Is it gone for good this time boys?

Attached: farms.png (1200x452, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope so. They became the lowcows they loved.

Null became a fat lolcow.

Ah, good. I thought the 403 was only in Australia because of our faggot government. If it's global it will probably be back soon. I think the longest it's been down was like a month.

i was surprised there was no mention of it anywhere, well see you soon i suppose

As far as I can tell it's only been down for an hour at most. The only thing I could find besides this thread was Jonathan Yaniv posting about it ~40 mins ago.

Here also a 403, Bruce

Will probably be up again in a few.

Found this on twitter, looks like it got hacked and Null pulled the plug.

Attached: EEFQLXIUcAA9uRC.jpg (1242x1853, 231K)

Oh fuck

One more lolcowto milk isn’t such a bad thing, is it?

What happened? I don’t frequent them

Fucking COMPED
>use gay non-anonymous site
>get personal info leaked
Many such cases!

That's what they get for fucking with exhentai and ATF.
Sucks to be you, eh moralfaggot goontards?

Attached: 18fe5ae887557ed96f0933b7edf9181c.jpg (1920x1200, 554K)

Still surprised Harry (that's my nickname for him -- should be obvious why that is) isn't in prison. Still can't believe he went there and threatened to kill his neighbors.

What did they do to exhentai?

Null tried being a messiah figure, was always trying to help cows in their personal lives. Fuck is up with that guy.

No idea.
I know that the Zoe Quinn thread became very active after Alec Holowka committed suicide. More than 1000 posts in just the last 2 weeks or so. Probably even more than 2000 posts.
But that is just a speculation from my side.
I think it's constantly under attack.

That's what you get for messing with lego goys!

Attached: lego.jpg (501x585, 196K)


>sad, sad panda

Maintenance, nothing happened to shut it down

They ALMOST got it bawleeted over copyright because they're butthurt over loli and shota content.
SA tried similar shenanigans many years ago here which resulted in /l/ and /sm/ getting moved to not4chan(SA flooded Jow Forums with massive amounts of spam, dash billions/soviet russia faggotry).
Kiwi was just an extension of SA moralfaggotry.

Oh Jesus wtf
Thankfully I only lurked

Not cool, it's hard finding the good Loli stuff without exhentai.

based lolifag

apparently it was KW who ratted ATF with the government of netherlands, forcing their hosting service to drop them. that event scared the admin of sadpanda because the site was hoated in the same country as ATF and almost caused him to shut down everything because he was tired of jumping from provider on provider. eventually both sites moved to moldova because that country doesn't care about loli and shota porn

>session hijacking in 2019
cursed image

chad burnell wins again

Attached: dsp.jpg (225x225, 8K)

kek, me too

>based lolifag
It's not even that.
You have a website full of idiot goons thinking they're /b/tard-tier justice faggots going and intentionally fucking with a website that doesn't fuck with anyone or anything but copyrights for no good reason. Karma is a bitch.

And I guarantee, if/when that shitshow gets taken down, no millionaires will offer to buy the site and move hosting to Moldova.

Attached: tibbety tappety.gif (500x374, 799K)

Ever heard of caps?

So the idiots actually tried to take exhentai down over shitty loli content?

Attached: furry drama.png (465x252, 256K)


ED's rejects lost their site? Can't say I care, Josh Moon is a kiddy diddler anyways.

Hopefully. Josh was too low IQ to do any real good. He doesn't/didn't even read superchats ffs.

Attached: Consider the following.jpg (677x796, 72K)

Not really a supporter of loli, but I do hate what massive normie moralfags KF developed. They like to LARP as deepweb because turbo-normies sperg out about "doxxxxxing", but KF attracted regular normies constantly. I think they find something weirdly appealing about having an account and being recognisable writhing a community. And of course, being recognisable they have to care about their image. So they would all crusade against fucking with lolcows, and pursue people not for the fun of it but as some weird kind of justice

I believe they got hold of the host and pressured them to drop hosting, is what happened. I think through copyright, or possibly political+legal threats.
It was underhanded.
Fortunately, exhentai/e-hentai have an extremely powerful userbase, including some particularly wealthy fans.

