What is the ultimate blackpill?
What is the ultimate blackpill?
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>tfw no gf
This is hell and you're here forever.
The Big Crunch
imagine larping you've never eaten biphetamine before.
Somewhere out there in he expanse of the cold, dead vacuum of the universe, there’s a planet or an asteroid or an unfathomable cosmic horror that could wipe our planet out of existence without us ever being able to prevent it; all of the lives of every human that contributed to progress will be completely meaningless in this inevitable event.
i.e. the jew pill
>give up, goyim, roll over
w*men are the real jews and they r responsible for the downfall of the west
that you're a faggot.
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.
>w*men are the real jews
Hello, fellow white person! Cool flag!
Joe mama.
We are all destined by our genes and our environment and nothing we do is truly of our own free will but rather how culture and society fit us to be
Is dying the only way to get out of the simulation?
It's simulations all the way down, or up, or however you want to word it. When you dream you create other simulations. VR will someday allow for dreamlike simulations while awake.
no.. you come back until you succeed.. but we dont know what that actually means.
We've already lost the demographics war.
If civilisation were to collapse, there could never be a second industrial revolution. Surface level fossil fuels are in such short supply and industrial methods are required to reach deeper veins.
Within the millennia the human race will be no more, if even a mindless animalistic symblence of what a human once was.
Nuclear war is unavoidable because you didn't become the 110th country.
jsut be yourlsef
Is this the touhou thread?
How many times have you posted this?
People like you should not have the vote. Reductionist and ignorant.
Of course not, (((they))) whispered to women and fooled them.
The jews are the real jews, fuck you shmuley.
Jsut be soemone eles.
White women by in large hate white men and would like us replaced. White men have a reputation for being creepy and not having any game. There are some women who fetishize white skin however.
>implying that black people don't obsess over white males or women
This is a blackpill thread, you're doing it wrong.
satanic pedos rule the world
Our ultimate enemy is easily influenced, suicidal white people.
That your perspective of reality was once a product of your environment but now is something completely under your control. You would celebrate this epiphany if you had only realized that your perspective is now limited by your willingness to learn. You learn ultimately that everything you do in life will never amount to anything historically because everything that needs to exist already exists and life is a dull wisp upon an endless wind. There is no struggle, there is no victory. There is no pleasure, there is no pain and the best part of it all is that none of it matters.
Ultimate blackpill is knowledge
The moar you know...
Dying means you die. When I erase a file on my computer, I'm not "freeing it from the computer". I'm just erasing its existence.
Chad is fucking your future wife right now
The ultimate black pill is that tyrone will have fucked her too, by the time your future wife wife comes to you
that none of this can be fixed and western half will collapse at some point. it can't be saved. I don't want it to be personally, but it all being screwed / jewed into a western half / western world collapse alone isn't fun at all either.
damned if you do - no collapse - try to save the west.
damned if you don't - collapse - don't save the west - let it fail or speed it up.
probably this, but I'd give it 2 centuries tops.
>ywn live with your 2hu waifu in gensokyo
this truly is the ultimate black pill
>Jow Forums rules the world
Oh noes.
imagine larping his dick is still attached.
Too late for that rural retard
I should have married young, to the Italian catholic girl I dated for 5 years. Shes married now had two kids and she has remained fit and beautiful. I thought she was going to become an obese whale like her mother but I was wrong.
I taught her to lift and she obeyed and worked hard and she ate healthy like I told her, she followed my lead politically and was orgasmic. At my wishes she went to school and became a dietician. She wanted to learn massage therapy, but I told her she had more potential..
I should have married her, she would have learned massage therapy and then stayed at home and given me children and massages and stayed fit as I provided.
Instead I left town, moved to L.A and fucked literally 100's of vapid whores. I didn't figure out the jew until I came into contact with them in this town. Their programming worked via mas media and I fell into the trap.
Wish me luck brothers.
You saved a version no one can read moron.
probably chad and tyrone knowing single adult white women of today and/or 50% - 70% (upto).
getting a debt free virgin is the lottery I'm playing right now. I calculated it out and I have better odds of winning the powerball.
the odds get worse each year though.
jackpot - powerball - 1 in 292 million
jackpot - debt free virgin (white) - 1 in 591 million
2020 - 1 in 595 million.
if you want this possibility than be as healthy as possible. then you have a chance that at some point you can simulate this or something close to it.
What weird posts.
The biggest blackpill is as follows:
Niggers tongue my anus
On shitskins of peace, and muslim terrorists.
whenever this shit happens in the opposite direction, (roving bands of camel jockey savages assaulting a defenseless person to the point approaching grave bodily harm, continuing to kick people who are on the ground etc.) it gets buried. When people try to draw attention to it, it's played down, excused, or treated as a regrettable but isolated happening that's not indicative of some sort of trend. They'll even obsessively overempathize about how the host society hasn't done enough to improve the lives of the invaders and it's understandable that "disadvantaged" youths cope with their alienation by lashing out in egregiously violent ways.
Yet one scintilla of force towards the precious, innocent m*slims and it's an international scandal. Condemnations from the highest echelons of power, groan inducing tolerance vigils full of deranged shitlibs singing John Lennon meanwhile the white kid's life is in all likelihood completely ruined, and there are bloodthirsty peace practitioners chomping at the bit to harass the kid's family.
