Why does Jow Forums still support Trump?

I'm confused by this. Is it stupid boomers? Stupid zoomers? Trump has failed Jow Forums should not be supporting such a blatant Israel shill

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you have to go back

We send Trump supporters back

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awww starting to realize your shilling isn't working?

Not many people on Jow Forums still support that fraud. It's just sad that there are double digit iq people still supporting such an obvious con man. I want to help you guys

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I have a theory that most of you Trump fans are secret homosexuals and want to fuck him

So who should we support in the next election?

Oh yes daddy! Tell me more homophobic shit that goes against your very ethos!
If Trump and Putin are in love what fucking business is it of your bigot?
And yes I'm voting Trump again faggot.

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I have no idea.

Did the operation of cutting your dick off really take that much off your mental faculties?

Says the obvious shill faggot who posted a Slate article then nazi shit directly after. Literally no self awareness at all.

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I'm probably voting for Trump again. It is a shame there is not a better candidate.

Media shills and glowniggers still can’t figure it out. It’s because we hate you faggots and he’s the only one who throws shit in your faces

>Can't tell us who to vote for instead
>Posts an article nobody cares to read/believe on Jow Forums
Why the fuck do you faggots keep doing this? Nobody here believes the news.

>Why does Jow Forums still support Trump?

There is a significant amount of iphone and boomer anons who have migrated here due to the heavy traffic we have gotten in 2016 and beyond.

The people on here since 2011 do not support Trump.

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>It is a shame there is not a better candidate.

But user there are better candidates. Literally any candidate.

>Lookie me, I'm an oldfag and I don't vote Trump! None of us do!
Wanna know how I know you're not an oldfag at all?

You mean "why isn't our constant shilling working goy?"

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Zoomer genocide when?

I know. The amount of reddit fags like who obviously just picked up /pols/ lingo is annoying.

I better see all these Trump supporters at AIPAC this year.

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The influx of new fags man. You people are cancer. Go back to plebbit

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Trump supporters still don't understand thi. Trump is controlled op

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You really do have to admire the kikes though, if only for how snakelike and unhuman they are.

>vote red
>vote blue
>hormone blockers for kids, free healthcare for illegals, open borders, fuck your evil racist country!


Trump supporters are literally supporting a treasonous sob

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I voted for Trump, will vote for him again. I hate his zio-shilling, but at least we aren't in another war fighting for Israel (yet at least). If he were completely in Israel's pocket, we'd already possibly have WW3 on our hands. The wall should've been built, but it's crazy all these leftist idiots and such resistance. If he doesn't have the wall by the end of 2nd term, it is indeed a failure. It'd be sweet to see him go 1488 during the 2nd term, but that is a pipe dream I suppose. You can't deny his presidency has done one thing so far: completely expose the MSM for what they are. He's literally the shitposter in chief. So I'm voting for him again. Idk that voting matters though, if it made a difference, do you think they'd let us do it? I think Mark Twain said something like that.

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>I'm confused by this. Is it stupid boomers? Stupid zoomers? Trump has failed Jow Forums should not be supporting such a blatant Israel shill

Jow Forumss numbers exploded for GamerGate related reasons. These people are Trump's supporters. The people who's entire life philosophy and political ideology is to trigger da libs xD

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Trump works for traitors

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That's the kikes specialty. They play both sides, so either way they win.

Like Hillary was? It's delusional to think she would have done better.

And this time...
Biden: blood-eyed gaffe-prone mumble-mouthed pedo

Elizabeth Warren: rewarded her entire life for being a fake injun and sounds like she's on the verge of tears everytime she talks.

Bernie: The milliionaire socialist that never made an honest dime in his life. And threw the election to Hillary for a third home.

Kamila Harris: Slept her way into public office. Jokes about smoking pot and locking up drug offenders.

Beto: furry loser
Bootyguy: gay
Yang: manlet

I was interested in Tulsi, but they're shutting her out.

Trump supporters come here
discord/ k9z3Egk

gay thread

This! so much this! posted this on Reddit 10 minutes ago and already got gold faggots!!

I enjoy that he's hurt media credibility. But that's something he did before he got into office imo

Only nonwhite subhumans and braindead cucks support (((Trump)))

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this is one of the cringiest astroturf threads I’ve seen in a while. sage. you faggots aren’t changing opinions, give it up

>1 post by this ID
Saged and hidden

How many people go on Jow Forums monthly? 200k?

Link if not trolling

Anyone remember this one from back in the day?

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Ok shill

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>Why does Jow Forums
asking us questions like we are one person and you aren't us just really makes you seem like a fucking psyop my man

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Look at this

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Can't measure that with third party tools, because people are Anonymous, I can't see IPs.
But its 50+ posts per minute, 65+ threads per hour, and a total of ~120'000 posts per day.