Fucking ironic that the actual child rapists running kiwi farms think they have the moral authority to report ExHentai for loli.

There's a reason tripcodes are for jerks.
Ego utterly ruins posting. Always.

Attached: Tripcodes_are_for_jerks.png (300x100, 20K)

cesspits like that shouldn't exist

>Fake pedo fans are particularly wealthy and exert undue influence
Just like RL.

Attached: kys6.jpg (600x897, 49K)

Is my account and IP and location fucked? Didn't use VPN.

>he thinks only pedos use ex
You're just like those fruits over at kiwi it seems.

>Thankfully I only lurked
Not me, I had an account but luckily for me it was linked to one of my burner emails.

Since a few years this has become a general rule for me:
- Only register with a throw away email address, even if it's on a 'normal' forum or whatever site.
- Never use an email address more than once to register somewhere. Never!
- Email addresses never contain personal info and are never linked to each other. Also they look very different. Don't use BadMofaka1@..., BadMofaka2@..., BadMofaka3@... you know what I mean

You don't wanna know how many times people got doxxed because they were so lazy/it-was-so-easy to use the same username and/or email address on different sites. Just do a search on that username/email in your 'favorite' search engine and sometimes you'd be surprised what shows up
And I can only advice to everybody to do the same.

Imagine what will happen when these email addresses get leaked to some left wing media and they can link these email addresses to 'offensive' posts and then to the real person... I don't wanna be that guy

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I liked to lurk KF

were you a naughty boy on there user? if not stop caring.

Not really mainly just asked a lot of questions I couldn't get answered by just lurking and used a throwaway email.

Who were the KF accounts that allegedly were involved in panda takedown? Geth and Marvin? It's hard to tell since some were just cherrypicked screenshots of them celebrating it.

Nah they had nothing to do with that
I don’t know about ATF but the owner of EX got scared of the new “bust size law” in their country and took the site down preemptively. I dunno who is running it now though

ATF also managed to get new servers, so it's like Kiwi Farms is just wasting their time doing what Agnes Chan tried to do to Japan in 2009. You can take one look at any country which has made some kind of pornography illegal, and depending on how many kinds they have banned see just how rapey that country is.

>and pursue people not for the fun of it but as some weird kind of justice
Not surprising from the site that proudly claims that 50% of its userbase is made up of trannies.

As long as you didn't an important email account.

Attached: hmm.jpg (394x417, 13K)

Yeah, pretty much. Null is a RINO, and he's projecting like you wouldn't believe. He and Zoom need to be taken down a couple pegs.

> Not really mainly just asked a lot of questions I couldn't get answered by just lurking and used a throwaway email.
Then you're cool user and there is nothing to worry about.

Attached: 1549790699959.jpg (459x683, 208K)

I see enough proud loli fags on here that I don't' care about collateral damage.

Attached: gas.jpg (554x680, 65K)

no that's the jannies

What service do you use for the throwaway accounts?

Attached: Question.jpg (1024x819, 71K)

It doesn't matter. As long as you weren't doing anything illegal or did what the site owner did and piss of the NZ police, then the worst you'll see is your email on some liberal journalist site or blog at which point you'll get a bunch of angry emails telling you what a bigot you are.

I think it was Marvin who was also the biggest moralfag and stalker-tier lolcow defender. Can't remember who else was involved.

Oh yeah. Wasn't one of their jannies an actual tranny?

like all of them are

I was really starting to enjoy lurking

Hope it comes back, otherwise the jews win

>What service do you use for the throwaway accounts?
Both don't require you to enter personal info. You can literally create an account in 1 or 2 minutes. emails are sometimes not accepted if you register somewhere. With I never had any issues.

Attached: 1440999450426.gif (200x149, 574K)

They always ask for phone numbers though?

Attached: Question8.jpg (754x721, 63K)

Also Jack Lambert Wilson, "The Captain", who was and still may be CWC's tard-wrangler

Attached: oncue.jpg (473x598, 246K)

How did he get hijacked? Youd think hed like book mark his own site instead of using k1wifarms to login

Looks like ED is down too.

I don't like yandex. Its not accepted on most sites. How good is protonmail?

