>king white-trash Azzmador is supposedly on the run, but is still able to do podcasts >the kike weev admits to being a kike >the stormer was registered to another kike's address in Jew York >recieves mysterious bitcoin donations from someone with 25 million in bitcoins >tries to turn the white nationalist movement into a pro-incel and mass shooter organization >had kike joshua goldberg writing for his site
when jews can't win an argument, they attack your character
Defeat Anglin's argument first, you dirty kike
Ryder Harris
Everybody knows TDS is run by Jews you moron.
David Johnson
trump failed on the border/immigration the window for white nationalism has expired these are rats on a sinking ship
Be a progressive. Take the gibs.
Nolan Nguyen
>argue against jews >"hurrr, they are actually all jews, reeeee"
Alexander Jackson
I don't know much about him but I've never trusted him. Something just seems off about him to me. Sorry to his fans but he seems shady.
Ryder Wright
kind of old news, didn't know about the bitcoin bump
Samuel Diaz
Is this the response to yesterday's article on the stormer about Mike being complicit with Jayoh being a tranny-loving federal informant?
Angel Nguyen
Hot take: both daily stormer and TRS are controlled by jewish agitators from the top. They are now setting up their minions against one another to put he final nail in the coffin of the low IQ white nationalist community
There are now dozens of posts stirring shit up between DS and TRS on here. Sure doesnt seem like a coordinated effort, hmmmmm.
Jack Morris
Stop participating in the infighting. Everyone knows what Anglin and Weev are. If Enoch can keep his composure after these accusations so can you. Revolutionary discipline god dammit.
Austin Wright
His attack on TRS is disappointing. I've generally been supportive of Anglin but his accusation toward TRS is shit based off a ancap fanfic story told on a podcast 8 years ago by Jayoh. Nobody believes it is was real. Nobody believes it wasn't just a story and only retards would believe Anglin assertions given his reputation. He's drawing conclusions without the evidence to back it up.
He's done some good but definitely has some personal issues. For as much as he talks white men becoming men again he cuts the figure of a gossipy histrionic woman when he doesn't get his way. You know who else likes to gossip, rally and shame their enemies? Jews
Elijah King
anglin is confirmed glownigger. be careful, and stay safe. dont let random internet fags get you to agree with their extreme content because theyre trying to ensare random fags to agree with them when they are the ones spreading propaganda
Also - why does it come out now that they’ve severed ties? If anglin and company are so legit and really helping us why wouldn’t they expose this treachery immediately?
Ayden Walker
not surprised at all. the content of the site is cartoonish and over the top. it reads like a parody rather than a sincere operation.
Brayden Howard
Easton Morales
Hunter you are a fat lard ass piece of shit, nobody takes you seriously.
I'm sure both DS associates and TRS pool parties are lousy with glowniggers of one form or another. But frankly all I do is listen to their podcasts and read their articles occasionally. I don't really give a shit what Jayoh did, LARP or not, back in the day. If I was a paywallcuck giving money to these dudes or had doxed myself to one of their acolytes, I would be more concerned. But personally it's all background noise unless it takes front and center in the content. Maybe it's short-sighted of me but I just don't give a shit about these "personalities" and racist e-celebs. I sure as hell don't want to associate with them in any way these days
Chase Allen
you dont get it. he didnt do this on just one podcast. i found message board posts from a year before that podcast of him saying the same shit
Logan Foster
>Ancap larping and fanfic means your a fed Nobody believes this. Retard ancaps were a thing back then. Not all ancaps live like John McAfee but they all like to pretend they do
Blake Bennett
Like I said you dont get it. I didnt say anything about him being a fed thats not the point. non issue, i dont care.
Why did he lie about going to harvard over the course of at least a year? how long was he "just larping" how long did he put on an entire fake persona? is he still doing it?
Logan Perez
Thanks For Reminding me. Gonna Visit daylystormer.name right now. Gonna listen to this: Thomas Bergersen - Creation of Earth (Sun) While im at it =) Kiss My White Ass Niggers kikes and Hajees
Never been to any of those sites but when zombies start bringing of stormfags you know they are assblasted and seething through multiple dimensions.
Aiden Lee
>"specific threat" >I forgot what it was Utter faggotry. I was there when it happened. Asshole Jew Ramzpaul tagged Andrew Torba and the FBI on Twitter and called weev out for posting about McVeigh. Torba, being the chickenshit he is, banhammered weev. No specific threat was made.
Ian Jones
Who gives a shit as long as you aren't a sheep-headed follower? Do you like the content? If so, read it, if not, don't. No publication can or should get everything right and match your worldview exactly, and no one's points should be dismissed out of hand because of who they are.