I constantly see you niggers argue about who is or isn't white. What about blacks? Who are the real deal niggers?

I constantly see you niggers argue about who is or isn't white. What about blacks? Who are the real deal niggers?

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One drop rule.

Everybody from Africa. Yes even the nafris

what is a good DNA test I can do? im not a fucking purist faggot im just curious to know, as im an amerimutt obviously. no black though. from what I know:
1/4 English
1/4 Belgian
… a tiny bit Turkish JEW
1/16 Native American

ive heard decent things about 23 and me, but iu dont want to pay for a monthly thing, just a one time bang it out

meme flaggots are the biggest kike lovers on Jow Forums


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I will say it’s curious how Blacks work with determining their racial brethren.
To a black Person anyone who is at least 30 to 25 percent Black, has a right to associate themselves as a black person.
Yet for all intents and purposes most whites on Jow Forums or those who identify as white identitarians would agree that anything below 100 percent is not white, or that at most 90 percent.
Given the nature of how blacks try to recruit people into their hivemind.
Would it not be to the benefit of whites to reduce the standard to a minimum of 75 percent European ancestry, as to increase the number of people who have vested interests in white people and their self-improvement?
>inb4 kike

So do you mean scientifically valid? The Genographic Project is pretty much your only choice. Or do you want bullshit percentage point breakdowns of ~your heritage by country~? Pretty much any commercial test gives you those.

Bantus are the realest niggers. They're the hybrid descendants of some kind of jungle ape Africans fucked 30,000 years ago, and spent most of the last few thousand years eating their way around the sub-Saharan continent. Most American negro stock is theirs...

25 is too much as the white genes are recessive but yeah I partially agree
I am like 85/90% white (mednigger) but even then I felt so much identity crisis because of my tiny non white part

>feeling bad for things you can't change
jesus, thats like trannies and their mentality lmao. Nobody actually cares dude, dont let the purity spiraling get to you

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0 and 100 makes 50 (gen 1)
50 and 100 makes 75 (gen 2)
75 and 100 makes 87.5 (gen 3)
87.5 and 100 makes 93.75 (gen 4)
93.75 and 100 makes 96.875 (gen 5)
96.875 and 100 makes 98.4375 (gen 6)
98.4375 and 100 makes 99.21875 (gen 7)

Where do you draw the line?

It really depends. But for nigger blood it's hard to purify, so it's between 90 and 95 O guess.
Yeah I know, I'm mixed but I pass as white anyway. And I will mary a mixed girl (german and 1/8 japanese) either.

Generally I'd say an eighth for african, and a quarter for asian/latin. Poos and arabs may swarthen up the skin, but they are caucasoid in structure, and truthfully i'd consider them white at half, or even less for the paler aryan bloodlines.

Most every nigger-tier nigger comes from Zulu ancestry. They wiped out many indigenous African niggers who were a lot better and likely had a chance at evolving into something intelligent.

One drop

Congratulations, there are 8 white people left.

99% of Germanic Europeans are genetically pure. A large amount of slavs are as well with some meds, a few "Turks" and some barbers. The "everyone is mixed race" narrative is shilled super hard yet in reality gothic and sarmation/Slavic tribes did not mix with foreigners. Another common misconception is that Americans have Native American blood yet almost none have it and those that do like Teddy Spaghetti are racially ambiguous

thread died here

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>im not a fucking purist faggot
>im an amerimutt
almost as if you guys were the problem!
crazy how often the eurasian negroid race of the future sides agaisnt racial purity!

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>I'm mixed but I pass as white anyway.
no you dont

no you really fucking dont

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The Irish. :|

Am I white?

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