> hey babe, the kids are all tucked in, dinner is in the oven, what do you think of my new pants? You look tense let me rub your back.
Leaf fantasy
Who the fuck are you and why are you in my kitchen
>shoot her
>call police
I won’t join the dark side....I won’t turn like Anakin Skywalker.
imagine inhaling her gape
you sent the kids to bed without dinner?
>police there is a negress in my kitchen on drugs
Oops fml
dat ass tho
Fuck off with your beastiality fetish already
it's all yours monkey fucker
> hasnt conquered a black girl
Same for me but replace the nigress with an Hijab wearing levanting woman. Or a Persian girl.
>"leaf fantasy"
>no dog
Get your stereotypes straight, faggot.
It's all pink on the inside.
Kick her the fuck out for tugging in the kids before serving them dinner
Also OP underage b&
its a no brainer, time to bleach a black woman
So is a baboon
Imagine the coconut lotion smell.
based and factually true, white knights defending the honor of white whores based purely on their race is the most cucked thing i have ever witnessed
why are the kids in bed when dinner is still cooking?
imagine the smell
Leaf me alone
Don't you make the kids dinner first? I remember my mom used to make two homemade dinners. One for us kids and one for her and my father. It was essentially the same ingredients just prepared for kids and shit (homemade mashed potatoes instead of roasted lemon potatoes). We'd eat and fuck off then dad would come home and they'd eat the nice food together. Is this really not normal?
Is that your maid?
legit the only reason I ever visit Jow Forums anymore is because I know I can find the highest quality pics of black qts here
Stfu gook and nigger lovers. Based Levsantine Qt3.14 or GTFO
Levantine babe thread
we have better taste than /s/ desu
Cool baboon ass, nigger.
Based Kraut. Check this out