I was 1 year and 4 months old when 9/11 happened. How does this make you oldfags feel?

I was 1 year and 4 months old when 9/11 happened. How does this make you oldfags feel?

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I was in my junior year at a top party school. I feel sorry for your generation.

i was between 5-6
got the day off school because conspiritard parents thinking more attacks would be coming on our soil
comfy times eating cocopops and watching people die

Being an old fag is objectively better than being a kid

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I fucked a future miss universe before you were even born.

>How does this make you oldfags feel?

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I'm 56, was a Firefighter-Paramedic when 9/11 happened, and can beat your ass. What's the point?

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I was 7 months old when 9/11 happened and ASUKA A CUTE

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stfu faggot your brethren helped protect jews and cover up the biggest conspiracy the united states has ever seen

Has anyone told you, that you're a psychopath?

I was 1pbtid and a newfag making a shit thread.

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Those arms are not impressive if that’s your goal.

>comfy times eating cocopops and watching people die

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Can you please stop posting?

Very fucking old.
It hurts. No really it hurts like everyday I have these aches and pains and shit. Gets worse every year.

Getting old is hell.

On account of the demographic shift, whiter than you youngfag

pretty good to be honest. I was 20. I watched it live. I’m glad I’m not you

stick around

Wrong. First responders didn't know shit about what was going on and most of them got cancer and died. Still dying and the feds won't pay for their medical care and of course jew york won't either.
They got fucked over like the rest of us. Saw it in person. Cover up was at the FBI CIA NIST and NTSB.

Well the Taliban couldn't hold in their autism for a week so your turn up, bud.

They have served me well.

One of my earliest recollections since childhood was the day of the attack when both my parents were glued to the TV screen and my mom started crying uncontrollably when the first tower went down. I never realized what happened since I was just a kid, but it was the first time I saw my mom crying and it stuck with me since.

Later I married a qt. whose dad was a firefighter that died from complications after his lungs were filled with ashes from the collapse of the tower (1st or 2nd, can't remember).

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I've got a friend who's born on that day, that year.

See I would believe this.

Except it's not true. You forgot to switch flags idiot. Stop shilling kike you were celebrating along with your buddies we have video evidence.

Makes me sad you'll never know what pre 9/11 life was like. I got to live it and you'll never truly know the hell we are in now and how it will get worse.


I turned on the radio and heard that all air traffic had been ordered to land. I immediately thought that terrorists had somehow hacked into the air traffic control system. A few seconds later I heard the real skinny. I believed the bin Laden/Al Quaeda stuff for about the next six weeks.

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One of the few time I'm sympathizing with a jew

We believed it.
At first.
Cia did a sloppy job.

Yep. Everything is worse. Everything.

At what point would one count as being born post-9/11? After the first tower got hit? After they both fell?

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I was a junior in high school, two weeks away from turning 17. I don't rrally ever feel old. I am where I am.

Had to work at the local grocery store that night. Every adult was freaking out. Panic buying almost. Store was as busy as I ever saw it. There was block long lines at the gas station nearby. Scary and weird shit.

I remember turning on the nintendo and playing games because all the channels was airing that shit, then i got on my bike rode to the shops to get some hot chips and chicken

was a good day, fuck me life was more simple back then didn't have to deal with niggers

The world turned dark after 9/11

>has a video of 5 year old me dancing around
You're fucking sick

Dude for fucks sake. He's trolling he was celebrating and he forgot to change his flag before posting disinfo. Fuck outta here.
Jews literally did 9/11

I'm 32 and if it were up to me no one under 30 would be allowed to post here. God that would be bliss.

I remember. It was awful. I was 7. They canceled my regular scheduled after school cartoons for fucking weeks for some bullshit "emergency broadcast" stuff. Maybe, I don't know, I didn't give a fuck about it.

Yes I agree.
Was just thinking how fucked up it is that all the kids born since then will never know how the world was before.
It's really fucked up and this concept is revolting to me. Has always brought me to tears actually.

Why do so many retards actually think that israeli flags on Jow Forums are actual jews? Most of them are obviously fucking larpers.

i dont feel anything. dont be retarded OP.

Yeh, and you think the entire nation of Israel knee about the attacks beforehand? Cmon
I don't trust Jews very much either, but to say that they were individually complicits is past Alex Jones tier

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40th coming up soon?