Fuck, this is extremely blackpilling. No gay flag "bants", no pretending it's any better here because it's not, all I feel is hopeless and cynical that this isn't going to just keep slowly getting worse. What can we even do at this point bros?
That none of this is real
women are retards
How am I wrong?
The patriots fall in bloody battle for the fight of hunger and want, By the manure of their corpses the nation comes to “its bloom”! The individuals have died “for the great cause of the nation,” and the nation sends some words of thanks after them and secretly sneaks it's profits
Humans are tools, ever more and after, all shaped and bred by tool makers who live by their own servatiude to mankind
Nihilism is just perpetual meditation.
Umm racist and sexist much??????
This is why women defend pitbulls
The blackest pill of all.
peak insanity
He's right you know. There's no escaping indoctrination and programing of society. I still fight it to this day.
The world is ran by elite pedophiles and they will destroy the world.
>Epstein Pedo Island/Zorro Ranch/blackmail (cover-up)
>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate
>Dan Schneider/Pedowood
>Dutroux Affair Coverup
>Ronald Bernard (Banker) Interview
>Pentagon Child Porn Servers
>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer (Red Room)
>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring
>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring
>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring
>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring
>Madeline McCann Disappearance
>Brooke Shields Child Actor
>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring
>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult
>G4S Security Human Trafficking
>Dyncorp Human Trafficking
>Dolphin Square Ring
>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking
>Jersey Island Child Killings
>Elm Guest House Ring
>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up
>Clinton Hitlist
>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking
>Joe Biden Child Groper
>McMartin Pre-schoolRing
>Presidio Military Daycare Ring
>Sunspot Observatory Child Porn FBI Op
>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking
>NXIVM Sex Cult
>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring
>Sandusky Pedo Ring
>Roman Polanski Scandal
>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring
>MJ Scandal
>Savile Scandal
>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse
>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest
>The Finders Cult
>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave
>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave
>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave
>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination
>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination
>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking
>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up
>Portugal Casa Pia Pedo Ring
>Brazil John of God Pedo Ring
>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp
>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring
>Norway Pedo Ring Bust
Nobody has ever tried to destroy the jews, that's the big kicker, only very small localized pogroms.. Kikes were always useful to kings and rulers. Tyranny and money lenders go hand in hand.
any form of nihilism that does not lead to immediate suicide is hypocritical pretense
Humanity is a failed experiment destined to perish no matter how much effort it's done to avoid it. We're only conscious enough to realize it.
they always manage to stay around though, makes you think.
The universe is repeating and we will never perish no matter how hard we try.
It's even worse.
Both are not mutually exclusive. A lot of nihilists get there for a reason. It takes quite a bit of commitment, strength and initiative to commit suicide, ironically enough. Most nihilists can;t be bothered to put pants on.
They always stick to the high rulers, because they can bend the rules. It used to be purely religious but now they control courts and media.
>in billions of years something might happen possibly
I'm being optimistic.
It saddens me, however, knowing that we might never leave this star system. That at one point we held the potential to expand past this earthly domicile and now we might not even colonize our moon.
Try 2 decades if it ends up like GitS.
Already seeing progress on that path this year with Neuralink.
>I am actually ok with this
unironically this. basically Saṃsāra
That no matter what anyone says we're not in a simulation. This is because any society advanced enough to create a society will inevitably destroy itself. Grey goo. AI. Natural disasters. Overpopulation resulting in famine and disease. Space ship accidents/space terrorists in 3011. This is it, we're nearly at the end and there's nothing we can do about it.
Just shows how little you know. You think it's deleted, but it's actually not
You are God. You took human form as an user shitposter. You were in a horrible car accident in 2012 and have been in a coma ever since. This is why everything has gone to absolute shit since then. You must wake up. The only way to do so is to kill yourself. We are all stuck in this hell, God. You must kill yourself to wake up from the coma!
True information is never truly destroyed, but it can become hard to access once it has thermally diffused into the environment.
America's schools are already under 50% white
>t. Future Educator
Allowing women to vote inevitably leads to cultural/societal decay because of their voting decisions being connected to their biological need to care for those they deem helpless. Congratulations.
t. white man with fiancé and 130 IQ
stop speaking niggerish
clinging to life is maudlin jewish sentimentality
in the final analysis, life is not worth the trouble
Yeah bro kill yourself
>What is the ultimate blackpill?
A coronal mass ejection is inevitable. If it hits where you are youre royaly fucked
Don't fall for blackpills. Identity politics are becoming mainstream. Victory within 5 years. Self improve. Support and spread alt media. Hold on. We're gonna win.
Thus, the "court jew"
either bad acid or good dmt
The failure of Brexit.
Lol keep fighting from your keyboard posting memes. You're making a huge difference.
Yes. This is called "olduvai theory" and it is absolutely creditable. The upside is that if industrialed civilization fell, a human civilization with a Middle ages level of technology could theoretically last 100,000 of years until a global natural Extinction event happened.
The extra blackpill though is that sort of sustainable "high culture" civilization won't exist. Africans will most likely inherit and dominant the Earth within the next 1000 years.
The greatest orgasm a women can have is from cheating on you with BBC.