Theres an easy workaround even for gmail. But im not sure if i should tell. I dont want them to fix their shit


Attached: file.png (246x168, 3K)

> They always ask for phone numbers though?
Nope. Just username, password and you may enter a recovery email but that is optional.

See pic related. It really takes 1 or 2 minutes to create an account. Probably less.

Attached: protonmailNewAccount.jpg (726x847, 79K)

very good. i have 16+ mails from protonmail, they always accept me making a new one, accepted on more sites than yandex but still kindof shunned by google-based sites because proton does not require phone or credit card info to register one. another one, very chan-like, is the provider ""(srsly, it is a site), this is the most memetic and based alternative i've come across recently. make as many mails as you can before they shut it all down

Attached: 1566514203927.png (831x799, 329K)

Thanks man, I am retarded when it come to tech.

I've tried to figure a workaround for a while.

Attached: Salute.jpg (300x168, 5K)

mfw my daily source of factual information and autism are gone probably cause of zoe quinn and her faggot aids ridden hacker squad

Attached: 13934856_209993532736652_3950802260167420321_n.jpg (420x420, 26K)

>I don't like yandex. Its not accepted on most sites. How good is protonmail?
Same. Yandex gets rejected a lot more now these days but until now I never had any issue when I registered somewhere with protonmail.
(I have about 20 of them)
But of course this can all change in just a matter of weeks/months if everybody starts to use Protonmail to create shit accounts

Post it

Just download the leak, user.

Wasn't aware about the google-based sites. Thanks

>I've tried to figure a workaround for a while
Im not even sure if my method still works. All i can say is it decides to check if your number is real only in certain cases. Its definitely not random. I made around 50 working youtube/gmail accounts with this method

What happened?

>That's what they get for fucking with exhentai and ATF.
>Sucks to be you, eh moralfaggot goontards?
Sources you fucking NIGGER, they didn't do shit

I'll give it a shot, thanks user.

Attached: Salute 8.jpg (736x778, 122K)

>apparently it was KW who ratted ATF with the government of netherlands, forcing their hosting service to drop them. that event scared the admin of sadpanda because the site was hoated in the same country as ATF and almost caused him to shut down everything because he was tired of jumping from provider on provider. eventually both sites moved to moldova because that country doesn't care about loli and shota porn
Do you have any sources for that, all I can see are loligoons stating this providing zero proof.

>cringe farms
>current year

Attached: 1559177982866.jpg (1024x682, 103K)

>forgot to add
Tutanota > ProtonMail

I fucking hate niggers and I love Israel.

It was a vocal minority of e-pedohunter larpers on KF that got screenshot and posted on /h/ and other places, the thread about the site going down was mostly sympathetic and later cheered on the comeback.

Based Null.


> mfw my daily source of factual information and autism are gone probably cause of zoe quinn and her faggot aids ridden hacker squad
I was thinking the same. (No factual info or autism, just common sense. heh)
I was following the ZQ topic on KW and I know that some guy could still read Zoe's tweets.
Her twitter is protected so only confirmed followers can read tweets but apparently he once followed her and she didn't remove him.
He took screen caps of an awful lot of tweets, posted almost all of them on KW, passed them to some journo's and if I remember correctly even to law enforcement in Canada.

I'm sure Zoe and her clan are now very interested in who this person is. I hope that he was smart enough to use a burner email too.

Im kinda scared
I didnt say anything too bad from what I remember though

>open source
>no message logs older than 7 days
>1 GB free account instead of 500 MB
>also no phone number needed
>spam filter that actually works

Attached: tutanota-featured-800x450.png (800x450, 48K)

Doing god's work anons. thx!

Isn't this the site that hosted tarrantino what happened?

I forgot to add also: Tutanota encrypts message subject. PM does not.


I'm gonna especially miss my SGG updates-that gnome cracked me up

Forgot to add

what is happening to my internets? what's next, us?

the world needs less facebooks and twatters and more kiwifarms and dramaticas-otherwise alot of lulz and info will be memory hole'd beyond redemption

How do you know?

Attached: Question.png (463x492, 179K)

no, that was facebook