>Poincare recurrence theorem says any set of states where all the states are accessible will repeat infinitely >The time for this to happen to the universe is of order e^(10^120) but you'll be dead so it might as well be instant >it also works for any other state accessible in phase space >In some universes, you will be the man who was tortured the most throughout all of human history >This will repeat infinitely and forever
i dunno if there's a god anons but there's a hell and we're in it
No, come on, they mathed the heck out of verse numbers and everything for it.
Xavier Gonzalez
>where all the states are accessible
Prove to me past states are accessible in a universe with entropy you shit talking mutt
Jason Wright
the second law of thermodynamics is a statistical one. if you wait long enough, all of the air in your room for example would spontaneously move to one side. it's just that the probability of this happening is so absurdly small that it would take ungodly amounts of time to do so, many many many many times the age of the universe.
so a spontaneous decrease in the entropy of the universe is possible it's just so absurdly fucking small that we will never ever see it happen
James Clark
You aren't in hell. You are on Earth. You phase, based on spiritual development upward or downward, you will reincarnate during this process of growth. As your spirit will no longer match your body. Do your best in every life.
Jason Carter
>h-hell is totally real g-guys >it's n-not just a sandnigger fairy tale
Don't worry kiddos, all the timelines will be merging into the best of all possible timelines Once we have all the data on the silly phenomena known as "Evil" and "Suffering" it will be eliminated forever.
I like to call it Judgement Day. You may have read about it in some old texts.
How do you justify souls with this, if at all? The whole repeating existence/timelines thing makes a lot of sense if you also assume that everyone is the same entity going through different lives that all start at uniquely different points in time a la Andy Weir's Egg
Daniel Ortiz
yeah idk is something physically identical to you in every way still "you"
i'll leave that one for you guys. you gotta start pullin your own weight around here
Existence is a novel. Your soul is the reader. Your consciousness moves from one moment to the next, but every past, present, and future moment persists in perpetuity since time doesn't exist in quantum states.
Characters within a novel each have their own independent experiences, memories, and connections with their world which aren't directly shared by the reader of the novel. This is why we lose our memory when our soul moves from one version of life to another. We're the character, but the reader is motivating the storyline progression.
We exist, therefore proving our existence to be possible. Given the Eternal nature of subatomic particles with their random probabilities, it's an absolute certainty that this precise outcome will repeat again, as well as every possible variation...
Wyatt Wilson
Did you just assume the nature of the unobservable parts of the universe?
Anthony Hernandez
So I need die at orgasm, got it
William Wilson
yes on the grounds that there is no reason to expect the other parts to be different (e.g. we don't live in a special part of the universe)
this is a very common assumption
Robert Evans
Well, it's a high uncertainty. Anything you conclude from it is certainly not proof.
Benjamin Morgan
>marry Emma Watson >be the man who was tortured most throughout human history user, I...
Nolan Ramirez
it's something that we have essentially verified for the parts we can look at
you can't do anything about the parts you can't look at. it doesn't mean you stop doing cosmology. it means you understand your assumptions and justify them to the best of your ability
There are other requirements on this theorem I left out because it wasn't really intended to be super serious. for example, the theorem only works for a closed system. The universe is probably one I would say as we've never seen violations of energy conservation etc. But at the boundaries, who knows.
This is the problem with you modern physics fags. You conflate physics and metaphysics and attempt to answer metaphysical questions when that's way premature. But this has been a systemic problem with higher maths for over a century now, so it's not your fault.
In reality the part of the universe we're able to properly measure and quantify is like 0.00000000000000000000000001%. The part we have some data from (fluctuating light sources) is a couple of decimals higher. From this you make the assumptions that the rest of the 99.9999999999999999999999999% works like it does here, because reasons. Well, good luck with all that.
You can do all the cosmology you like, but call it tenuous hypotheses, not proof.
Xavier Ortiz
Ok mutt let's take your laughable attempt at physics 201 and take it ad absurdam.
If infinite states exist and if after an arbitrary long period of time we can exist in any state than there must be a state in which I'm God and created the universe. Oh and a state where you're God. Oh and a state where we're both Gods.
Struggling to find a state where you're not a stupid cunt though so that must be some overarching law of the universe
Anthony Reed
OP, mathematically and otherwise, you're a faggot.
Jordan Phillips
You don't seem to understand probability or statistics.
Brandon Evans
We don't know that because the parts outside of it cannot be seen due to the finite speed of light and the expansion of the universe
If you want to say the laws of physics should be different on the universal scale, even though we haven't seen it in the large scale structure of the observable universe, it's going to be a tough argument.
Kayden Ramirez
Actually, this also works for an infinite number of states (a continuum). The proof then just goes that you will be arbitrarily close to any phase point at a finite time.
Aiden James
No I'm saying the unknown is unknown and it's irrational to assign it properties at all.
Lucas Davis
>one of the coolest math discoveries The formula for the best pixel ratio to make an image completely illegible?