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This is the only reasonable elaborated post so far

Trumps campaign and presidency delegitimised the media and made casual “racism” to appear more normal

This is what they call "MAGA", lol

Man Trump's tweets were so good before he did that weird thing where he tweeted about snarfing down Israel's nutsack for a week straight.

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>Not many people on Jow Forums still support that fraud.
You realize literally everything the left claims is the opposite of reality, right?

Trump supporters need to be on a lifetime prescribed dosage of happy pills and anti psychotic medications

Trump cultists BTFO

Both are insane

can we just admit trump is a good president
>making progress on wall
>using mexico to limit illegals
>good economy

Trump isnt perfect but still better then any democrat

Who and from where

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I agree with that. But since elected, he has proven over and over what idiots the media are. He uses his twatter account, hell him posting some video yesterday of a cat in response to this sharpiegate shit was hilarious. He makes the blue-check mark homos flip out, exposing their IQ.

They're completely manipulated.

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Technically, no.

Cope he's done nothing to stop this. In may record migration

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I may just write her in.

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vote trump goyim

Nobody needs to elaborate on the fake dossier, a failed coup, framing Trump for Treason, selling our country out to China while at the same time creating the current blueprint of 1.4 billion human guinea pigs being assigned a mate and factory with any disobedience resulting in being sent to the forced-labor camp until your organs are harvest and sold on the world market, etc etc etc etc

we know the stakes and we know what we want

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I'll give him credit for that. Inb4 schizo Trump supporters spam with SHILL SHILL SHILL. see guys I give credit where credit is due

Threadly reminder
NEETsoc is almost exclusively shitskins and muslims.

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Shill discord coordinating attack on Jow Forums, nuked since they have been busted.
Congratulation, you have been manipulated by a bunch of tranny.

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Not even joking dude I feel bad for these people

Nope faggot. Trump is legitimately awful.

Why ? because he's not a nazi who mass kill niggers in the street, poor thing.

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You guys are worse. Nothing you stand for benefits nor is meant to benefit society.

>new fags
my sides

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I used to enjoy South Park, but this season here with Mr. Garrison is where I started to say fuck it all. That season and the seasons after have been fucking GGGAAAYYY and barely funny at all. Trey Parker and Matt Stone totally expected Hillary to win, and it fucked up the plot for the rest of that season. I literally hate everything on Comedy Central now. When you see the true nature of literally every form of entertainment and who is behind the shit, you ditch the shit and won't go back.

We/you have no other option, that US politics for you.
Your choice is either shit or more shit.

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>Just turn it back around and say something about the lingo!

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No schizo because he turned his back on the whites who voted him in. Peep pics above. Also catalonia is a joke shit city now thanks to your insane commie presence

nice article shill

atleast trump is trying to stop illegals democrats want to buss illegals in faster

I hope you'll vote for Biden next election to own the libs.

What other choice is there?
The only people who get elected, on the right, are Jewish control Zionist.
On the left you have people who hate freedom and white people also Jews.

There is a ton of Jews and Christian Zionist depending on Trump's unconditional support to help the Zionist destroy the Dome Of The Rock and build their real in my mind destroyed Third Temple where they will rule the world.

I smell of boomers, zoomers and new fags

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Trump isnt a neo nazi so that means he abandoned the white people who voted for him

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This record immigration is due to the combined efforts of the Democrats, Mexican drug cartels and global interests. The dems stonewall, the cartels traffick and the interests fund. All of them are against Trump and by being against Trump you are supporting what everyone calls the globohomo. You are part of the problem. Might as well stop larping.

I was going to vote Tulsi but that doesn't look possible anymore so I'll probably write in someone

oh boy another libtard

why wont you go swallow a tide pot or two like your retarded friends

No wall most immigration ice is not deporting anyone compared to previous presidents COPE

Oh. I'm not fully blaming him.

I just try to objectively observe things. Credit where credit is due, criticism where criticism is due. I don't agree with everything Trump says or does (namely all that FUCKING zio-shilling, jesus it nauseates me), but his first term has been entertaining in a sense. I'll vote for him again, but this 2nd term if he gets it, shit BETTER get done. Or we're fucked, literally, if we're not already fucked and just don't know it or want to know it.

Can someone educate me as to how things would have been better with Hillary? Mossad has more dirt on the Clintons than Trump. Plus she wants more shekels. Trump made a billion dollars before becoming president.

Mate, we are doomed. Trump was talking about red flag laws

>I'll probably write in someone
and what go do you think that will do?
you think the people that you hate are just going to
>write in someone
you might as well vote for someone that triggers them, even if the are just a Jewish controlled puppet