How does he have a job?

Quick question. If the ZOG really is controlling both parties in some grand scheme, and (((they))) control all of media and collective narrative, how is Tucker Carlson even allowed on media?

Not only is he the least non-partisan shill on any current network, but he relentlessly attacks both the global homo, and the neo-con agendas of both parties. He’s a manifestation of everything that goes against both the war and sodomy Jew’s supposed grand conspiracy to genocide the white race.

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Fuck Tucker he already endorsed Yang

Where has he ever endorsed yang?

He doesn't need a job. This is his hobby. He's a multi-millionaire who married the Swanson Frozen Food empire. He could never work again and his grandchildren will still be disgustingly wealthy, just like every other talking head on your TV, aside from that gay nigger token on CNN. He's broke broke

He's a relief valve for white angst.
They're afraid that he'll start his own network that they can't control.
It will happen soon enough.

Tucker understands white nativism, thus why he reaches out to most americans, thus why they keep him on.

Proving my point even more. And if course this thread will probably be dead within 10 minutes because this board has turned into /x/ tier retardation and I ask a legitimate question and nobody will Answer it

God is mind control

because he is the only person on Fox with good pull among younger demographics
the median age of the Fox News viewer is 70 years-old or something like that

all of this is obviously right but still does not answer my question. I am specifically asking those who believe in the ZOG shit

Jelly because you cant even hold one?

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Though I like Tucker, he, like everyone else on TV who seems sympathetic or even supportive of whites, is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, release valve, and point of ridicule/demonization. Who in the absolute fuck do you think writes his check. Remember- "he who has the purse strings, controls the project." Or, in this case, message

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>Quick question. If the ZOG really is controlling both parties in some grand scheme, and (((they))) control all of media and collective narrative, how is Tucker Carlson even allowed on media?
Because even if he drops a dog whistle now and then he still ultimately supports racial integration and opposes white separatism.

Give me a fucking break. You’re seriously going to denounce him because he’s not in favor of your pipe dream white ethno state? Do you realize how absolutely fucking retarded your comment is? Do you really think deliberate balkanization and racial segregation is more realistic than taking a hard stance on immigration and focusing on enriching the nuclear family? I can’t believe that half this board unironically thinks a white ethno state is a realistic and long term solution.

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He's a gatekeeper you idiot. Same thing with Noam Chomsky, Webster Tarpley, Paul Jay, and Amy Goodman.

Same reason you/we are allowed to make posts. Stew on that for a sec user.

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Wait are you op with new id? Did you get on WiFi all of a sudden? Also pic related
http ://archive.4plebs. org/pol/thread/214840491/#214860959

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He’s attacking every principle that you all condemn these Jewish elitists for imposing on the Western world! He’s not a fucking gatekeeper for not publicly smearing an entire demographic of people for all of the west’s problems! You are FUCKING RETARDED

He’s literally the next popular tv host on FOX behind Hannity you brainlet. There’s a difference between allowing a containment board full of basement dwelling incels who circle jerk about “muh white ethnostate” despite fitting every characteristic of a drain on society, and a show host who broadcasts to millions every weeknight

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Yes I’m phone posting

Tucker is awesome. Shut your mouth, dumbass.

Did you even read my post you stupid nigger? Are you as reactionary and impulsive as a literal nigger to not understand I’m arguing for him?

I doubt he will be the main anchor. It would be a childless genXer most likely.

>not a fucking gatekeeper
That's exactly what gatekeepers do you fucking idiot.

Congrats you’re officially the dumbest nigger on this entire board. Your cyclical arguments aren’t providing any value to this thread or answering my question whatsoever

>Your cyclical arguments aren’t providing any value to this thread or answering my question whatsoever
I call Tucker a gatekeeper.
You literally describe what gatekeepers do.

Let me be perfectly fucking clear: if you believe, for even a fucking second, that Rupert Murdoch allows real dissent on his network, then you are a massive fucking retard.

