If you’re Canadian, why not just kill yourself?

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>I just got btfo by a leaf in another thread
>the post

Kek. You mean 'rake yourself'?

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>If you’re Canadian, why not just kill yourself?
this, fuck leafniggers lol


leafags on suicide watch

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now thats a 3rd degree greece burn

>Canadians are the best shit posters and on and off the internet, please engage your fat brain cells in some actually thoughtful questions.

because we live to hate americans

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why did you greentext that? kill yourself you cuck faggot


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I just can't take the bantz anymore. I know that Jow Forums isn't helping my mental health and my psychiatrist suggests I avoid it but it's an addiction I just can't shake, like porn. OP makes a good point.

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>still thinking it was the Canadians and not the British who burned the white house in 2019
Only a leaf could still use that cope

I would

FPBP you can sense the seething rage from the muttslut

>Americans are so dumb it's hilarious


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Because my free healthcare will keep me alive muttburger.

True Canadians are either British or French.
You fucking retarded MUTT.
I know you're eating your 4th double big mac right now.

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Do you want me to send the BVLLs??
Sit your 5-dollar asses down before I make change.

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I didn't fucking vote for this butt pirate is why

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They will probably sink in your ONE submarine

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They're totally screwed. 10% of our population but the same amount of immigrants per year.

wow you have internet.

>that pic
Imagine having Washington nag and dictate to you how much you should spend on something.
God damn it feels good living in the only country with BALLS.

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Canadians outside of those big city Marxist rat nests are absolute bros.
Do well to remember that nigger.

>ONE submarine
Should be plenty to make the leaf capitulate.

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Best post ive seen in a year. Canadians are the worst whites.
"Sorry" "Sorry" "Sorry" "Sorry" "Sorry"

I will never forget this burn

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>Hold on let me look what flag that is. Oh, some Balkan shit hole? Carry on


Thanks Ameribro

Our vassal Russia will provide transport, this is not a problem. I'd be preparing for the storm if I were you maggot.
Pic related is what I'm gonna do to leafs once I'm unleashed upon your lands.

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Great now I have to goto the hospital and get my feelings checked, for free.

We will call UK, Australia and New Zealand.
America will probably help aswell. You


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Absolutely BTFO by an Indian state minister. Cuckdeau wanted to meet him on his tour of India and after that but he refused.

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Oooh I'm scared.
>what I'll do to your bitch allies

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ive never even heard of your country

You will, though, and you'll remember the name of the Serb BVLL.

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seething serv

>the serb is a (you)ing diddler
colour me surprised. hundreds of years of turks and mongols assraping your kids does this

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lmao americans are so fucking stupid

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Thats about all you've got. Good thing it's your favourite meal.

When civil war comes and the power goes out. Gaia, not men will decide who survives January in this frozen wasteland.

When the Serb sees his enemy waiting

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“Canadian pride” doesn’t exist.

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1. That's a Croat bitch boy who couldn't do the time.
2. Pic related, cuck.

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>And you stay away from me and my wife's biracial son, got it!?

The leafs will be easy pickings for the Serb BVLL.
What sort of resistance can we expect from the people who view webm related as a leader?
You are weak. It's time to be culled by a more powerful people. Your lands are wasted on the leafs.

Attached: the absolute state of leafs.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

If you kill yourself, you win.

its illegal

This is pinnacle leaf right here.

Afraid of life.
Afraid of death.
God what a fucking waste of space.

Ahahahah why the fuck the Canadian pm is larping as pajeet?

He'd rather be anything than be a leaf. You have to understand it's not easy for him.

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>getting baited by a leaf
the intelligence of a mutt

>not posting the original
it's very strange that a serb is sucking american dick

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Everyday I remain unraked, Your burger ass get grilled. That alone is all the reason I need to not kill my self. Fuck Mutts

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I'm not, it's just that leafs are a joke.

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Why didn’t you offer rebuttal?

you live in a third world ccountry lmao your next door neighbour is fucking albania

Jokes on you, I am a superior European living in Canada

I'm pretty much the only white bloke here desu

So what? That doesn't uncuck your ""nation"" and unshit your multicultural future kek.

