I might be voting for Yang

His ideas make a lot of sense and I think hes right.

Attached: andrewyang.jpg (440x293, 22K)

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I might be shaving my head with a cheese grater for all the same reasons.

He isn't going to win so don't waste your time.

You will vote for Biden like the good slave you are. No free money for you.

Why do liberals think that money is created out of thin air and falls on the undeserving like rain on the ground?

For you to receive anything, someone else has to have that thing taken away. Socialism doesn't put you on the receiving end, it puts you on the hook, on the giving end, without your consent, while selling you on the lie that you'll receive.

Get a brain morans.

Attached: how_socialism_and_capitalism_really_work.jpg (1044x1077, 198K)

>Why do liberals think that money is created out of thin air
it is, idiot.

none of the last 4 presidents have given me $1,000 a month.

maybe yang will be different. I figure yang is lying like most politicians do though. It will be $5,000 a month instead since he has charisma and charm. he wouldn't lie about that kind of stuff like the last 4 presidents alone lying about stuff.

FAKE Jow Forums








Attached: Yangley2020.png (474x476, 255K)

15 to 3% nationally in less than a month is huge, man. His Twitter growth is 10x Warren, Biden and Sanders. With the Elon Musk endorsement, etc, he's goin' places. Even Obama is pushing his ideas to people and Trump supporters are leaving Trump en masse to go to Yang

be wary, friend, be wary

Attached: phxhqc383ij31.jpg (960x860, 102K)


Attached: trump potato3.jpg (802x926, 198K)

Why do you think anyone cares about your bad decisions op?

He's not going to be the candidate anyways you fucking retard.

>this is like, a totally organic post goy- uh guys

Attached: npc cnn.webm (640x330, 2.34M)

No woman will over vote for this short and hideous crybaby chink

Money represents scarce goods and labour
Printing more money doesn't mean there are more factories capable of producing goods, or electricians doctors and so on

He's just pandering to NEETs and commies
First chance he gets, he'll sell America to the fucking Republic of China

Attached: YangGang.jpg (1034x1160, 230K)

Your graph is dumb. while correct that both parties gain more currency through capitalism, the value of said currency is decreased because more of it is in circulation.

Incredibly low IQ post

What ideas? I don’t expect you to respond because you are likely a bot. I just haven’t heard one positive thing from.

>Printing more money doesn't mean there are more factories capable of producing good
I didn't suggest that.

Trump & Yang meeting
pic related

Attached: 223be962ff75723d2b806bc8313eca54f3fc83197e20ccc2f0d5e92d262adf1b.png (540x282, 243K)

>Jews would shill for the only canidate whom acknowledges White people exists and wants to give them $1000 a month

Attached: 1552264923655.jpg (744x746, 91K)

Fucking based!

Attached: 1552811059770.gif (500x280, 273K)

If you make money out of thin air, you're going to have inflation, because there's not actually more goods being produced or services being rendered

>and wants to steal from them and dole it out as they see fit, some of which they might get unless they wrongthink :^)
ftfy, kike

You're accusing the enemy of that which you are guilty of. True /pol knows what's up.

Attached: EA3H6LGX4AACg2B.jpg (480x960, 100K)

agreed. the slick shoes helped a lot when the bad guys showed up.

Attached: Data.png (878x794, 739K)

>no arguments so I'll use a non sequitur

Not an argument isn't an argument.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 39K)

>you didn't have an argument for my non argument

What are his views/policies?

All i've seen of him is when he cried like a bitch

Does he want to legalize prostitution?

Attached: index.png (738x1078, 1.47M)

no shit.
And that's how it's made.

>What are his views/policies?
His only thing is trying to bribe you with your own money, business as usual
He's also anti gun and pro open borders...

His most important policy is the thousand dollars a month Freedom Dividend for every American citizen above the age of 18. You can check out the rest at Yang2020.com

Andrew Yang believes in smart guns and closed borders, you liar.

Sure thing shill

Attached: Yang2020.jpg (1000x667, 289K)

>oy vey pay no attention to his other Marxist policies

>Andrew Yang believes in smart guns
So anti gun
>and closed borders
Just resorting to blatant lies now?

Kill yourself, lazy jew.

Do you really believe illegal Mexicans would want to be in the US if they can't recieve a $1000 a month while actual citizens do?

>When searching for solutions, we need to work with border security experts, immigrant advocates, and the Mexican government to provide effective, secure, humane border security.
That's jew speak for open borders

If you think they wouldn't, you're fucking retarded


You just admitted no inflation would occcur, and I've seen you Jews use that argument.
>muh rent's been raised!
Illegals would literally be fucked.
By the way, Trump's shitty "wall" is a fence and more immigration has happened under him than every other president in the history of the United States.

Attached: 571c6423b246e92eaa087f9742a719d9.jpeg.jpg (1280x721, 196K)

>You just admitted no inflation would occcur, and I've seen you Jews use that argument.
>this much projection
Jesus. I said no such thing about inflation, it would definitely happen. It may take a few years, but the market would reset so 12k/yr was the new 0.
>illegals would be fucked
lol you're so stupid. They live in squalor now, you think they'd care?
Ah, the tactic of a jew, a brainlet, or both.

>I might be voting for Yang
The only ballot he will be on is if he drops out now and runs for Dog Catcher.

How can an asian be so bad at MATH?

It makes more sense when you realize he's trying to cripple the US

Who's the filipino(?) Yang shill?

Jews with vpns

VPNs don't work on this site. Most of the addresses are blocked.

>jews wouldn't get a Jow Forums pass to shill
ok nigger

Go back to Jow Forums whore.

Are you retarded? The VAT Yang proposes would require you to spend $10,000 a month on luxury goods to lose out after the $1000 a month.

You tell me where in rural WHITE America the average man spends a quarter of that on superfluous things?

Yang is literally the white man's candidate disguised as a brown person in order to work for "everyone".

Trump is a multi-generational Israeli sellout.

The VAT is only a problem for money laundering, sex trafficking, drug dealing, illegal faggotz

Attached: 1552947805524.jpg (858x952, 147K)

Secure border security is jew speak. For Israel's borders. It's a breath of fresh air after Trump deported fewer people than even Obama.

Game over for whiny Ping Pong Yang. 2.8%?

Attached: PingPong.jpg (639x480, 160K)

Attached: yang dmz.jpg (1200x630, 168K)

>You tell me where in rural WHITE America the average man spends a quarter of that on superfluous things?
No I'm telling you that being dependent on the government to keep you afloat, which they'll yank as soon as you tweet about immigrants committing crime is a retarded idea.


Attached: 1552002719672.png (750x500, 475K)

>the freedom dividend is printed out of thin air
Low IQ incel detected

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Low energy

>kike trump tards at it again

reverse your sage:


Kek. I think that one was supposed to be a pro-Yang graphic.

Attached: yangoloids.png (651x624, 103K)

Literally who?