Catholic General /cg/-Die Hard Edition

Hello anons! Welcome to Catholic/pol/ where we talk about the importance of faith in politics and society in general. What matters most is NOT Left OR Right, But GOOD and EVIL. Abortion for example is EVIL, no exceptions.
Adultery is WRONG. Period. Homosexual activity is WRONG. Period. Embrace the true catholic faith and embrace God!

> Rosary Louis Marie de Montfort - The Secret of the Rosary_djvu.txt


>Sensus Fidelium


>(The Cathechism of St. Pius X ) : PIUS X.htm

Catholic anons come and join the discussion AVE MARIA!
So, did you go to confession this morning my fellow Catholics ? Did you do alms give and/or fast?

Also Mods Faith IS politics: It is intertwined in many countries. (See: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Poland, etc) to say otherwise is darned foolish. If Catholic threads are torn down, then tear down the Pagan threads, the Atheist threads, the Hindu threads, etc. Either remove ALL... or remove NONE. Make your choice

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Other urls found in this thread:–Constantinople_schism

Jesus was a socialist
Communism is contrary to charity, begone meme flag

checked and also correct

Based digits.

Keep on fighting the good fight.

Halp, I think I'm falling for proddie propaganda. I was reading Leviticus today and passages against familiar spirits worried me because the church says it's good to pray to the saints and your guardian angel. How do Catholics distinguish between a friendly spirit and familiar spirit?

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We pray with the saints who have eternal life in heaven, familiar spirits would be what you would typically see in myths like imps or at worst, demons. You're perfectly fine user.

Thanks very much brother, I have a feeling jannies are just butthurt at the contents compared to the pagan trash.

Should we go back to the old ways? It seems that the only thing that these demons understand is the language of voilence.

Depends really, we're supposed to act in self defense yet Aquinas speaks of natural law where unreason such as the obscene loicense laws or abortion being this prominent would justify rebellion.

Hail Woden! Don't be a kike worshiping christ cuck

Your God is literally dead, killed by a monk of all people

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Your god is a kike and you worship the jews like the degenerate scum you are.

Christ-chan or Catho-chan lewds when?

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Keep on seething

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Silly commie Jesus fed people not let them starve to death

Imagine being a Jew and hating him for knowing how to make wine.

Use any other term that's a total shill way to avoid discussion or confrontation.

>hating him for knowing how to make wine.
More like hating Him for telling kikes they're not God's chosen

Concerning most pagan LARPers aren't interested in genuine discussions I just play them off which also incidentally helps to bump the thread. When an actual discussion comes I cross the bridge when it gets there.

Catholics = Worst Christians

Concerning most Catholics they aren't intrested in genuine discussion either.

Imagine being Pilate and telling them to fuck off this was their problem to begin with and I'm going to put King of the Jews on the cross because you're all a bunch of troublesome faggots. Not even Herod wants to deal with your type.

Herod was a kike who sold his people's birthright to the Romans. If you're going to strawman or kike into discussion at least have any fucking clue what you're on about kike

After the last 2 generals where the fundies were goalpost shifting against apologetics it's just all so tiring

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Sounds like a case of kikes turning against kikes. Pilate was right fucked, whether or not he tried to do the right thing.

There's a reason why we blame the Jews and not him

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He had Jesus brutally tortured and then crucified, but at least he made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with it. Maybe he could have done better, but he was not bloodthirsty about it.

Another day, another Jesuit shill thread.
The early Christians blamed both Pilate and the jews for crucifying Jesus, and indeed the Roman soldiers were the ones to beat and crucify him while the jews rejoiced in the background.

He had him scourged in an attempt to appease the crowd and avoid a rebellion, he didn't really care to punish him. The Jews however weren't having it and demanded him killed.
Ethiopians consider him a saint and early traditions relatively favored him and his wife Claudia

Catholics are the only true Christians

If you stop and think about it, let's say you were a Roman soldier. If this guy Jesus from Nazareth is supposed to be the king of the Jews, wouldn't you be about ready to take their king and whip and beat him and put him to die on a stake after all the other bullshit you already had to put up with? Maybe it's not so crazy as it sounds.

This. Roman's were on constant edge of rebellion everywhere. Was that a cause of conquest? Sure but the average Roman had little to do with it.
And this. Only catholic Romans justified pilate to down play Rome's role.

can unitarian universalists post here?

