White Women

How do we stop white women and save them from themselves?

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le hab segs xDDD

my names sam and i am not a whore

You can only save a part of them, just like mankind. Let the rest perish. Ride the tiger.
>save white women
Read Rational Male. Learn frame. Spin plates. Be a good example (fit, dress nice, good relationship with friends/family, no addictions) of what a proper white man should be. Lead/mold her into becoming a trad wife. Hard next if she has tats or addictions.

Her tramp stamp says loyalty.... on a dating app.
This one can't be saved.

We beat the living shit out of them.

Must be
>No tattoo

Everytime fucking time it's an incel !!!!

>White women
Question for mutt anons. do normie white girls in the US legit and unironically hate white men like Jow Forums seems to say? As a bong who lives in a 99% white area I find it very hard to imagine desu But with everything I see here, it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns constantly + spend all day talking about how much they hate you online and want you to die. Obviously that cannot be true but what’s actually going on irl? Do they hate you for real? This is so bizarre as someone looking in from the outside. Do zoomer white girls hate you guys?

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This is the daughter of a weak inadequate man and father. It’s our fault not hers she like all women are essentially children.

>it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns
Your brain on Jow Forums

Why do people do this? I have never seen a "good looking" tattoo

I like Yakuza tattoos though


I think her bikini top is inside out

This is literally your brain on porn plus irrational confirmation bias.

You fell for the tranny discord cuck bait. Just like this low effort thread that's endlessly posted by them in order to "troll and D&C" Jow Forums

Better worded than me

Whats D&C about wanting to change the state of white women?

Time does it for you.

Somebody tell mi wheata loca she's not a chola

>swipes left

I seem to remember tarrant’s words about replacement...
Here’s the Christ church shooting original file link

I dont speak med

Fellas, women have not changed. There is a story from Ancient Athens where when the addressing the council of 500 or whatever a lady preached to them that she would rather die amongst the ranks of the phalanxes than spend her whole life with a single dude.

Women haven't changed, they've actually stayed the same for the most part. Men have merely forgotten how to deal with them accordingly.

You have to be hard on these broads, plain and simple. But there is a caveat, you have to be someone worth respecting. You can't be a fat fucking pseudo-intellectual NEET and think that keeping your pimphand strong is gonna' be enough. Duh.

>You can't be a fat fucking pseudo-intellectual NEET
I dont think anyone on pol claims that that will get women


Different lines of reasoning, same conclusion. Bro needs to get off the computer every once in a while~


Sharia law would be effective

That's a question you should've asked 20 years ago. Now there's no point. Focus on coding so you can create a vengeful AI to purify this world.

This thread, like all the others posted by them, pits the blame on half of the race while never pointing out problems in the other half, its picture is always meant to instill some sort of viscous disgust and hatred for white women and cuck your brain in order to make you think like where you live in this bizarre nightmare world where everything is lost already.

More-so referring to those who claim that they're waifu-less due to women being of lower quality than in time's past.

>She's so hot; the only thing that could make her even hotter are lots of tattoos everywhere.
Said no man evar.

>genital mutilation and praying to a jewish god is the solution
You know this means you need to cut your own dick as well?

Why do tats look so horrible on women?

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Ah you mean the war between the genders. Agreeds its just as retarded as left vs right thinking. A jewish mindtrap

Women are weak willed and merely parrot what society tells them to say to garner social status.

Once they find a guy they like they usually end up adopting the political views of ideaology of that man, this isn't for all women but it's true for the vast majority. As long as a girl isn't a total whore that requires the safety of feminist rhetoric ti shield her from the guilt of her failed sexual history, then they can easily be turned to parrot your views instead.

I think this is the harsh truth, but it really depends if people are genetically predisposed to hold certain views or if it’s all due to “nurture” instead of “nature”. In any case saving those that have fallen from grace would only lead to these low quaility genes being passed on to your descendents.

>who drinks beer
Ticking timebomb on her gaining a boatload of weight

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There is no way, short of extreme fascism.

Only sailors, prisoners, and soldiers should have tattoos.

The good news is it's an easy red flag to identify garbage women.

>How do we stop white women and save them from themselves?
You can't

Yes. You have to think like a Jew to understand the Jew.

Whenever seeing any topic just consider this next time: "Is this image, paragraph, one-liner or intention beneficial or detrimental to the race?" You will see what I mean soon enough. In your case the Dutch would come first in your mind, then Europe and the West second.

They don't look any better on men. Tats are gay as fuck

The best microcosm of a women's desire to fill basic biological functions conflicting with their inability to make quick rational decisions is simply to ask them what they want for dinner when they're already hungry. I've honestly never met a women that can decide on where they should go to eat or what to make after they mention they're hungry, it's like their brain immediately shuts down and they rely on anyone else to make the decision for them or they'll starve to death.

I live in California which is like 30% white, basically white women don’t hate white men but the less white their surrounding the much high chance they will race mix but this isn’t really groundbreaking since it’s been prevalent all throughout history. When communities aren’t segregated either legally or self segregate(like the Jews did in Europe) then they will gradually mixed with each other.

I see race mixed couples here very often, most common are white men and Asian women and black men and white women. Just today I probably saw like 5 black male and white female couples in my local Safeway. So honestly if you want to protect someone from racemixing you NEED to limit exposure to other races and normalization of the mixing.

Also to add the school here are a mess, there’s only a handful of blond kids in my sons elementary school and my son is one of them. White kids are also a tiny minority of children, give California several more generations and I doubt any more whites will exist here.

