You idiots are so obsessed with race...

You idiots are so obsessed with race. That's exactly what the Synagogue of Satan wants: to keep you in a low vibrational state of hate. LOW VIBRATIONAL STATE OF HATE. Where you judge by the physical attributes and not the SPIRIT.

Stop this nonsense already!

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>that's exactly what the synagogue of satan wants.

Fucking kill yourself faggot

Jews and blacks don't have spirits

>Jews want you to protect your race
I hope you're getting paid at least

Take your meds

I'm not obsessed with race, I'm obsessed with mommy dominating and feeding me

All those words to not-so-slyly push for Civic Nationalist bullshit.

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I don't hate other races. I just don't think they have the right to live alongside me in the United States, which is a country my direct ancestors fought to create. The people who created countries (such as me, the genetic reincarnation of a minuteman) should get to live in peace without invaders setting up their homes in our countries.

Visitors welcome, invaders fuck off.

Why is this not pruned? Go sell your crystals someplace else Marianne Williamson

Tell that to the native

>become civnat goy plz

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sorry goldstein but i'm not religious try again

The vast majority of Africans in the U.S. should be repatriated back to Africa. While Jews should be removed completely.

Nothing works and jews went for the cosmic angle.

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OP is a faggot who uncritically swallowed propaganda. The highest love is love of your own folk.
Also, niggers metaphysically stink on the astral, so I don't know what this "SPIRIT!" nonsense is.

Cause they did so much with the land when it was theirs.

>you're obsessed with race
>Synagogue of Satan
I fucking hate Christians.

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Why can't the Black Nationalists and White Nationalist be allies?


Have you ever looked into a niggers lifeless, jaundice yellowed eyes ? There is no spirit in there.

Man, gotta wonder what would of happened to them after the war was won by the Germans

Uh, I have nothing but good experiences and memories with the melanin brothers and sisters. Some of the most upright people I've ever met. But OF COURSE THE LAWLESS ONES ARE FUCKING IDIOT MONKEYS......... No argument there, they need to perish.

The truth is 94% of all humans on the planet are bad.

94% of light skinned pypo are BAD and will PERISH
94% of dark skinned pypo are BAD and will perish

94% of Chinese, Hispanic you get the point.

You've been warned.