Signs That She's Damaged?

Why damaged girls are a walking disaster?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If she cries when you fuck

Divorced parents

Colored hair, tattoos, nose ring etc.

That happens to me cause of my Big cock al my african DNA is concentrated there

>attention whore
>seeking approval

This. The post modernist feminist.

This is probably the biggest sign. Nothing quite says “daddy didn’t love me enough” quite like a nose ring.
Another huge red flag

She has this type of Finnish nose

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If she poos in the loo

Nah damaged girls are fun in bed and very submissive. Easy to contol and manipulate

>drinks to excess
>can't remember what happened
>passes out from drinking
>regrettable sex from intoxication encounters

>wants to be one of the guys
>swears and/or blue humor

someone post divorce statistics

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My girl checks every single post so far. Except the Finnish nose and she doesn't want to be one of the guys. She's also very in love and obsessed with me. She's my good little sub slut. I'm her daddy and we roleplay big and littles. She also eats my ass and throws up on my dick. I also piss in her mouth

High body count
Bad relationship with parents

That's disgusting, but I digress.
Does she poo in the loo?

>Oh hi user, this is my son, Jamal.

Do you kiss her after that?

Yup n yup

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Over medicated, bad relationship with farther, tattoos, constantly on social media, addiction to drugs/alcohol.... and the biggest one, single mother.



If my daughter went from left to right, I'm gonna disown that bitch.

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kek based Singh

Every time i see a chick with a septum nose ring piercing I can't help but think of attaching either a giant magnet to the ring or locking a padlock to the ring on her and just sitting there watching her suffer. This is simply out of my autism and not necessarily out of my distain for them. We should try this soon.

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>Divorced parents
>wants to be one of the guys

critical 3

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check it out senpai

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Jesus college is worse than crack.

>proper link

>She's my good little sub slut. I'm her daddy and we roleplay big and littles. She also eats my ass and throws up on my dick. I also piss in her mouth

so its the average american relationship

>'jokes' about exchanging sexual favors

This is the most important sign. She needs to have two good parents, still married to each other and it helps if her father is an alpha type.

Jewish college professors are a hell of a drug

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marxism is a fucking disease, good god

>no one wants rotten fruit
I will take all rotten fruit, you could compost it and grow something, or just sell the compost.

in the rare occasion that they were raised by the father they can turn out alright

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No one wants a damaged guy either. By virtue of being here, you are all damaged goods.

I never realized how small skull w*men actually have.

if she breathes

Suffering is the catalyst to growth. Damaged girls can either degenerate into madness or bloom into wonderful women. Dont be autistic

So true

Biggest red flag of all

The most interesting people are the ones who have suffered the most.


I love these threads. Last time I found a tranny Jew b4 after with a snowzer the size of a dozer but this makes me wanna electro shock cave beat Maddie back into normalcy.

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Doesn't exclusively date within her race
Isn't a virgin
Doesn't like to read
Listens to kike propaganda pop music or emulates pop culture in any way
Can't cook
Isn't close with her parents
Drinks/does drugs on anything more than rare occasions

Me neither till I drilled a hole in the base of her skull and fuxxed it.

You don't marry a woman because she's an "interesting person". You do it so she can carry your children and make you food. Interesting conversations should be saved for your male friends.

Shocked it took so long for single mother to appear jeeesus Christ.

Duh, we're trying to warn others

That neck tho.

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I hope you get e. Coli from her snowballing some of your own shit into your mouth after she eats your ass

In their 20s I overheard my sisters chatting about boys; one said the only person she loved was her first boyfriend; the other one said she loved her second boyfriend the most; both agreed that after their third boyfriend they stopped really falling in love and they did not cry when breaking up anymore. If you're dating a woman who has had multiple sexual relationships then chances are she is "damaged" and can't experience real love anymore.

People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? Wasn't he exposed for pulling an Epstein on one of his own underage fans?

same shit is true for men

Globohomo strikes again.