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Although I have to appreciate the fact that you view Kosovo as Serbia.
That is indeed based

>2019 when Eastern Europe gets the shoop shops

china is the dumb one here, if they really want to play the U.S. they should become great business partners with Canada as a hedge and long term as a wedge

I'm honestly surprised that your stolen donkey powered refurbished soviet computer is able to access Jow Forums

>rebutting a troll

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Shut up dirty Brit!

Hey serb shit want to come to Canada as a refugee? Oh wait lmao we only take African niggers not EU niggers

Every "Proud Canadian" I have ever met has been a hapa, no exception. I live in a nearly all white part as well all the white people are either indifferent, secessionist, or planning to move to the states. For some reason 2nd generation Asians and hapas just love Canada.

lol I'm running a 1,300-euro PC you fucking cuck. New Ryzen, 16 gigs DDR4 and everything. Two monitors.
Suck on that leaf.
No I'm good. But yes, you do.

Attached: leafs btfo.png (627x800, 334K)

Bow to your master, paki

>lol I'm running a 1,300-euro PC you fucking cuck. New Ryzen, 16 gigs DDR4 and everything. Two monitors.
The villagers are going to riot when they find out you spent the budget for the next 10 years on a shitposting device

"The essential Canadian soul is Chinese, liberal, socialist, and a cuck." - Mahatma Gandhi, 1743

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If I was a Sikh I would be disgusted to see this limp-wristed faggot make a mockery of my religion.

You live in a city dump then , faggot.
Enjoy your dim sum and butter chicken

>muh euros
how cucked are you lel, your country doesn't even have its own currency

how brave of you to live in a "developing" country and profess your dislike for Canadians on Jow Forums. do you always cope this hard?

The Prime Minister of your country is a dyke. Your BVLL is in fact a Heifer.

Pic related, your new flag.

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can't afford a funeral

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Psychiatrists r gay just ask your spirit what's wrong.
>inb4 Sodoku
No harm no foul

I mean there's the homosexuals as well they like Canada but they aren't really people, don't know what you mean by city dump. Are you calling me a urbanite or a ruralite?

Because I'm not a tranny

Average IQ of Serbia: 90
Average IQ of Canada: 99
That's with muddy foreigners too.

>Be Canadian
>Speak French
Nice ID

Back then we were one and the same. Not so much now. Same goes for USA honestly, only you backstabbing cunts betrayed us after we protected you. And you used the same people we protected you from to overthrow us, lol

I only said that so that I could help you get a better idea of how much it cost. Serbia has had coin money centuries before your continent was even discovered by civilized man, Jeez. Of course we have a fucking currency.
Serbs don't vote for PMs. They are installed.
You don't seem to understand, you replacable, Western, corporate cattle.
I work over the Internet for Americans, for what would be considered shit money in Canada or the US. I undercut the shit out of you, then I spend that money in my comfy motherland and go on about my business. I own you. And one day when I feel like taking a little leisurely stroll, I'll just go spend a few days in the sun to get a tan and then apply for asylum in Canada. Get me some of those leaf gibs while copulating with your women nahamsayin?

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>be american
>put spanish on your packaging even though it isn't an official language
>cry about french

oh no, not more low IQ turk rape-baby cope! how will I ever recover?

>Serbia has had coin money centuries before your continent was even discovered by civilized man, Jeez.

How does one declare victory on pol

Canadian pride is based entirely on the psyop, "You're better than Americans". The only sense of uniting culture we've had is based on a false sense of superiority. It's so fucking gay.

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t. self hating citycuck

Canada and Trudeau as a man in high demand. And when he won, as able to get our attention." For his part, Trudeau took the orsement as a sign his party had moved from being the most popular party in Canada to the most popular in the country. After the election, as made our efforts a campaign issue. With the passage of time, is appeal has waned as voters become more tired of watching his party move closer to the Liberals in the polls every year. Trudeau has had more than his share of controversies over which he has been a victim of. His er for the middle class has come under attack from both the right and left. In June 2013, Justin Trudeau ued he would have his own economic plan to address our economic worries." That week, he revealed in an address to young people in Quebec City that he, too, was planning to create a plan to ensure all Canadians have a fair shot in life.

You're righ.canadians don't have a culture. Our last ember of flavor I'd white Powa gangs and even they wish wash with >well they're half white
We have nothing except delusion and me reir wood. You're incorrect because if you're assumed from a rural area you're probably posting on an Android with no knowledge of how to ping an IP and r gay.