>tuck vs deblasshole fuck I gotta make some popcorn
Carson Morales
「I love Trump and I hate gun control」 Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this: amp.usatoday.com/amp/1916451001
Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be. Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea.
The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE. But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base.
At this very moment US Congressmen and Senators are discussing the 2nd Amendment. It is up to "We," the American People to help them make the right choice in preserving our right to bear arms. Contact your Congressmen. Write them letters, Email, and Phone. >contactingcongress.org/ Contact your Senators. Write them letters, Email, and Phone. >senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm Contact President Trump. Write him letters, Email, and Phone. >whitehouse.gov/contact/ >1 - 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 1 1 1 1 These organizations have many contacts in Washington and can also help your message be heard. Email, Write In, and Call GOA, Gun Owners of America >gunowners.org/ NRA, National Rifle Association >home.nra.org/ Of particular importance in this Debate are the leaders of the Senate. Mitch McConnell Leader of the Senate >mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform Chuck” Schumer Democratic leader in the Senate >schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck Finally, the top House members. >house.gov/leadership
Pretty sure Eric, Ivanka and Kushner will try and run for office. Ivanka probably be the only one who can pull it off. They certainly wont win in New York and Florida would be a tough sell. Any other state they would look like carpetbaggers.
Though I admit theres a certain appeal in one or Trumps kids stealing little marcos Senate seat.
Jaxson Torres
This is important: why does Boris have a mouse and keyboard from a Bondi Blue iMac G3 (circa 2003) on his desk?
>deblasio keeps repeating the same old "immigrants need to work our farms" meme I spent two years on a dutch farm as a youngster, it was all whites and we lived on the farm, we do not need spics to pick our cabbage
I hope she wakes up after a couple more years, realizes how she's been used for ideological purposes to promote unnecessary austerity in the place of scientific progress and the advancement of western civilization, gets married, and has a fuckton of rightwing babies.
Why would newswire be posting old photos from 2003? Is it steganography season or something?
Cameron Wright
>A Chinese computer science professor named Bo Mao is facing wire fraud charges after he was arrested last month by US authorities.
>The document formally charging Mao in Brooklyn federal court charges that he conspired to "defraud a company headquartered in the Northern District of California." Other court filings, including a criminal complaint filed in a Texas federal court last month, help fill in the details. As Reuters first reported, Mao is accused of stealing trade secrets from a startup called CNEX Labs on behalf of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.
>The prosecution is the latest effort by the Trump administration to punish Huawei for alleged industrial espionage. In January, the US government indicted Huawei after employees attempted to steal proprietary information about a T-Mobile robot used to test mobile phones. >Mao is a professor at Xiamen University in China, but he is also listed as a research associate or postdoc on the website of Hong Jiang, a professor at the University of Texas - Arlington.
>In an August complaint filed in a Texas federal court, an FBI agent charges that Mao worked with "Professor 1" at a "Texas University" to obtain device samples from a "victim company." The complaint notes that "Company 1" made a $100,000 gift to "the Texas University" to allow "Professor 1" to study "Enforcing Xth Percentile Latency and Throughput SLOs under Consolidated Datacenter Resources."
>Hong Jiang lists a research project with that exact title on his university home page, with Futurewei—a subsidiary of Huawei—listed as the sponsor.
Pace of border wall construction doubled, work on private land begins by Paul Bedard | September 09, 2019 01:04 PM >Compared to the last wall building effort in 2006 under President George W. Bush, when it took two years to start digging on approved projects. the Trump administration has cut that to 9-11 months, said a senior administration official. And once the $3.6 billion in money redirected from the Pentagon lands in the hands of border officials, they expect the construction of. >2-3 miles a week will surge. They pushed back at critics who have suggested that the administration wasn’t building anything new. The officials said that the U.S. Border Patrol’s priority has first been to replace useless walls in key areas, mostly on federal land, where there is a high probability of illegal crossings. Trump’s team has focused on those areas, installing a new “border system” that includes the high wall, lighting, special technology to identify crossing attempts, and an access road. >In addition to replacing the old wall, the administration has identified a new project for 100 extra miles in the Rio Grande Valley, where illegal crossings are heavy. Those extra miles will begin soon now that the administration has started to buy private land.
The Trump administrations DOJ is charging a Texas man with the possession of a bump stock with up to "Dhingra is facing up to 10 years in jail and a $250,000 fine if convicted.". Trump has been worse president for the Second Amendment than Barack Obama. Obama would have been roasted alive if he had said or done the things Trump and his cancerous fellow Republicans are currently doing
>Uncle Lou reminding us Parscale is a mental fucking midget
Most of us have known that from the first fucking time we saw his faggoty Texan ass and heard the shit pouring out of his mouth, but thanks for the reminder anyway, Uncle Lou
No no no.... trump is okay. He's the perfect good goy. He also has a college degree from a 4 year university so he's actually not terrible. Only trumpniggers with associates degrees should be put in fema camps
Chinese spies in US academia are a bigger problem than mist realize.
Lucas Roberts
American (((agribusiness))) doesn't want to pay living wages.
Hudson Gonzalez
Instead of being gay on guns. Please get rid of the Obama and Bush holdovers. By any means necessary and asap. Also finish the damn wall and wreck Democrats power bases.
Autism is real, user. Any photo posted to Jow Forums gets scrutinized by a thousand autistic eyes looking at electrical outlets (can tell you the continent), electronics, wallpaper patterns, etc.
(FILES) In this file photo taken on September 25, 2003 TO GO WITH STORY: LIFESTYLE-BRITAIN-MEDIA. The editor of The Spectator magazine, Boris Johnson, sits in his London office reading the anniversary issue of The Spectator marking 175 years of publication.
Has any actual polling of the public been done about all this? I assume boris asks for an election because he knows he will win. And the opposition refuses because theyll get wrecked.
Boris should just run out the clock and dare them to arrest him. What would the charge even be?
Jason Kelly
Is Johnson good for Brexit? Is he going to pull it off?
Juan Robinson
> Spectator shilling Boris shilling the Spectator I actually like Boris as a person, but I'm very disappointed in his lack of progress on a clean Brexit.
Thomas Powell
Boomer Lou can't accept the fact that American democracy has failed
It begs the question.. what does he do after he does bow out?
Parker Phillips
Yes, because the democracy of the EU demands their sovereign right to keep the UK as a whipping boy/money laundering pit overruled their sovereign right to tell them to fuck off. That's what happens when there's not a gun behind ever blade of grass
Christian Ward
they just lit the flaming crosses
Henry Nelson
It's over.
Blake Morales
>The prosecution is the latest effort by the Trump administration to punish Huawei for alleged industrial espionage Trump's finally using his executive powers to prosecute the guilty. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.
Jeremiah Anderson
Even though its mostly desert, it is beautiful place.
Be forever known as 'that guy who once made Ted Cruz have to campaign for real but ultimately got his ass beat.' Or just be a lobbyist shill like most former congressmen.
Jackson Flores
>he wasn't first to awoo during the rally How embarrassing.