Liberal nonsense:

What's the deal with Female Led Relationships?

Is that even a real thing? What do you think user

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>>Female led relationship:
>>She cheats on you and you accept it
The deal is that you'd end up being a cuck.

Female led relationship leads right off a cliff maybe.

sounds like you're speaking from experience.

FLR are a meme. It's a fetish. Women are NOT DOMINANT. You have to pay for that.

>Lets catapult women into leader ship and other major rolls
>Fails to realize that most women don't want to be in charge beyond their short sited power fantasies.
Catapulting isn't a very good method of transportation. When will they learn? How many have to literally hit the fucking wall before they figure this shit

Sure they are. Maybe 4%. You'll find them in business executive positions, maybe military... hmm... they're pretty rare aren't they

Stupid idea, doesn't work, everyone unhappy, probably your fault for buying into this idiocy.

Only if she locks my dick in a steel chastity device and fucks me with a giant strapon.

Maybe 4% LOL. Way less than that. And you better be an "Alpha Cuck" if you want one of them

never take what women tell you seriously
women may tell you "im happy leading the relationship" but deep down they are screaming and crying on the inside because it's awkward for women to lead and they either become terrible leaders by neglecting responsibility or shying away from them or they do it begrudgingly and have to deal with massive internal conflict because the first thing any women will do is ask "hey who's gonna take responsibilith cuz i dont feel like it"
women of current year are all putting up a "strong" appearance when inside they are scared shitless most of the time and dont know how to make themselves attractive for relationships (notice i said relationship, not sex, women are more than capable to make themselves attractive for sex, not the other way around)

>female led relationship
>their miserable and bored all the time

Female... led... relationship??? Those three words strung together haphazardly make no sense in my mind.

It's like "Soup Give Storm" utter word salad nonsense.

Wow fucktard, the ills of society are all my fault because I asked a fucking question on Jow Forums. Got any more insightful wisdom you'd like to share with us, oh great one?

Female Led Relationships

Is their some kind of committee that sits around and thinks of ways to destroy today's culture?

>learn to quiet down and stop making a fuss when Jamal plows your wife

Yeah, they meet every Saturday.

>Is their some kind of committee that sits around and thinks of ways to destroy today's culture?

"Your fault" meaning you, as a male, if you allow this to happen to you in a relationship.
>a fucking leaf
oh, nvm

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and they dont look veeery different from what is on that pic

I don't know how you fucking figure this is happening to me right now, all I did was ask a fucking question. Sorry if I violated your internet safespace with my simple question.

>how you fucking figure this is happening to me right now
see that response screams offense, meaning it is personal


More like Female Led Divorce

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fucking carlos everytime

If the relationship dynamic actually worked I'd jump at the chance to be a stay-at-home dad. The problem is it doesn't. A man isn't going to be satisfied in a domestic life where they face no competition and assert no dominance in the relationship and a woman isn't going to be satisfied in a relationship with a house husband where the responsibility is on her to be the primary provider. You can't suppress 200,000 years of human instinct.

Is he elbowing her in the ribs?
I assume the apron is so he doesn't get blood on him

I think he's holding the push broom handle in the crook of his elbow

OP got triggered by us identifying him as a cuck and fucked off

>being this much of a leaftard
Point out the part where I said it was specifically happening to you right now.
Or just continue suspiciously overreacting.
Your call.

Why wouldn't it be real? Feminists always want more power over everything.

>A man isn't going to be satisfied in a domestic life where they face no competition and assert no dominance i
lol most people work in the service industry. stay mad wagie

t. stay at home dad

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>female led relationships
i.e. she can cheat on you and do whatever she wants and you can't do shit. no thanks

>you can't do shit.
its called alimony and child support retard

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How's your wife's kids?

if women worthy of relationships looked like that I wouldn't mind


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So is you wife. Want me to send some pics?

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holy shit is that real

throw me a clean pair of underwear i dont want to get off the couch

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this guy gets it
op should suicide for even considering such a thing
I'm dead serious. actual suicide.

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Trash trash trash not for user

Shut the fuck up, leaf

kek. Would you say this committee’s members are...tight with their money?

No, bitches are goofy. This never works, there is a king, and there is a queen. No queen, no matter how great will never be as great as the greatest king.

All of you need more patrice oneal in your lives

Is no one really going to do something about it? Everyone looking forward to a societal collapse? Any tips in surviving it?


Suicidal for any man. The last thing a woman wants is a wife

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this one goes out to the whole thread. who's married here? who knows jack shit about anything marriage wise. pathetic. im the stated stay at home dad but a couple of jabs and you scurry away. wake up faggots

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thought so. night homos

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Nobody is a leader in a relationship unless one of the people is too pathetic to be able to live on their own. If both partners can be self sufficient, the logical conclusion is that neither has any real power over the other besides the power of persuasion. My gf and I spend money on each other and are monogamous because we love each other, and want to display that. There is no "leader."

And yes I am a fascist or similar. Fascism is a political system, or method of organizing society, not the home. Power is a tool to be exercised for the good of all people including both women and men, and domineering partners don't make people happy or progenerative of happy children.

What I do believe is that the expansion of the labor force to include women is a tool for the corporations/government rather than the common person, who would be better served by a stay at home wife (or in rare cases, husband) to clean, cook, and educate children so they don't need to go to government indoctrination camps. The abuse of this power to care for others by a domineering partner is likely to lead to problems in the relationship, and defeats the purpose of life which is to be happy and reproduce. Stressed out mothers are more likely to have miscarriages and less likely to be happy. However, the modern workforce has lead to the introduction of domineering males outside of the home life, increasing stress and decreasing happiness and fertility. So feminism is a weapon against the general population.

At the end of the day, female lead relationships are just as destructive as male lead relationships. Relationships should be about spending time with the person you love, not controlling or enslaving them.

>one of the people is too pathetic to be able to live on their own
>There is no "leader."
you should be the leader, user
your blogposting is painful to read
you need to be better than her for yourself first, and then for her
be the head of the household faggot

Not for everyone. Its takes a lot of work to train up a sub to walk in front of you with a leash on.

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Yeah ok that's great let me just put my education and relationship on hold and pull a 6 digit salary out of my asshole. Thanks for the advice, nigger. That is obviously the intended goal.


I literally do not own a house because I am going to college and only make like $20k a year... check back in 3 years or so when I have my engineering degree.

Today is kind of culture-less.

Also I am sorry for you that your gf is too pathetic to live on her own. It must suck having someone that boring around.

>pull a 6 digit salary out of my asshole
I didn't say anything about money, douchebag
what motivates you through life? a woman needs to believe in the man she loves, otherwise why would she bear his children? you're too focused on her being your equal, when she'll need someone stronger (i.e. better) to allow her to not be strong for a while
>the purpose of life which is to be happy and reproduce
the purpose of life is not to be happy, being happy is a byproduct of what you do with your life and the man you become
>Also I am sorry for you that your gf is too pathetic to live on her own. It must suck having someone that boring around.
my girlfriend lives on her own, i like my place to myself
she's not boring, but she can be childish
what's the worst thing about yours?

i dated a strong-headed ambitious independent womyn, found out not long after she was a raging liberal. the stress and headaches were unbearable.
maybe some other dope in love will be able to put up with her.

>personal attack
spotted the toastier roastie

>1st year engineering student talking shit about how he's going to be a big boy engineer and much he's going to make.
lmao, how cute.


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its all to prep aggressive nonwhite women toward pursue relationships with lonely submissive white men to hasten the end.

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Women with anger issues are not dominant.