Find a good one and raise your children without the influence of niggers and kikes.

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Media has made whites seem weak therefore there's an inclination to switch sides.
Whites are the superior race however and our women who acknowledge this, despise niggers and don't race mix.
The ethno-state will be paradise.

Degenerate whore.

I don't swipe. I don't use tinder. I don't want to be in contact with this type of whore, ever

just a reminder guys, Ive never saw a women with tattoos who would be a good mother and not a slut/feminist.

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So brave and empowering

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It takes more than just not being segregated for the kind of racial suicide in California to occur. The kids are subjected to constant pro-race mixing propaganda, especially in the form of nigger "music". The school system's rules are designed to enable racemixing and punish white boys for asserting themselves, as is the rest of modern American society for that matter.

But does she hate niggers or not? That's all that matters

Having mother or father issues leads to feminist shit as well.

You see this shit everywhere though. If you watch what women watch you'll see the female "strong" bullshit all over the place.

All that shit is just a reflection of how inadequate they feel against whoever their fighting this week.

>it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns
I think I've seen 3 interracial couples in 2019, 2 of which came off the ferry from Sweden.

yeah, now I can see why so much rice steaming is going on with white men....

This is why woman is the opposite of man and why dog is man's best friend.

>woman went always love you
Dog will
>woman doesn't know what she wants to eat
Dog doesn't give a fuck and is always down to eat whatever.
>woman wants you to do stupid shit
Dog wants to do whatever you want to do

So if dog is man's best friend what is woman?

You can only save 1 white woman anyway.

Marry one and do your duty. Then try to influence people in that white countries should be for white people.

Also being an attractive white man and showing women on the streets what they could have and get, is helping them to stay within their own race because they realise what they could get potentially.

So be as attractive as possible and a role model for all other white men.

Dog will eat you if there's nothing to eat though.

>abolish child support
>strict limit abortion to 1st trimester.
>single women not allowed to voat (women voat like their husbands anyways)
>extra women tax emproyers for everey woman they employ.

This will stabilize the value of man.

Woman will make you here slave through child support and alimony. Which is worse?

Femanon here, white boys are just that: boys.

Woman keeps man from self destructing.

>Femanon here
aloowing a greedy kike to chop off your cock and balls does not make you a female.

Enjoy your STDs, domestic abuse, and a mixed race orc spawn I guess?

On the plus side, at least your dad's not around to be disappointed by you.

I have seen this response almost word for word on several threads

Yikes. Incel alert.

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Women have cause more destruction than theyve prevented.

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this and only this

Well, woman will probably also eat you if there's nothing to eat. So you're right, dog is better. Although you can't fuck a dog unless you're a leaf.

Unironically based swedebro

Get educated, get fit, get married, get 4 babbys, join politics at the local level to protect your community and move your way up the ladder so you can input and/or enforce pro-white ideology.

>How do we stop white women and save them from themselves?
Tattoos are fine, coal burning is not

>only incels aren't into trannies
The absolute state. Is this what trannies honestly believe? That everyone totally wants to bang them?
At some point, friend, you have to recognize that your failures in personal relationships aren't due to "toxic white patriarchy" or whatever, but that you're a man pretending...poorly...to be a woman, and everyone can tell.
Everyone. You will never pass.

>wall of text

>Your HRT pills will never remove your Y chromosome or spontaneously grow you a womb

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how are you getting baited this hard you autistic incel? jfc look at what you're responding to and fire off some of those fat blocked neurons you have in your cranium

Honestly, sounds like you have a tranny fetish you're trying to deny.

But choosing to not fuck a tranny is volcel

>1 post
>to earnestly say someone else sounds too earnest
>and to leave the tranny alone
It takes all kinds, even pretend-psychic dog-fuckers trying to make themselves feel smart.

>muh (((freud)))

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Why would I want to do that?
They received what they asked for.

Why can't you be happy that they got what they asked for. Why can't you be happy for them?
Or at least, smile watching it.

A lot of tattoos look bad, because most people that can draw really well & are halfway intelligent don't want to become tattoo artists.

so many incel threads lately

>Swiping left furiously

We don’t. Let the brown hordes have their way with them. Not our problem anymore.

>white women
mexican af full back tattoo

The number of women who hate white men is over represented. From what I've gathered there are as many white women who hate white men as there are women who hate black men, they just don't have a platform where they can post their opinions without being judged. Most women don't hate anyone though.

You just know that her baby daddy took off into the darkness, like his skin color, then she went full 1488 in shame

That's why I'm glad that my sis chose to adopt cats. It'd be suffering to see her trying to raise kids, they'd probably end up being trannies or gender freaks.

My 14yo sister recently got a tattoo from one of her lowlife "friends". A cross on her wrist.

Jesus fucking Christ lads now I have to go hunt down some random shithead and yell at her. Who fucking tattoos a kid?

Don't 14 year olds need a signed release from the parents?
In my day if you pulled one of those things your parents would give you a severe and warranted hiding.
Laser removal is pretty widespread now fortunately.

Women are truly the nigger gender

fix white men and white women will fall in line

you would be surprise the amount of faggots that have anime tattoos here, those and the vidya related ones are the worse

Yes, about 70% of adult women in the US are dating either a black man or a hispanic man.

any kind of tattoos are cringe and tryhard imo, unless they have a specific reason, ie pacific islanders with tribal stuff