Muh mutts muh goblins

If "race mixing" leads to genetic abominations as Jow Forums claims then how come the best Formula One driver in the world and perhaps history is mixed race?

He competes exclusively against white European men and beats them consistently, something in his mixed race genes is giving him extra muscular precision, mental judgement, visuospacial awareness and reaction speeds over the purebreds. Perhaps mixed race people are actually superior?

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that's just a beaner, retard.

what races are mixed in him? he looks like reconstructions of Tutankhamen

>Hamilton's mother, Carmen (Larbalestier), is white British, while his father, Anthony Hamilton, is black British, making him mixed-race; he self-identifies as black.

Who's the retard?

black and white

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he should just identify as spic because he practically looks like one

Michael Schumacher is mixed race ?

driving the best car helps

if you want to race mix hymie, no one cares. The point is that no great discovery in any scentific endeavor is going to ever be made by a negro. Out of billions of africans, take a guess who the best mathematician in africa is? A gook in capetown, south africa. Their IQs simply are what they are. Despite what you might wish, Wakanda is not and never will be a real place.

any asshole can be a good driver if the FIA forgives you for every singlefucking mistake. The only reason Ferrari started winning is because F1 watching users have dropped in recent months lmao

One in a million mutt in a fucking sea of extraordinary white European drivers. By your backwards shitty nigger logic, there should be thousands if not millions of extremely talented mutts roaming the earth... which there are not.

>all these fools taking the bait

>having the best car

He only compete with his teammate

The best driver of all time was Senna. Anyone can drive the computer on wheels that pass for race cars these days.

He's an example, not the rule.

He’s a nigger

I thought creating duplicate slide threads meant they got deleted but here we are.

First off what is an outlier
Secondly, fuck that bald cunt, chocolate senna I don't dislike him because he wins all the time, just that hes a complete autistic retard with no personality and spent his entire life at a kart track
Also speaking of he's also been driving karts since he was 3 and was sponsored by the time he was 7 or 8 which helps much more than skill, doors opened simply because Ron Dennis took a shine to a nigger kid one morning at a kart track and threw some money at his old man. Which is what counts most when it comes to securing an F1 seat, lower categories are filled with people just as talented without the connections or cash and the days of a driver showing his worth above all others with just his driving skill are long gone.

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There's a 95% chance this guy's car drives itself. The AI for race cars can drive so much better than humans it's insane. There wouldn't be a single track record left of AI was allowed to hold the records.

Lewis is neither of those. He's a very good driver who has been in the best car consistently through most of his career. He was never part of a midfield team, he's always had the best of everything. Before this season Mercedes enjoyed a 100hp advantage. Now we've seeing how emotionally fragile he is when everything isn't just right. He had many chances to win this weekend but couldn't make it happen.

Race has nothing to do with it, he was raised as a privileged child, on McLaren's payroll as a karter at an early age. Never had a job, has never wanted for anything a single day in his life.

To use him as an example of anything but what I've described is disingenuous. Environment is everything. Your post is stupid.

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>best Formula One driver
Maybe top 20 in history.

>oh yeah? If you claim A is where A is, the how do you explain B???

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outrunning cops is in their dna

F-1 champ is determined by the car. Great drivers are pretty much irrelevant now

>black British
lmfao, what? Blacks can't be British.

Still a mutt even by my standards, and I come from a third world shithole. Let that sink in.

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not an example, he's an exception, Ameribro

looks white to me

>Hamilton's mother, Carmen (Larbalestier), is white British, while his father, Anthony Hamilton, is black British
another racemixing whore

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The best part is, I dont think in all the years I've watched F1 I've never seen her interviewed or at a race or highlighted as his mother etc
Its almost like they don't want you to know hes half white.

Welcome to the brave new world. (((They))) won when they convinced everyone there as no American identity or ethnic group. It was a stones throw and a hop skip away from no white country exists or has an identity. They pull the same "nation of immigrants" crap in Britain that they do here, saying oh theres no such thing as british, only a blend of Anglo, Saxon, Briton, Roman, Scandi, that they used here. We have, or at least had, a cohesive genetic identity, and when they successfully broke it here, they had the experience of breaking it everywhere. No such thing as a Frenchman after all, only a Gaul, Frankish, Norse mutt

Can we just ignore he's driving for a white German manufacturer? Sure, the car has nothing to do with it

guess you guys should have tried harder

>guess you guys should have tried harder
Reveal flag, shitposter.