Possible. Even NEETS can afford a VPN these days

Time goes really fucking fast

Alot of it isn't larp user. JIDF and SPLC and ADL have all admitted they post here.


Sad for you OP.
You missed the best of the West.

Well crafted bait

Everyone knows the government facilitated 9/11 and used it as a pretext to invade Afghanistan.

Just like how they told the country they were going to imminently die in nuclear hellfire if we don't go into Iraq in 2003.

Now go look at map of the countries surrounding Israel and the wars we have conducted.

Possible but unlikely. Some are larp most are real.
Jidf splc and adl all post here unironically. Sometimes they fuck up and forget to turn their shit on. Sometimes they get so angry and people shitting on them they just get blatant and uppity.
Begone satan

Oh yeah retard, I'm sure the shills are just openly using isreali flags. It's not like vpns exist or anything.

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How do you feel?

Take a real hard look at the events prior to 9/11 and everything since then.

Only two groups of people in the world have benefited from how things have gone. Globalist corporate dictators and jews+Israel and its allies.
For fucks sake it's considered "dangerous" ideas to even discuss this openly now how much more blatant do they have to be?

Keep denying it shill.

I'm 100% sure you missed the point.

It makes me feel bad knowing that 21st century zoomers can browse this board.

I'm 100% sure this thread is being overrun by JIDF shills.
Amazing how the moment we start discussing who did 9/11 you faggots are here like clockwork.

They have. I'm not judging what you say but I must remind you "a lot" is two words.

How about being 3 months old user?


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9/11 is a very personal thing for thing for me and I've been trying to figure it out for years.

Whatever you say dude. I can't possibly imagine why a kike would be trying to convince people he was sad on 9/11.
Your country is a fucking joke. Where is your posting loiscence?

I was 22 years old when it happened. Of course I’m an oldfag.

Everything changed after 9/11.

Kiddo, you should watch Fight Club, released almost 2 years prior.

How am I a shill? Because I'm pointing out the obvious?

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Have you tried the book "am I retarded?'

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Perhaps you're the shill

>12 posts by this id
Your life is a joke brah

>still trying to figure out 9/11
>just haven't come to any decisions yet

I wasn't born yet.


I didn't inform you on my thoughts on the matter. Nice projection bro

zoomer pride DAB ON BOOMERS

Not much different than 5 minutes ago.

I was working in an office at the time. The boss came in and told everyone to stop working and do nothing but watch the news unfold. Then said if anyone felt the need to leave, they could. There were a total of 5 tvs in different areas, all tuned to different outlets.

Saw a lot of discrepancies on the news channels that day that redpilled me in rt.

wtc7 was pulled and the bbc reported the other "collapses" before they happened.

It feels great, I was lucky enough to live in a great nation for most of my life with easy access to high paying careers with minimal education & debt with a stronger dollar. Nothing makes me happier to know that my vote ensured young useless faggots like yourself pay for my health care & social security check. Get some sleep tiger you've got work in the morning, this boomer needs a new prostate pump on your labor. Enjoy poverty

-the laughing boomer

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>I'm shyly telling everyone I'm of legal age in all states
It makes me want to put my benis in you and impart my masculine wisdom through my seamen.

>I've been trying to figure it out for years.

>I haven't told you my opinion on the matter

and still haven't you glowing retard

niggers gonna nig

It's very personal to everyone. There is nothing to figure out. I've been to the bottom of this rabbit hole and beyond.

There is a long winded complex explanation I could give with all the information still available cited and minutia detailed but there is no point. It boils down to the following:
For various reasons powerful oligarchs in the US needed regime change in the middle east. They also needed to cover up a large amount of missing DOD money that was being used for highly corrupt SAPs (special access programs IE above ultra top secret Google these if you want know what they are).

Additionally the CIA had a problem in that we had lost control of all the Islamic rebel groups we were using to fight Russian influence in the region and they wanted to tie up loose ends. On top of that the Saudis and Israelis were unhappy with ghaddafi saddam and Iran and the Saudis desperately needed saddam gone to empower opec.

To solve these problems the most powerful individuals at the time representing each of these interests opted for a false flag which would facilitate change and also conveniently cover up the missing funds. Saudis took point mossad assisted along with CIA in training. Then they just burned some loose ends and sat back and let it happen. Potus knew 14 months in advance there would be an attack so did the AG the VP and others. To this day its not clear how many people in government were in on it or what they got paid. Not everyone was in on it probably it wasn't a large working group it didn't to be.