Concerning it's in the NT that the Jews are squarely to blame don't kid yourself when Saint Peter and Pope Clement I got martyred by the Romans too.

>he can't even respond to the picture

You're going to have to pick a side, but all are welcome.

Is it true that Catholics believe that all races are created equal? If not what's the catholic stance on the matter of race?

Concerning the Chain of Being and the bible all humans are created equal, but likewise each nation has it's distinct peoples and cultures with God drawing their boundaries and ordering their days accordingly. Saint Aquinas wrote it would be an unfair burden for excessive immigration and assimilation would take 3 generations. Each peoples have their own strengths and weaknesses accordingly.

I've never been told that we're all equal. I take the TJ Watson view of it, the guy who figured out DNA, who got stripped of his Nobel prize for saying he didn't see a scientific reason to think that genetics have no role in a human.

You can't really read much of the bible without seeing that it's focused to a large extent on documenting bloodlines and who gets the magic end game for having been born into the right tribe. But it's true that we have all been created by God's hand, and that it's our own choice what to do with the hand we've been dealt.

TL;DR unlike the other religions nobody is a peon to make it simple as there's no goyim like in Judaism, only neighbor. OT Jews still got reamed for being chronically retarded and it's written punishment comes for the Jew first then the Greek.

That's good. I'm not a biblical scholar, but neighbor describes it. We are neighbors, whether we like it or not. So the question is how to be a good neighbor and who is a good neighbor. Have to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Amen. Naturally you have a right to defend yourself if bad neighbors start cruising on in.

This is part of the US constitution. My state legislature confirmed it, much to the consternation of (((certain kinds of people)))

I'm glad universal sentiment against the chosenites even in evangelical circles are rising. Nearly every facet of Christianity and the founding fathers included knew they were a threat to everyone else. The past 2000 years have been a conflict between Christian and jewish consciousness.

For sure. I'm a Roman Catholic, but I don't think I've ever really had a problem with a different kind of Christian. They don't bother me or cause problems. It seems like we have common cause.

We do, and I think from that common ground there's room for reassimilating them one day. Pagan LARPers to the left, Jews to the right, empty materialists down the middle, there's plenty of trash to clear in mutual interest.

Been going to a fssp Parish and it's absolutely filled with young families.

I'm engaged. How do I network and have my fiancée help find a trad girl for my trad bro who is single?

Catholicmatch is all I know

>>he can't even respond to the picture
I saw it and it had little to do with what I had to say. Anyone can cherry pick popes good or bad.

Reminder protties wouldn't be in such a mess and we probably wouldn't have problems with globohomo if you tards hadn't gone on a power trip a thousand years ago now

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Says the ortho whose patriarchs frequently got sold off by the ottomans and cucked out of the keys via Melkite Catholic church

t. catholic whose one and only bishop is bought off by the CIA with no way of containing the corruption

The Vatican is a sovereign state and told off trannies and women trying to be clergy, meanwhile the EO clergy got handpicked by the KGB for over 60+ years with one of them dropping dead within the Vatican

>all the churches are controlled from Moscow
>what is autocephaly
Catholic education everyone


>assuming autocephaly actually meant anything in a satellite state

Both your faggot churches are corrupted. The pope kisses the invader like some sort of cuck faggot, and the "orthodox" church is just a tool of whatever niggers rule russia at any given time.

Never you lustful shit

The difference being one has been at the mercy of the state for over 500 years, the other is about to clean house with the trad youth cracking down and even then pope Francis still said no to gender ideology and homosexuals

Catholicism is evil. Paying away sins is a mockery of Christianity, diddling kids is wrong, and god is way more important than the church.

Based and redpilled.

>God is way more important than the church
>despite God himself founding the church as a need
>doesn't even realize 1 minor prayer counts as an indulgence or that the molestation rate is on par with the other denoms

>the autocephalous churches in the West didn't exist including fucking Constantinople


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Constantinople still counted as the eastern empire. Even then there's a history of the pariarchate getting bought off by wealthy secular Greeks who funneled money into the pariarchate for favors and ottoman or under the thumb of the soviets. The West always had one patriarch to answer to, something chalcedon underscored when the eastern patriarchs had to kiss up to him.