Beware, these are symptoms during a flare up. And flare ups are just viable signs of an infected individual. She may still be harboring the virus. Ask her about her self esteem, or even just test its existence. Does she push then pull? Over share very off putting details about her past, passing it off as being 'intimate'? Have a high sex partners count (if you know this number before you cannot tell if she has the mind virus, just stick to real dolls). And finally, is she the best sex you've had? If you've only been with less than a handful of girls and you've have an out of body experience with her, beware. They are everywhere. Go forth and build a healthy family with a healthy partner. It goes without saying, you too must be healthy.

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Yes and we still get the occasional faggot that spams that picture of him and her.

You marry a woman you respect and are sexually attracted to.

My chick likes me. She's also a nationalist and appreciates a man who can fuck her brains out and protect her physically. I take the mental pain of sifting through the garbage with you faggots so she can be gifted nuggets of truth and spread them. Nationalist women are a treasure and the strongest red pill.

The other day she got into an argument with a bougie California communist and couldn't wait to tell me about it. Cutest thing. She's also a beautiful redhead, sexy never hurts

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High pitched /child like voice is sure sign they've been fiddled with as a kid,

I always wondered if the ring is there so men can hook a strap to it like a farmer with a cow so they can be tugged around the bedroom while being degraded and etc.

Based leaf.

Hmm, but I never felt love for my first gf. Oh well, guess I wasn't a virgin before losing my virginity.

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Most women don't have the hardware required for growth from chaos and pain. Additionally society nowadays coddles them and endorses their victim hood instead of encouraging reflection.

when you are 15.

By virtue of living in the propoganda island that is the west, we're all damaged goods. Being here just shows we're actually capable of some modicum of critical thinking and don't merely accept everything we've been told simply because it came from an authoritative fugue, being here is a sign of good mental health and the desire to self-evaluate your own belief system the see if it actually reflects your lived experiences.


My first girlfriend was a practice hoor, second was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I love my current girl and want this relationship to go the distance, but miss the intensity of feeling I had with my ex.

Fuck that bitch though, she still stalks me on social media even though I haven’t spoken to her in five years.

This tooImagine a person so narcissistic and devoid of feeling, during sex and otherwise, that you make her cry because she cannot cope with the intimacy of sex.

This. That’s all I want to do every time I see them.

This is now a women hate thread. Please help me cope with my hatred towards women.

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Who cares, sam hyde wasn't the point of the post anyway.

Sven scooling that aussie cunt some important life lessons. You might as well adopt him, man.

98.6% of

HOO LEE PHUKING SHEEEIT! Am I the only male without and unattracted to tattoos???

I swear to you anons, tattoos deflate my dick faster than a tank running over a niggerball, and yes, this has caused me issues, lmmfao! Tats make me want to vomit, I don't give a fuck," how well they are don", or whose memory they commend, tats just scream trash and emotional wreck to me. I am cursed to be single anons, it sucks.

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I don't respect people.

I could strangle her for hours.

You’ll make a beautiful husband and wife. I can picture the tattoo’d little school shooters now..


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I like to think so. I don't think of a woman who degrades themself in degenerate way to be anything more than a creature, livestock, or an abomination to be culled. When the Boogaloo starts in your country please hook heavy chains into these rings as a form of torture for me.

That one Louie CK episode...kek

>I could strangle her for hours.
you're a romantic motherfucker like myself..

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Funniest thing about that loser is she’s done the same to a hundred other retards, 80 of them being niggers.

Its a massive turnoff to me. I hate it so much I will stop being interested in a woman if she has one. It just shows you what a dull yet attention crazed normie she is. There are ZERO women on earth who became more attractive after tattoos than before

All the girls in my area on Pof are single moms, drugs addicts, or fat and pretty much all of them have tattoos. I don't mind tattoos if they have meaning behind them and are small but the ones I see usually are stupid quotes or gay ass birds.

If that wasn't degenerate enough for them to get off on that, what about flaunting that in public with that giant nose hoop everyplace they go

People make mistakes and it's one that's hard to undo. If they are remorseful it stands to reason that they should be forgiven. Most arnt so it's not like that would be frequent.

Maybe. In my experience men are often more emotionally attached in relationships. Jealousy and the pain of rejection causes some men to violently lash out against their ex-girlfriend and or her new partner. One could also argue that men may have a more difficult time starting a new relationship while (attractive) women can find a new partner very quickly.

Wtf is pof?