Is Trump a dictator? All the liberals say he is

Is Trump a dictator? All the liberals say he is.

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I fucking wish he were.

If he was a dictator, people who said he was a dictator would be hanging from meat hooks.

>proposes something
>random ass judge smacks it down
nope, not a dictator.
We do live in a Kritarchy though, OP.

This. many of us believed the liberal hyperbole and are disapointed he isnt the far right guy they painted him as

liberals also think cannibalism is the answer to global warming.

I know of no other dictatorship in history where the dictator is publicly shit on all day every day by anyone who wants to.

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He's a left leaning centrist faggot, and his family is a bunch of kike trash.

if me feelings be hurt, a dictator he be

imagine larping it makes any difference one way or the other.

It's the future goy

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seriuosly. the media promised me death camps and i haven't seen shit yet.

not even kill patrols on the border. fucking liars

What has he done that is dictatorial in any fashion? Provide concrete examples that demonstrate you understand what a political dictator is.

Nazi's are disappointingly normal people who would probably treat a non-white more fairly than a leftist.

Nah I voted for him knowing exactly what he was and knowing the libtards would fight tooth and nail his entire term.
What I'm really waiting for is the libtards to be too tired to fight him for 4 more years. They've already played their entire hand and there's still another year left of his first term.

This lmao. That someone could go on national tv just to talk shit about him with no fear of being dragged away to their death is all the argument one needs

I know what a dictator is. I don't think Trump is a dictator. I just want to know if, based on what liberals are saying, he counts as one on any technicality that I may not be aware of.

>not even kill patrols on the border.
I mean you say that but Trump keeps saying they're "taking out" criminals and it's implied that he means deporting but the tone of his voice says ICE is stacking bodies.

He is Israels greatest goy

I wish... imagine America not being hindered by Congress!

I wish he was, I want to be a stormtrooper

I would prefer him as dictator so he can be in power long beyond 2024.

You need absolute authority to be a dictator. Trump is just a populist president. As usual, the dumbass leftists are being all alarmist about things not being their way.

Some are too stupid, some will grasp...
"Trump was the only one that helped..." Bradley Edwards
500 Rape Victims, AVENGED! Many Children... Time stamp 5:00

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Nope, judicial and legislative branches are still doing their thing.
God forbid the plebs realize that the executive branch is only 1/3rd of the government and Trump isn't responsible for every bad thing that happens.

The way liberals twist definitions you really shouldn't give anything they say any weight.
What they consider a dictator today could be a true leader of freedom tomorrow.