She’s right, you know

She’s right, you know

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i hate jews so much

There werent any camps in Germany, heeb.

She whut?
Her family is a concentration camp? Can she not engrish?

Everyone survived the Holocaust, how to prove yourself wrong as a Jew.

I have the soap to prove it you fucking moron!

based and lampshade pilled

Isn't it strange how you've never once heard of a non-Jewish survivor of any of these camps?

Heh! Imagine that! Those Germans, so incredibly efficient at killing all the gays and gypsies that not a single solitary one escaped to tell tales! But Grandma Shekelberg survived six trips to the gas chamber! Heh! Isn't that just wacky?

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My concentration camp sense is tingling

Even shadows are trying to warn us

Don't you just love it how your family are concentration camps?

I guess the Jews were allowed to leave the concentration camps if they wanted to?

Because when we lock the foreigners up, we give them an option to go back where they came from.

wtf is she sperging about?
because Im 6000000% sure it's not border detention centers

Jews made them up so they would be

>the jewish world congress wouldn't lie to jews

the thing i find absolutely fascinating is she 100% believes that the fact she has jewish family is all anyone needs as proof that 6 millions were gassed by zyklonB and cremated.

jews are so stupid. everyone thinks they are smart, but they're not. They just get away with everything, like saying dumb shit like this.

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I know you wish the holocaust happens, we all do. The idea of having a mass amount of dead jews brings a smile to our faces. We just have to come to terms that it didn't happen but we shouldn't let that bring us down to the dream that it could happen some day. Maybe even exceed that fake 6 million number to. One can only dream huh?