Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people

Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

cant blame me I had nothing to do with it, hell I dont even vote.

>yes, yes goyim! fight!

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Australian here with a message for Muslims in Australia.

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>The West created this mess
No sweetie, the Jews did. Appreciate the complement though.


You are directly responsible for what Tarrant did with your daily terror attacks.

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now calm down ackhmad and turn that vpn off.

>It was you who forced us to invade Roman land

Piss off, camelfucker.

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Alaskan here. Somebody had to suffer so I could have it so good.

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It was you who posted this shit again.

We do not forgive

We do not forget

You forgot to mention how French paratroopers used poison gas to kill the Mahdi and his followers at the Great Mosque in Mecca in 1979.

None of it would have happened if it wasn't for the USA fucking up Lybia, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. I am not saying that Europe dindu nuffin but it's unfair that we all have to deal with the consequences of American wars.

Why not fuck off to America, more people hate you here than you realise. Australia did not do this to you, they did, go fuck with them


Dude... if you can figure out a way to get us out of the Middle East, please do. The majority of America seems to want nothing to do with any of it.

We’d love to bring our people home to their families and to stop dumping hundreds of billions on all that bullshit.

mild mental ratardation was 70-90 back in the 70s.
((((they)))) reduced it before the boom of shitskins into the western world so that they don't qualify as retard. funnily enough they still do.
there was a gorilla with an IQ of 68 that could read btw. literally monkeys


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Why, if your religion is a religion of peace, are the extremists of your religion murdering innocents?
Wouldn't an Islamic extremist be extremely peaceful

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we need another cronulla soon bros im tired....

Saging OP's thread for absolute kikery and 1 post

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>raid, enslave, and try to conquer Europe for almost 1500 years
>Euros turn it around ~50 years ago

What's coming to you is pretty bad, but it's not as bad as you deserve.

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Also it wasn't us that divided your people, you did that yourselves. The Sunni muslims hate the Shiite muslims

Shoo shoo, cry over your mutilated dick.

Koko the Gorilla had an IQ of 85 and most Chimpanzees have an IQ between 70-90.

damn, wrong link.

it was not me, it was the jew

we should join together christians and muslims to defeat jews

And it will be us that corrupts your women into western culture. Your dicks mean nothing in the west, your women already fuck & prefer western men. Your own women will erode your strength from within Mohammed. You invaded hell and thought you wouldnt get burned.

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Valid points sure but you really have more of a bone to pick with jews and colonial brits than burgers if you really think about it

and it is us who will end you and your backwards religion for good by 2030
just 3 years since 2016 was enough to revive nationalism all over europe, you dont want to see what is going to happen in 10 you fucking sandnigger

>invade Europe over and over for centuries

Most likely trolling but 100% accurate unironically

>It was you
Nothing to do with me, I was down the pub with me mates at the time lad.

based German fren

Fucking towelhead if it was for me I would glass the desert and your shit Mecca, you piece of garbage. Ww3 will be whites vs shitskins, keep that in mind

>2000 years of jihad is merely retaliation
>now crouch down while i retaliate around your neck as Aaron films with the american payed HD camera

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Hy faggot.... STFU

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dont call it war
its going to be pest control


Kill yourself for using that made up bullshit word. Just because people understand Islam is a bullshit death cult religion doesn't make it a phobia you fucking faggot.

I have a Muslim side piece that hates her husband and encourages her daughters to seek western men. You've lost bucko

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Shut the fuck up nigger

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Islam is Anglophobic, calm down.

Remember lads

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It would possibly annoy OP if this turned into an anti-Islam meme fest...

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shitskins vs the aussie lads? hahahaha holy fuck, achmed. that's like a rabbit picking a fight with a suntanned pitbull.

OP is probably a glownigger to.

This is kinda true
But muslims should live in a homogenous country not with other religious group

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Shut the fuck up sand nigger. Your culture is a pure failure. No technology, no art. Cruelty and stupidity everywhere you look. No one who is fully human could be a Muslim. Its just not possible.

>implying 9/11 wasn't a CIA / Mossad con job
agree with the rest of your post tho
only liberals and apologists say that islam is a religion of peace. it's more accurate to call it a religion of change and resistance (violent if necessary) to oppression and degeneracy. read sayyid qutb
good luck killing 2 billion people in ten years

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> Jews dindu nuffin rong

We don't need to, we just need to get your women into the west...oh wait


Get the fuck out of this country mudslime

This, Murrica, Russia, Turks and Jews wage wars, while we get waves after waves of shitskins, so fuck off OP, we are victims too, maybe even bigger ones

Calm Arabs were never a thing, even when we were at peace. Same for latinos. Blacks chimp out because it looks cool. Their default mode is to rob, but not out of spite. Wrath is synonymous with arabs and mexicans. Pajeets too for some reason.

Well, as you see, we are already thinking on how to get world powers out of this Middle Eastern bullshit
All we want from you is to go back to desert to fuck goats or smthng

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Go back to plebbit
Not because you're a muslim
but because you're a stupid faggot

stay away from me and my wifes goat

Another Jew larping trying to create the clash of civilizations it never stops

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Just fuck off and stop trying to ban bacon here you daft inbred. Bunch of fucking nonces.

you are certainly not an Aussie. Why not go back to Muslimland where you belong if you can wean yourself off our social security system where you sponge off the dole while doing your little cash in hand job at the kebab shop on the side.
Your a loser who doesn't have the IQ to get ahead or the work ethic to prosper (being lazy) so you sit and grumble in resentment at everyone else a country that white Christian Men have made so bountiful that even someone working class here has a better quality of life (by a factor of 10) than your average muzzo in their Islamic shithole. Just as bad as the jews you lot are.

Nah, your kike butt buddies created this. And they used european money and lives to do it. We want revenge as well.

Redd/it spacing larp cancer

I was born and raised by a WASP family in the US lol I'm probably whiter than you nigger

Thank you, faggot.

We don’t care about your goat-related problems.

Allah fuckya, cunt

>Muslim here,
Fuck you kike

No, it wasn’t all us, just like it isn’t all Jews. It takes consent and inaction for these tricks to work. You say no. You refuse to play THEIR game. If you participate then you are too blame. Look in the fucking mirror Muhammad.

> lives in australia
> the west is to blame
why not go back to Afghanistan then ?

Means you are even a bigger failure- why would a proper WASP join the barbaric cult of desert demon, out of all white religions you could have been Christian, Atheist or at least a pagan cuck- no, you chose to fuck goats, you are a mistake

Islam has always been a shithole.

Fuck you Nigger, kill yourself.

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because there's only one god user. modern christians are idolaters of the worst and most obvious type. I have a certain amount of respect for the christian gnostics but no one pays attention to them. also
>implying any of the abrahamic religions are "white"