>In Batumi, Stalin gained employment at Rothschild refinery storehouse.
>On 4 January 1902, the warehouse where he worked was set alight. The company's workers helped to put out the blaze, and insisted that they be paid a bonus for doing so. When the company refused, Stalin called a strike.
>He encouraged revolutionary fervour among workers through a number of leaflets that he had printed in both Georgian and Armenian.
>On 17 February, the Rothschild company agreed to the strikers' demands, which included a 30% pay rise.
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Communism and capitalism have always been friends. Its no coincidence that they both originate from jewish thinkers
Hey that's pretty based
Also weren't most of the people he super-holocausted Jews or Jews' familiars?
He changed his name to Steel because it sounded strong and his Jewish name was repulsive and obvious
Stalin wasnt a kike. He was Georgian
Set fire to your Rothschild employers building
Demand raise to put it out.
I don’t know who’s jewing who
I actually believe this
I haven't seen any solid evidence of Stalin's mother's jewish ancestry that is always posted about
Need good sauce on Djugashvili being Jewish.
Stalin was a sieger. He was good at knowing how to squeeze people and the true extent of his deceptive web we will never know. He also was an arduous worker, responsible(when he wanted to be, he didn't impulsively squander opportunities), and in any scenario he always kept his head down until he gained power, then he would reward himself with revealing his powerlevel. Very interesting guy, underestimated by people here, not studied enough.
Nationalities and religion are not mutually exclusive but you already know that don’t you filthy degenerate.
He was born in Georgia but that doesn’t mean he was Georgian
Stalin was a Jewish puppet.
>dictator does some leadership purging in country ruled by jews and near 100% staffed by jews in leadership positions
>most of the people purged are jews
wow that's such a surprise
if only this hadn't happened
>dictator also replaces these purged jews with new jews
the "purges" were just infighting. jew against jew fighting for power not man against jew fighting for freedom.
He was planning to resettle or genocide Jews in 1953.
Tf is your point leaf? Is he a jew or not?
>goldfein isn't jewish he is american
checked; all correct
It doesn't mean he's Jewish either you abominable retard
>not jewish
his name literally means jewson
First name and Middle name also suspicious
Didn’t say it did, idiot
jokes on u i was only pretending
He purged the Jews, burned the synagogues and hated the old kike Trotskyites, read a book faggot
>extortion of employees
I don't know what books you've misread, but you don't understand actual capitalism from lobbyism.
Capitalism slowly suffocates under a fiat currency and lobbied government.
Lobbyism/"crony capitalism"/"oligarchy by another name"/"zionist wealth" is all the same shit. Learn what that nightmare is and stop calling that freakshow an effective economic system's name.
He also killed tens of millions of Christian Russians and turned the Moscow cathedral into a swimming pool
Why are faggot liberals always so smug when they’re wrong? You always think you know something
>hurr read ((New York publishing)))
the surnames ending with "shvili" are widely recognized as Jewish in Georgia.
Stalinist USSR was the most terrifying place to live, possibly in all of human history, and it was the trial run for what the globalists/marxists want to morph the entire planet into. That's probably why it's literally never even touched upon in US schools.
I started reading up on Soviet history as an adult and it's infinitely more frightening than any dystopian horror novels or movies.
What resources do you recommend reading about it?
He was ethnically Georgian nonetheless and his mother was a fanatic Orthodox Christian. She sent him to Church School so he'd become a priest one day. He was raised a Christian all the way and he later encorporated some Christian values into the Soviet government. He was also the man who legalized religion in the USSR.
Dear America
The Forgotten
(stories about Americans who emigrated to Russia during the depression, when people thought it was a worker's paradise). It's about their journeys through the gulag, and has good info about how the US aided Soviet atrocities at all levels. Also has some terrifying stories about child slave labor that was used to mine uranium.
The Gulag Archipelago
Kolyma Tales (about a massive Soviet gold mine/gulag, where the US purchased the bulk of their gold)
Stalin's Hangmen
Stalingrad and Leningrad
That's a pretty good start to give you a pretty broad understanding of the paranoia, purges, famines, mass executions, show trials, gulag system, etc. And it's mostly first hand accounts
thanks user I'll take some of those recommendations
>it was the trial run for what the globalists/marxists want to morph the entire planet into
It really was, bro.
>I started reading up on Soviet history as an adult and it's infinitely more frightening than any dystopian horror novels or movies.
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