
Fucking Hell Bring IT Back

Attached: My Post-5.png (1200x670, 428K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Right? This place glows like a fucking lava lamp.

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So FUCKING tired of the captchas and bullshit on half chan. God damn.

Where the fuck is that Q guy? What the hell. They shut us down and we did NOTHING.... god damned fucks



Attached: JIDF Shills.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

Still not the right time.
#2's time is coming.
New eyes. LOTS of them.

What all the catches man can not even talk here without passing 12 photo casts

Explain #2's time is coming.

I miss /zoo/

What the hell is going on over there?

Attached: Ron update.png (874x564, 95K)

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2nd this.

I'm so deprived of Q, I'll take a shitty larp that writes like Q at this point.

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I just want autist back. We've been shoved underground into the bowels of hell known as silence. If I have to look at norm news one moar time I will slit my wrists (figuratively)

You can say "literally" now and not actually mean literally. At least according to MSNBC and Rachel Maddow.

Stand by pers_com_app_y
ETA 10

I should just claim to be from MSM then I can sat what the food ever I want.

ETA 10 hours days years... milliseconds :::bangs head on table in hopes of rendering self unconscious:::

I can't even really lurk here most of the time, this place is so incredibly cucked. Only other actually trustworthy Jow Forums is still pretty dead because nobody can deal with the brilliantly effective normie shield.
Never though going back to 8 regardless would be questionable but Jim seemed pretty sincere. If he was bullshitting & larping in that interview he's incredibly good at it.

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agreed. The threads here are like eating old fetid and rotting food.

News of Comey?
News of #2?
No news?
No news is........ ?
Desperate meeting?
"Who can I give you?"

you need wicked facial hair to find out

Come - not charged
McCabe - Will be charged???
Will McCabe flip?
If yes who is next on the chopping block?
Who is #1 if McCabe is #2?
Brennan???? Who is above him?


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I want the child killers and traffickers to hang. I want a DAMNED LIST. They need to make it public... we will need a public hanging.

Her name was Brook Leigh Hansen. She was 13 years old. She was innocent. She is MISSED. There are so many Brooks missing.... FUCKING HELL.

There is a reason Flynn was mentioned.
Att. clearance approved?

"You shall be judged according to your own measure?"

So he can recant his plea ...

Why not just migrate to 420chan?

FBI 0949D
FBI 0465D
FBI 0535D
FBI 0809PG

"The Office of Inspector General recommends..."

the captchas are set up to punish wrongthink, typing certain keywords will result in ultra slow captchas or a string of neverending onnes. Some threads are targetted too, too slow down discourse and disrupt the flow of information, even to discourage participation. This place is utterly compromised, completely sold out, glow niggers make up a sizeable proportion of anons, soros funded shills, shareblue etc now dominate. They closed infinity to get everyone here in this controlled sterile and compromised environment for the run up to 2020.

Attached: pupper.jpg (728x546, 82K)

FBI Recreational Policy .... >.

We need rid of these Qtards; they are destroying board hygiene with their boomer idiocy.

FUCK YOURSELF with a wire brush nigger


Attached: we have the source.png (601x859, 168K)

/qresearch/ was hard enough for them to navigate and they rarely made it to 8/pol/. The Q people on 8/pol/ were mainly Jow Forumsacks or jews.
