The racist posters on here are just trying to be edgy right?

The racist posters on here are just trying to be edgy right?

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I am simple man, I just watch gore videos on the internet and noticing who is causing such savagery in these videos

Dont tell me those gay guys are their dads

You know this is viral because it's a nigger and white kid right?

Implicit "totally adorable not racist Tucker" racism.

More proof race is not a social construct. The proof is that you're gushing at this because you find it cute that children of two different races can be friendly with one another. Eventually these two will grow up and become smarter (one marginally more so), and as in the case with my old black friend from high school, will shoot his white manager and then himself because he was told off for sexually harassing white women.

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wow you're right! a picture of two kids hugging means we should flood European countries with Africans

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Fake news. Still a nigger.

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>this isn't staged!
>disregard your healthy sense of caution because of d'awwww

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Obviously, no one actually believes anything people write's a larp site, great for creative fiction. Did you think people here were serious? Fucking kek.

Most of them are LARPing kikes.

>photos that make you think "maybe that 50% crime rate is not so bad"
>photos that allow you to virtue signal how much you care about race-relations, despite "not caring" about race in the first place
>use children to make a point

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It's all edge baby.

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All that racial crap is joes. doing what they do best divide

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I had a black friend when I was like 6.
While I didn't have many through elementary but I certainly didn't have many problems or see them take up any with me.

Despite having not been exposed to much racism, a switch seems to have switched when we hate middle school and the hate just spilled out of everyone's mouths all the fucking time. Don't know who started it, but I knew no one was going to be ending it. Blacks didn't like me, and I didn't like them. At least one dude who had been nice to me suddenly started trying to fuck with me all the time and I have no idea why. At one point I threw a shoe at some other black kid and I don't know or remember why.
We didn't learn this from our parents as far as I know. They didn't talk about this shit in my house.

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base jew

Next time the Nigger sees him he will be shooting at his wife and child. Because of mah gibs.

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Attached: Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 on Twitter Several ppl have sent me the “heartwarming” video of the two k (592x623, 389K)


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Spider leg narrative, splitting off in eight different directions and interpreted in eight different ways. The person making the narrative won't see seven of them coming.

>"myyth frendth u arth juth adorthable

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>this totally mundane interaction between two diaper shitting toddlers is proof of racial harmony and multiculturalism being workable
if anything it's proof of just how much multicultural society is on its last legs
This entire thread disproves the narrative that "whiteness" is a special club that only white people bicker about.
Its full of blacks debating about what counts as white or not in the same way Jow Forums does on a daily basis. From now on, I am assuming that all "is X white?" threads are being posted by black anons.

Stop trying to humanize niggers.

Child is born innocent, but the prospects for a nigglet are grim.

Good point.

Damn, is someone using israel proxy or why some jews are being dank lately?

Yeah, similar story here. I had black friends before and even up into middle school.

That's because in a non-black majority area, blacks dont start acting 'black' until around teen age. We were essentially friends with a 'normal' person with a black skin.

Then teenage identity crisis kicks in and even the blacks who grew up in a predominantly white area starts to listen to gangster rap, sag their pants, and talk ebonics on purpose. Only a very few blacks stay 'normal', and they end up being the token black guy, ostracized from his nigger peers because he be actin and talkin white n shiet.

i know there's definitely a biological reasons for niggers to act this way, but I think it's just as cultural as it is biological. I've come across various actual 2nd generation African-Americans whose lineage isn't that of the slaves, and they act, do, and think infinitely better than their deracinated, formerly-enslaved brethren.

Proof the left is racist as fuck, most right wingers don't give a fuck a black and white person being friends. They care about being replaced in their own land, blacks causing skyrocketing crimes, social decays and economic decay.


>niglet acting semi-human
>literally due to white parents
Is this moron BTFOing his own narrative?

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>Can't we all just enjoy a little harmony for once?

This is why we can't have nice things faggots.

daily reminder that nigger slavery was a result of competing tribes that sold the losers to whoever would buy them
whites thought that slavery was acceptable because the first slaveowner was a nigger
niggers blame whites for an issue their ancestors created

You have been visited by the Finn of New Swabia.

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>The racist posters on here are just trying to be edgy right?
If by "edgy" you mean they have had first-class encounters with people whose behavior is described with a self-reference, then yes. "Nigger-tier" was first said by black men

i feel threatened by this video