations; some rebellion they are going to be doing.) The way to tell if a darkie protest is authentic is if it gets very little or no media coverage. The (((MSM))) doesn't cover that which is bad for the Jewish Slave Masters.
As far as white protesting goes, you need to adjust your strategy for several gigantic problems which Good Goys won't face during a protest.
1. Your participants will be physically attacked and railroaded if they defend themselves, just like at Unite The Right 2017.
2. The (((MSM))) will misreport any violence as being the fault of the bad goy whites, no matter how innocent you act.
3. Your participants will be targeted for firing and assault by Anti Whites and the (((MSM.)))
4. All the money you and your family has used for the past 1,000 years (at least,) is controlled by Elite Jews who want whites to mix race and or die out.
5. Many white Good Goys are itching for a chance to pike a bad goy white. They expect to earn a treat from their Jewish Masters and other white Good Goys.
In the face of such a nightmare you can not afford to half ass your rebellion. Long before you do anything physical you need to convince other white bad goys to join the cause. That means use your 1st Amendment as hard as you can, but here's the catch: You have to be subtle until you wrest control of the money supply, the courts, media, cops and military from their hands. (Soooo boring, right? Too bad. You have a ton of work to do and no soldiers to fight for you. I'd start by doing some seemly tame flyer drops and gauge the reaction of your community.)
If you absolutely must be physical, remember what Sam Bowers of the White Knights Of Mississippi said of the Ku Klux Klan. "Ours is an organization that work best at night."
Jordan Moore
your glowing
Luis Cook
OP is a faggot with no vision but if he actually stars unironic white riots coloured lovers like you will probably get it worse. Just saying
Ayden Richardson
1-If you are a shill, open one of those links 1.1-Both have same content, the pastbin one is to make 100% sure you know you wont be tracked by me. 1.2-If they dont allow you to visit the link, there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it. 1.3-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one site with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before. 2-Read the entire text. 3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time. 3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text. If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
Justin Perez
How many bots are in this board goddamn.
Brayden Lee
how newRu?
Lucas Collins
Here's some fun techniques if you guys want to screw with the system. Pro Tip: They work if you are of the same race and social class as the area you are operating in. You can hide in plain sight in the daylight or you can go true stealth at night and leave surprises for Good Goys to kvetch over.
1. To avoid detection, you must blend in with your area of operation. One great way to do this is to visit the area long before you will operate in it and get to know it well. You are especially looking for obscure ways to move about and stay concealed. Pose as an exercise nut and melt some pounds off as you time yourself going from place to place. Don't be too obvious about timing yourself.
2. Don't operate in an area where you have to be seen regularly. If you do, someone will see you near the time of an action and put two and two together fast.
3. By keeping your cardio way up you will be able to out run pursuers. Your goal here is to drop red pills all over their normie spaces, not to hurt their bodies. Make pursuers come to you. Don't stop for them and don't charge them.
3. After you hit an area, lay off it for a long time. Pick a new area to operate in when you get back on the job. Be sure to case the new area before you operate in it.
4. If you do have to fight make sure you fight fiercely. Hit an opponent so hard they can't get back up without help. These people want pro whites to suffer horridly, then die. Don't show them any mercy. They won't show you any because they view you as a Christian views the Devil. (Really. They have that much hatred of whites in their hearts.)
Be cautious, be safe, be tough and have fun! If you do this right, the Good Goys will be forced to assume that everyone around them could be in on the prank. It will drive them to drinking.
Aiden Rivera
I think the real shock won't happen until a pro white slays a high level Jew or white Good Goy who is a known advocate for mass immigration. Especially if someone gets away with it, the ripples in society will be immense. The reason? Whites are about to face a time where they can no longer kid themselves about being replaced by darkies. While many Boomers won't much care in the twilight of their lives, younger generations will start to wonder why THEY are being flooded out for a bunch of violence they didn't do to a bunch of people they never met. THAT is the train wreck coming for Pax Americana in about 20 years or less.
Michael Ortiz
OP here. The fact that half of you aren't even willing to riot when a negro rapes one of us just shows that we're doomed, and the situation is irreversible. If you want to just lie down and wait, as you've been doing for the past 50 years, then by all means, accept your fates. Just know when Whites are under 20% of the population in their own countries, it'll be your fault for not making a simple statement.
Michael Gonzalez
Keep telling yourself that. They are doing better than ever.
Jace Baker
The last negro riot in my back yard was a bunch of them standing around talking about how much fun it was to block the highway while twerpy communist white college kids were trying to bullhorn them around and give them slogans to chant for the cameras. What did that accomplish? It made everybody mad about making their daily commute even worse.
Kevin Price
That's not a proper riot lmao. I'm talking about a Tulsa level riot.
Jonathan Perez
What did Tulsa accomplish? I honestly don't remember anything about it.
Jose Walker
Tulsa literally accomplished a lot. >35 city blocks burned by angry whites >Fear instilled into negros, stayed silent and knew not to mess with the whites >Many of them actually left the city, shifting the demographics
Asher Cruz
White riot is clash song off their first record, it's going to get just people saying rip Joe Strummer
Dylan Wood
You fell for the Big Bad White Devil meme, user. Whites are not killers today because they have been raised on Hedonism, Pacifism and Self Hatred for the last 3 Generations, at least. Their entire rich class is nothing but a bunch of Good Goyim who slobber over their Jewish Masters as if every Jew is the next Jesus Christ. You expecting these people to do anything other than submit to authority isn't even Glownigger Tier. It's Acting Tough At The 9th Grade Lunch Table Tier. You'd better lead the charge if you expect anyone to follow. (Pro Tip: They won't just go kill people for the same reason you won't. They will also not go after high value targets for the same reasons you won't. When is the last time YOU killed someone? Don't actually tell us if you have killed people. Think about the question. What stops you from taking the fight to the enemy again? If you are crippled, what stops you from distributing essays that call for war against white displacement?)