Alex Jones - deflects from situations and events which are obviously deeply tied to Israeli and Zionist influence on the western world and blames it on the “chi-coms”

This is obvious gate keeping and deflecting very hard. THIS is true gate keeping

Tucker Carlson - attack’s every agenda that Jow Forums has blamed Zionism to be responsible for despite not openly stating the demographic or party involved.

This is NOT gatekeeping. It’s called staying on a platform to attack the principles themselves and not the demographic behind it that’s responsible for pushing it. There’s a difference.

I am NOT saying Zionism is not to blame for several things, I am simply challenging the idea that (((they))) control the media narrative and are both sides of the coin

Well you skipped my link

That’s an assumptive statement and not really based on any fact considering you aren’t attacking Tucker’s view points your attacking the man that’s giving him a platform. It’s like saying a cookie can’t really be a cookie because it came in a box labeled donuts.

Didn’t work

he names them and at the same time he never names them.
the key point is, as long as you don't say the word jew, normies will never make the connection.

HTTP :// face

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He gets ratings and serves as the token populist because he has enough pull to keep his job safe

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that's the thing, everybody knows it's the elites it's the globalists it's the illuminatis and bankers, as long as you don't say it's the jews, then you are all good.

He's subtle, something you guys aren't

kvetching about elites is typical neocon talk, there is nothing special about it.

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It doesn’t matter. As long as people are grounded in God and have a strong relationship and sense of identity with their country’s principles and values it doesn’t matter if people know the damage that’s been inflicted by certain interests groups. Do you really believe if Americans knew this supposed ZOG agenda the country would be this Eutopian society free of all its current issues? No.

Now I’m definitely not clicking on it. I’m not going to have someone else’s information do your arguing for you. Not based and 100% fag pilled. Kys kike

He is a blue bloods elite providing some controlled opposition to the mainstream plan. He has the same lulling factor as Trump. This is to prevent any meaningful reporting on the toxicity of the day.

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I saw the politicians breaking the law and I turned on Tucker and Tucker said "Look what they did, guys! They did really bad things!" and I felt better.

That is his job.

If there was ever a pedo face, this guy has it in spades.

go back

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>“Le gatekeeper!!!!”
>”confirmed for dirty Jew amirite guise xD xD!!!1!”

& voice too. yuck what a creeeep

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Awesome, so now that you guys are here and share the same opinion... can you explain to me why it’s beneficial to have a popular political pundit who speaks truth about the root causes of our countries decaying social problems when you can just put another shill in place of him to twist the narrative? Seriously, if you all really believe that lack of national identity and the degeneration and neglecting of the nuclear family is to cause for our societies problems, then why is he allowed on TV? None of it makes sense

He blamed weed and video games for mass shootings he's a faggot. Everyone on that network is a shill. They hired Donna Brazille for Christ sake.

>truth about the root causes of our countries decaying social problems
aye, but he doesn't.

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Remove the spaces next time you retard

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He’s a Kabbalist, just like Madonna
https :// www.vice. com/en_us/article/mbqvmy/why-celebrities-stopped-following-kabbalah

(Forgot pic related)

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obviously has dirt on people, his dad is a glownigger apparently.

Tucker is just a lightning rod for white resentment. i hate to use this term because only low iq schizophrenics use it and they use it quite baselessly, but he's the textbook definition of "controlled opposition"

Fucking TV Dinners

Have you not been paying attention? He’s leading people towards socialism
>muh national socialism
Still socialism you pinko faggots. Hitler was a halkike socialist Zionist. Anyone who took the holograms pill and supports Hitler still is a brain dead stormfag.

Tucker also “interviewed” at the clowns but “wasn’t offered the job” yet somehow has the highest rated prime time TV slot in the USA. Better if people listen to him than to Anderson Cooper tho, I guess

>Alex jones doesn’t blame the Jews to keep his platform!
Update the script, retard.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Alex, the dude is fucking hilarious and his early work is redpilled as fuck. He does more good than harm.
But he is still deeply allied to Israel regardless of if he is controlled directly or indirectly.