Aiden Turner
That image is literal fake news, reverse image search the mugshot and see all the other ridiculous stories (((they))) featured him in.
Owen Hernandez
Son that's what the second law means, I'm sorry but you can't just go "you don't understand it" and not explain why. Spontaneous decrease in the total entropy of the universe is not impossible, it's just extremely unlikely because there are soooo many more states where the entropy is increased, absurdly more, that as I said, you will never in billions of years see the entropy of a macroscopic system spontaneously decrease
In absurd amounts of time however (absurddd amounts, like I said, e^10^120 shit), you could
Gavin Rogers
>Christian "scientists" >Gets btfo by fedora tipping teenagers on Youtube Why are christian so cringy?
A lot of things can be proven mathematically that are unlikely to exist in reality because mathematics is a construct created by man in order to understand the universe but it goes into concepts that are just very unlikely yet probable.
Andrew Bell
I think it's pretty reasonable to assume the laws of physics do not change over the large scale structure of the universe, and this does give us something to start with, which may predict other things
If you want to say they vary (and many people have proposed models where they do but they are a significant minority), then you can go ahead and we'll see if it makes an observable difference
Matthew Gomez
Jonathan Turner
>Phi post >314 What does he mean by this?
Logan Flores
You think that's reasonable, but you have no reason to think it's reasonable. It's a fair assumption to make when you deal with physics, because physics is a practical thing. It's not necessarily a fair assumption to make when you've veered into metaphysics, where the implications are philosophical. There's a difference and like most modern physicsfags you seem unable to comprehend it. But I blame your defective university, not you.
Mason King
The Only Conceivable Limitation for such a condition would the Single Observer per Eigen State of The Phase Array. While there would be a You in Hell Suffering a Seeming Eternity there would be only One of You in That particular State to Preserve Quantum Coherence in The System . While There maybe a range of "You's" suffering in Hell ... It is Probable that only One You would be in a Peak Hell State ... Symmetry would Imply a Similar Probability Distribution for a so Called Heaven State ...
Juan Allen
>you deal with physics, because physics is a practical thing. It's not necessarily a fair assumption to make when you've veered into metaphysics, where the implications are philosophical. There's a difference and like most modern physicsfags you seem unable to comprehend it. But I blame your defective university, not you.
You say this like we just ignore the problems that arise. We don't. We make theories that do all of the weird shit you were talking about. We see what kind of observable differences that might imply. We check them. The ones that don't fit get thrown out.
Just because a consensus forms (and these are not bulletproof, all it takes is one contradiction to discredit a theory), does not mean we are ignoring the things you mentioned
Mason Powell
When tensors meet christians, atheists, physicists, metaphysicists, and futurists I cringe into the next dimension.
Cameron Ramirez
If "dark energy" is real and the universe is expanding then this bullshit ain't happening no matter how many zeros you put after your exponent. Poincare's theorem applies to a fixed volume. Go on and wave your hands about "quantum fluctuations" next. Also there is no set of states where OP isn't a faggot.
Carter Williams
Like I say, it's interesting enough to do in itself. But don't call it proof, because it's not proof. It's a tenuous hypthesis. Keep your concepts straight. It's reasonable to assume the physical nature of the universe if for example... you build a machine to do something in the universe. Because a machine is a practical thing, so you make the most likely assumption and you'll probably have the best results. To make an assumption about some huge metaphysical question like the nature of reality, well, we don't really have any data about that so your result is going to be pretty random. When there's no way to test your hypothesis then it's not really doing all that much for us other than pique the imagination. So again, by all means have fun with it. But it's not proof, don't call it that.
Justin Parker
math is for brainlets
John Edwards
Am I the only one who sees how this image could be a high IQ insult?
The point of the fixed volume is to keep it a closed system, so that, for example, particles cannot leave and never come back
I'm glad that you brought this up and there is not really a consensus on whether or not the universe is a closed system, but just because it is expanding doesn't necessarily mean it's not
But this post was really intended to be more light-hearted than it has become
Aaron Thompson
Actually, we do have some data on this for simple systems
And if you're really interested, theres a monte carlo library in mathematica that will run until you get a poincare recurrence which is kind of a fun little project
Ok, you don't get it. Well, I've said my piece, you do you. Allowing infinity into higher math was a mistake and this is the result. That's what you get for letting kikes into your universities.
Jeremiah Howard
In English "phi" is pronounced the same as "fie", which is a very old fashioned way of saying fuck you.
Matthew Bailey
It's irrelevant to this topic since you're still viewing the Universe relativistically as if it were the sum of all that exists. This isn't relativistic science it's sub-atomic and you can't use the same rules...
The Universe exists within a far larger potential for further existence. There is no way to evacuate a point in space of all energy. Energy simply phases into existence due to superposition.
Bingo. There's something divine about the state of being conscious, wouldn't you agree? Think about the power of imagination, and the conditions that must exist to manufacture imaginary thoughts...