Justin Thomas
How is 35 city blocks burned by whites a good thing? Did the blacks go back to Africa? I don't really have problems with blacks where I live. They do their thing and I do mine, and that's about what I expect out of a genuine American experience. If there's a problem, it's the politicians, not the black people doing things that black people do.
Luis Robinson
My idea is, essentially, that we don't need to have every single white person be part of the rioting. A hundred white men, a number that small, could be a destructive force if we riot. If they're so insistent on us being "oppressors", then what the fuck are we waiting for?
Brandon Rodriguez
>1921 >well over 100 years old How's it feel to not be able to count?
Tyler Wright
>How is 35 city blocks burned by whites a good thing? Did the blacks go back to Africa? I don't really have problems with blacks where I live
It literally made the city whiter. And of course, you're still trained in that boomer mindset. Note that while we're taught to respect everybody else, nonwhites are taught to hate white people. Again though, what can I expect from somebody who's generation implemented the policies driving us to decline.
Cameron Young
I don't think people fresh out of the womb do a lot of rioting, except in the crib. What's it like to have no reasonable conception of reality?
Carter Cox
I'd be knifed in the back by my white, anti white family and I have no experience with armed combat. I've been in a few bare knuckle fights. Won some and lost some. So I teach people how to talk about their displacement and distribute literature from time to time. My method works and I'm hopeful that recent and future demographic changes will make the need for a pro white movement obvious to even the happiest Hedonist. What are you doing?
Jordan Perry
So you're saying let's all go out and engage in arson, and that's going to make somebody respect you more? I don't think that would make me respect you. I think that would make me talk about you with my friends and think about what to do about a problem case if the hired goons couldn't do their job.
Gavin Cooper
Your sign up sheet was imprinted into you by virtue of being European decent. It's your choice if you want to participate.
Leo Moore
Me? My family is extremely racist. I've had a few shares chasing negroes out of bars. Fun as shit.
You gain respect through fear. Arson is necessary.
Gabriel Cook
rioting is the language of the unheard, leaf
Logan Richardson
I think a big problem with our thinking in general is the fantasy of the day of the rope... we have this idea that we're going to go from no resistance... to more years of no resistance... to more years of no resistance, and then all of a sudden BAM! we all act together out of nowhere and kill our enemies. I don't see that happening. People need to act as individuals, and do very little things that are a thorn in the side to authorities. I'm talking things as small as just spamming your town with stickers/flyers. They don't even have to be promoting white nationalism, it could just be Mark Passio's stuff. People need to see in their real lives that there are individuals who are upset with the status quo, and are at least willing to make some kind of small stink about it in the real world instead of just crying on the internet.
We are not going to win in some sort of epic movie battle. We have to actually
Josiah Watson
Well yes. The rioting isn't the day of the rope, it's a riot. We have to start small.
Brody Hernandez
rioting is what leftists do
Logan James
And it's working.
Angel Hill
>arson is necessary I wonder what the statute of limitations is on that. I don't think I would want to go around advocating for arson and looking for a lot of sane people to get behind you.
>Tiki torches What kind of idiot do you take me for. Absolutely not. Gasoline should do the trick. And unlike charlottesville, don't march in formation, screeching slogans while doing absolutely nothing. Cause chaos instead.
Cameron Brooks
>one time The absolute state of leafs.
Carter Fisher
You literally don't even produce an argument and consistently come with D&C tactics
Carter Phillips
Yeah, if you want to be a 12 year old on halloween wondering how you could cop some beer without your dad noticing. I'm not saying I've been involved with arson, but I might know running into the streets with a bic lighter isn't going to do anything for the problems that white people face.
Wyatt Scott
We are victims. Go to Sweden. We have enough faggots here
Dominic Butler
>gasoline should So you've never tried it? I wouldn't be the one letting you near my gasoline.
Cameron Hughes
muh unheard American huwhites Shouldn't have handed all the power to right wing billionaires just because they told you they'd keep it out of the hands of women and niggers.
Luke Martin
We never said going to literally start fires rather they are ironically "part and parcel" with riots..
Liam Green
I have. lol.
Noah James
>still rent free it's impressive that you amerimutts can allow the entirety of Canada to occupy your tiny heads. no wonder you have no room left for original thought.
>delusions of persecution lol imagine taking Jow Forums this seriously
>white people are the master race >white people are victims of oppesssion pick one, retard.
Maybe you didn't, but the other guy sure did call for arson. I simply don't see what that accomplishes, but apparently he feels better about setting 35 blocks on fire as long as it seems to him that the niggers learned some respect from that. I'm not sure if that counts as white.
Wyatt Cox
ignore the leaf. It craves for your attention.
Oliver Kelly
I don't agree with ruining peoples lives for the sake of rioting but having an economic impact that comes with fire and riot creates an incentive for those in power to actually take you seriously.
Austin Russell
Things are going to be burned. If you can't handle a bit of fire you probably shouldn't be in the riot.
Kayden Flores
Terrorism generally benefits the state. What do the people in power care about a bunch of white trash burning down a bunch of black trash other than that it gives them the excuse to take more power, and also to make more money rebuilding? It sounds like you don't know that all wars are banker's wars.