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>How does he have a job?
I have no fucking idea.
It IS sketchy as fuck.
I suspect he will either be shot taken off air waves or is controlled op;.
But no matter what
He IS aiding our cause.
He recently got my boomer dad to start questioning israel/america alliance
And for that i swear i could kiss him.

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That link “won’t work” for him either, genius.



Though seriously I think Ron Paul may have been authentic, but he was definitely used in the same way as bernie

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He's to make sure there's an outlet - focusing on the border. They clearly don't mind that. It's controlled opposition. Look at the 2006 Fence Act. That way they can trash the Constitution and quarter people in private homes in Nevada, spy via corporate shell companies, and have "mandatory gun buybacks."

>imagine being not a socialist on Jow Forums
Crazy, right?

His father is influential

>on the left tooth to start
>right is the only one missing
Are shills moving into light gore like oldfags used to keep newfags away?

holy fuck you idiots need to go start qresearch somewhere else

He is the last true Anglo-American left on TV and is definitely based and/or redpilled.

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He doesn’t name them directly and pulls massive viewership (best ratings of all shows in his time slot). Even if he was fired he could get by on his name alone.

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Man these elites really suck

He won't by the end of the year. Only reason he still has one despite the constant attacks from not only the white hating left but his own bosses is because Fox would lose tons of viewers (aka money) if he was fired. They haven't been properly primed for his firing

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Why even make this thread if you're going to reject every single response out of hand then bitch that nobody likes your thread?

Don't tell them. While it's useful for newfags to know it's an obvious indicator for others

>How does he have a job
He's the only reason people are still watching Fox News

Although if you look at them as a single monolithic entity, Jews tend to work toward the same goal of absolute Jewish supremacism, most of them especially the more powerful ones disagree with each other on which short term tactics are more effective in achieving it, hence they often seem like sabotaging each other's work. They don't even agree about the degree of supremacism they are aiming at, one of the reasons why the diaspora especially hate the concept of Israel as Jewtopia since these eurokikes discovered they liked being the invisible ruler of goyim lands instead of living in the middle of a desert with a huge bullseye painted on their backs. Israelis on the other hand hate these types for being hedonist faggots. The jewish diaspora is more similar to Anglos than you'd think.

He is a safety valve, just like to Tim Poole, Steven Crowder, and that peterstein fucker.

You know how you can tell a safety valve from a genuine person? They'll only ever give little tidbits, enough to make you feel like you're not alone, that someone with "power" thinks the same way you do.

They'll be lockstep with the other compromised shitlords when AIPAC gets caught doing dirty shit, shouting down those eveil antisemites. They'll always crow loud and clear about how we need to "come together as a nation", any time it looks like revolution is starting to stir.

Their only goal is to keep the masses sedate during this transition toward a future where gun control is absolute, and freedom of speech is well and truly dead.

Naming the Jew is a litmus test at this point, that none of the various "our guy" fuckers have ever passed.

>Restore freedom of association, by tearing down the unconstitutional civil rights era bullshit. The environment is almost where it would need to be, to spin it as protecting against tranny overreach.
>Whites now able to legally organize, and exclude non-whites from their communities.
It doesn't have to lead to balkanization, in fact it probably wouldn't. Borders being closed would be a natural outgrowth of restoring freedom of association. At that point, it's a question of which demographics subsidize their own groups breeding the most.

Throw in a century or two, and at least percentage wise, you could easily see the US returned to the 30s, without a drop of blood spilled in some ridiculous race war.

> ratings
> he does have constant trouble and is walking on thin ice
> they've already laid the groundwork to toss him out and replace him with a more globohomo friendly moderator
> he does criticise globohomo and neocons, but he doesn't (at least not too vehemently) go after Israel
If they just axe him overnight now, all the post-Q and post-2016 election boomers will take that as a sign that everything we've been saying about fox news is true, and stop watching it.


He makes profit to his company


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