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Just the fact that the church would excommunicate someone as pious as Martin Luther shows how corrupt and full of sin the church was then, and all the kid diddlers show how corrupt the church still is.

2% is way more than any other denomination, which is why Catholics are always known as the kid diddler denomination.

It's also the only denomination to have crusades and I think we all know how well those went. Remember Constantinople? Remember the kids that got sold off to slavery?

And here we have the emotional arguments. It is first to say that Luther accused Christ of fornication before dying, advised nobility to kill peasants and engage in polygamy, and even said that he confided in his students more than Christ. Meanwhile the molestation rate is .2% lower than the other denominations (1.5% versus 1.7%) and ironically of all things the east begged for those crusades after they didn't want to deal with the problems themselves. It blew back in the East's face concerning when Constantinople got sacked it was excommunicated mercenaries who didn't get paid and the children's crusade were just a bunch of peasants who decided to march unilaterally without orders.

>Quite ironic when they recognize the ability of the Patriarch of Constantinople to do so to not just another Bishop but a Patriarch.
No we don't. We're having this fight right now. Constantinople (presently run by a CIA nigger) claims this power but he doesn't have it and no one else recognizes it, including Antioch.–Constantinople_schism

Further, since you clearly don't understand autocephaly: you conveniently forget that local bishops with far less worldly influence are nevertheless equal to any patriarch, they just don't have a fancy title. Think of the distinction as that between a bishop and a cardinal, there really isn't one. Also, the churches of America, Finland, Korea, et al. existed during the Cold War. Constantinople wasn't the only non commie church.

>Remember the kids that got sold off to slavery?
Lmao the pope told those kids himself to call it off and they wouldn't listen to him

One patriarch is a chief bishop, the others are beneath him in rank. Cardinals in the Catholic church preside over entire states and elect the pope while bishops preside over a smaller diocese. The conflict of the orthodox hierarchy is a footnote for us and has constantly been a thing

"Œcumenical Patriarch has been the civil head of all the Orthodox in the Turkish Empire. He has continually tried and still to a great extent tries to turn his civil headship into supreme ecclesiastical authority, to be in short an Orthodox pope. His attempts are always indignantly rejected by the other patriarchs and the national Churches, but not always successfully. Meanwhile he has kept at least one sign of authority. He alone consecrates chrism for all Orthodox bishops, except for those of Russia and Rumania."

I had to quit catholicism after the priest started using real blood and flesh from dead babies while blathering sermons of why an idol of a dead guy hanging behind the altar was condoned by some fat fag in rome as acceptable deviance from the 2nd commandment to relentlessly instill horrors of death into the mind's of children instead of in any way depicting the dead guy rose into the sky regardless of the mythic after-life bullshit created by a different fat guy in Rome by paying off a professional shill named Milton to scare the superstitious into paying protection money and making sure they all told their secrets to the agents in confessionals so that the population could be controlled,. . . oh, and did i forget about burning them at the stake and stretching them on the rack if they didn't want to go along? yeah, i did.

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gas all christfags

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Oh you are the one going to the oven

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can you lads redpill me on vatican 2?

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Catholicism was created by white people to dominate earth.
>Catholicism debunked

I thought it's just cause Jesus told Petrus to found the church

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Jesus never existed he's a myth created by white people

Are pre-Chalcedonian Copts.
>early traditions relatively favored him and his wife Claudia
Sure, but early traditions also attacked him. That of Abgar for example, he was asked to be removed as governor.

of course schnukki

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Piety requires humility, obedience, and respect and submission towards religious authority. If Martin Luther's actions had been in a context of absolute totalitarianism and censorship, rather than from the comfortable and privileged position he enjoyed, we might consider he was guided by God and performing good works. What his actions equate to, however, is nothing more than a child acting out, showing a lack of humility and patience.

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The inquisition was to root out agents of the caliphate.

peak protestantism

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Why do seething Prots and cringe Orthodontists always crash Catholic General with their same old boomer memes? If only they'd give Catholicism a chance they'd understand why it's the fullness of the faith and truth. They'd ironically become closer to Jesus. God bless you anons.

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I do believe in the 2nd amendment. Without Guns, pic related could become an all too real, especially with secularists and prots hating our very existence. I will not attack protestants. But if protestants attack us, I WILL NOT hold back.

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