Afterwards during the furvor that ensued in the months following the attack individuals with any knowledge who were deemed a security risk were eliminated. Even guys like Bill Cooper who were totally harmless but just a bit too appealing. These eliminations spurred the first initial questions into the government account and the rest is history.

That is what happened.

Day of the pillow soon.

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I was redpilled a year before 9/11 and knew what it was when it happened (false flag). I got fired from my job at a German company for telling people.

Projecting leaf

First I would have to respect you, which I don't think is going to happen before the thread dies.

I bet he won't even read

itt Jow Forums proves their age is that of barely functional "adults"
no wonder the board turned to crap
it's filled with fucking zoomers larping


>I was 1 year and 4 months old when 9/11 happened. How does this make you oldfags feel?
You have no idea how much society changed around that time and how much better it was before that. I know oldfags always say this, but it's true. State surveillance and censhorship hadn't begun yet. The amount of immigrants was low, there wasn't a single immigrant in my class the first 6 years at school. The first nigger I saw was when I was 15 or something. People were happier, people talked more with each-other. Visited each-other. There was no smartphones or other brainwashing devices like that, so people actually had attention spans. They read books and shit. Yes, regular normalfags actually read books. Unbelievable today, but it's true.

Parents weren't hysterical about their kids and would send them off to play in the forest by themselves. You were completely free as a child to run around and do your own shit because helicopter parents hadn't been invented yet. No one worried about the climate cult bullshit, no one worried about war, no one worried about terrorists, crime wasn't even much of a worry. I remember we never used to lock our doors at night. This is not 100 years ago, it was the late 80s. Movies were better, with masculine role models and feminine ingenues and a lighter atmosphere. Comedy was comical, not the repressed, political correct irony of today. In fact, political correctness was almost entirely absent. Fags was something you were skeptical of and no one had even heard about a tranny. Video games were better, programmers in general were better. The home computer revolution was fun and high-intelligence entry level requirement. Imagine computer networks and then the early internet without a single normalfag or woman present.

tldr. it makes me feel nostalgic and I feel really sorry for you. Hope we can fix society in our lifetimes.

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feels like you have ALOT to learn you fucking faggot

Turned to crap? How new are you. It's been crap since 2014.

Agreed. Trying my best to fight tech takeover and gender manipulation anti-science but BAKA millennial helicopter parents and ignorant migrants that worship intersectional benefits are going for it. You young people will never know freedom until a gun is put to your head by communists and you’ve got to decide if you want the chip implant. I’ll b happily dead by then.

Enjoy your 600sqft, while the McMasion sits uninhabited becasue it's better to let you watch it rot than give your generation something it didnt earn. Fucking pussies cant even fight off fags & trannies, absolutely embarrassing. My country ended with 9/11.

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I was 32 had just quit my job and was sitting in a field with a friend drinking beer at about 11 am. when fred ring. 'Tewn tower is die'. 'no'. and you????????????

Now multiply that surveillance by 1000 and migration by 100, and you have post 9/11 UK under Tony Blair.
9/11 changed everything beyond comprehension.

It's already too late for them. Too late for us too really we got a taste of it back in the day but we will never get to bask in the sunlight again so to speak.

Shit fucking sucks man. Like is it better to have had it and lost it never to return or to have never known it to begin with?

Truly sad. Britain was something we looked up to here in Norway. Your literature, your comedy, your history and so on. Very sad.

Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger nobody cares what you have to say, all you've done in this entire thread is post absolute shit with no substance whatsoever. It's clear that you just want to dominate the thread and make it all about yourself. Get a fucking life.

I've heard a new theory, recently. That 9/11 was an excuse to spends billions of dollars on upgrading the military, so that China and Russia will stay 50 years behind of us so they can never threaten us for the foreseeable future.thats not the whole story, I believe, but it probably has hints of truth to it.

It happened everywhere all at once. Wasn't just Brittain that was affected.

We are all trapped by the surveillance state ever since that day.

Good to know all you zoomers love the fucked up world you live in so much that you totally resent hearing it was ever better.

>Just like how they told the country they were going to imminently die in nuclear hellfire if we don't go into Iraq in 2003.

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Horny.... Tits or GTFO.

Thats how I feel about Italy, they were always wealthier and nicer then Germany fucked them over economically and with migrant crisis. Getting in a sly dig at Hans ;-)