What if we all shared a single soul?
Ayden Brown
Just so you know, infinity is not treated as a number in mathematics. In calculus, for example, infinity symbol is just used as a shorthand to mean "as I make this number arbitrarily large, but finite, it tends towards this other number (or doesn't)"
It's all very rigorous when you define what you mean
Blake Hernandez
>There is no way to evacuate a point in space of all energy. Energy simply phases into existence due to superposition. Prove it.
Christian Murphy
i love how nobody's talking about the reality i just posted. no one will respond, no one can even postulate against it.
Robert Lopez
The poincare recurrence theorem has been proven for quantum mechanical systems as well. It is very general
Caleb Gutierrez
Yes, that's the old way of handling infinity. That one is perfectly fine. Then you have the new way of handling it, like Cantor's diagonal bullshit, which conflates the metaphysical concept of infinity with actual math. I agree we must rigorously define what we mean.
Carson Reyes
Is this why they say newfags can't triforce? ▲ ▲ ▲
Dylan Torres
You also have an entire field of mathematics that deals with infinite sets. Quantum mechanics often deals with infinite dimensional vector spaces. Infinite series are limits of a finite series.
You can get really interesting behavior out of all of this but I assure you it's all rigorous and self-consistent.
Zachary Torres
Guess I'm a newfag ▲ ▲ ▲
Hunter Morris
Quantum mechanics is a huge larp. Wake me up when they make a real life practical apparatus based on it's untestable tenets.
Again you conflate. That quantum physics attempt to explain some not understood property of a thing does not mean quantum physics is the correct explanation.
Ethan Collins
Lasers are cool.
Thomas Butler
we live in hell
Grayson Clark
▲ ▲ ▲
Jeremiah Bell
oh yeah it just correctly predicts every single thing about semiconductors and led us into a technological revolution and then quantum field theory came along and predicted the anomalous dipole moment to 12 FUCKING DECIMAL PLACES and reproduced quantum mechanics exactly in the appropriate regime, and then we went on to apply the methods of quantum field theory to condensed matter physics (think "every solid or liquid material that has any use whatsoever") and found them to be the exact fucking same
Luis Morales
I've seen people say this alot but one thing that bugs me about it is that it implies there is purpose to this "spiritual develpment" or atleast it seems implied to me.
Jaxon Howard
▲ ▲ ▲
Justin Perez
▲▲ ▲▲
Angel Rodriguez
Carson Gonzalez
What technological revolution?
Robert Ross
have you ever heard of the transistor?
Nathaniel Russell
Yes. It was invented long before quantum physics was conceived.
Kayden Ross
lmfao no it was fucking not
i just looked it up, 1947
Carson Carter
lmfao fpbp
Luke Ramirez
I'm actually alright with this. For every death that is incurred I will simply become stronger.
Imagine feeling death but never dying. Just waking up so you could feel it forever. At some point death will not be feared as it will only be something to look forward to. The best thing a person could ever look forward to is not existing.
Not existing for eternity would be heaven.
Justin Martinez
not really, not even in nature life is 100% suffering every single instant
and as consciousness grows from effort and love, we gain the means to reduce our own suffering (personally and as an existance)
if we (consciousness) are all that there is, maybe we emerged from "hell" because we are creating from nothing so its like an AI, all possibilities must be tried and many will be shit (pain suffering death) but certainly we could pump ourselves full of love gained through conscious self sacrifice
more conscious parts (individuals) sacrificing themselves(living) so that the rest of fellow humans can use their brains to manifest true consciousness and use it to help other do the same
if we as humans can do it we can help sheppard the rest of existence to suffer less and less and time passes, but we need to first do it to our own species
Nicholas Peterson
fuck that I want to exist forever with all possibilities at hand but consciously not overburning in pleasures or pain
to exist in a form that allows to experience everything but in a buffered, undirect way, idk
give the cheat codes now goddammit jajajajajajaj
James Cruz
Not existing is the natural state.
Christopher Williams
reading your're gay ass post makes me suffer
Wyatt Ramirez
Entropy doesn't exist beyond spacetime. Quantum physics essentially proves that objects exist beyond observation, which create dimensions and gravity. Black holes are proof of that.
A black hole is essentially a subatomic particle that has defied the speed of light and is stuck in a quantum state that is traveling faster and slower than the speed of light within a singularity. (String theory)
Joshua Anderson
Semi conductors and transistors were revolutionized through chemical engineering and improved manufacturing processes (lithographic), improved tolerances, etc. QM had zero to do with it...
Not sure what kind of connection you're trying to make here. That very very small components begin to behave differently or?
Nathaniel Thomas
> ▲ >▲ ▲
That would require entropy to have a value of zero...
Yeah... You're starting to get into Flat Earth territory. Have you ever used electricity? Ever seen a lightning bolt? A working glass touchscreen on a cellphone is a fucking miraculous miracle of quantum magic...