Please don't turn into this

Please don't turn into this.

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this is going to my leftard cringy compilation

>nigger nigger jew jew nigger jew jew niggers
completely lost it here kek

Cállate puta

what kind of retard made this?
sage your shit thread

Seriously? Fuck man, summarize it in one sentence.

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Multiculturalism is a failure because everyone dislikes people of different backgrounds living in proximity to their tribe. It’s scientific fact and Europeans don’t have a monopoly on the sensation.


I found a pic of your face OP!
Guess what grows in fields?

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You're only making this thread because you're spanish and brown.

When you bring in low IQ apes who reverse to assimilate it makes it too easy to hate them. They want to turn western countries into the very shithole they fled because theyre low iq morons. Im happy with foregoing race entirely and make an IQ based nation. Lets see where we go with that.

Too late.

sorry user, im already planning the next holocaust with my boys in Brazil

Not an argument, faggot.


>right wingers can't read

I got you senpai

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>an IQ based nation
Even if IQ were the only important thing, the offspring would be closer to the averages. And Asians have higher average IQ but whites are still the leading race in world history, so clearly it's not everything

into the trash it goes.

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lost at
>probably even
suggesting "holocaust denial" even needs rationalizing
yeah okay they killed x thousands of jews at a time using cans of raid, then disposed of all those thousands of corpses in a few hours rinse and repeat 24/7 for 3 years using sonderkommando


jews are lying for sympathy and shekels


>left winger dont understand memes and self-deprecating humour

If it takes Cookie Monster 1 hour to make a batch of cookies, and Cookie Monster has 4 kitchens with 15 ovens going 24 hours a day, is it possible for Cookie Monster to bake 6 million batches of cookies in 5 years?

I legitimately lol'd at this. That said, ovens weren't the only way Jews were killed during the Holocaust. There were mass shootings. There was extermination through labor, etc.

So, this argument is legitimately funny, and not at the expense of the alt-right for positing it, but it's also not... correct.

Reagan banned fully automatic weapons and granted spics amnesty, so you can nigger nigger jew nigger

a Jow Forumstard trolling other Jow Forumstards and the bait is pretty good. Wouldn't work without the Reagan tipoff.

Don't forget the electrified masturbation rollercoaster.

Honestly, bruh, you're being pretty anti-semitic and problematic right now, and I'm going to need you to respect everyone's lived experience, ok?
Jews weren't just killed by gas, shootings and labor. Oh, no. That's some basic white boy shit. You need to remember the masturbation machines. The bear-eagle cage. The pools of acid. The rollercoaster of death. The anus pumps. HITLER LITERALLY LIGHTING A GIRL'S FATHER ON FIRE WHILE SHE WATCHED!
Don't be such a bigot.

If you want to exterminate a people, you don't rig up elaborate fake showers that are actually gas chambers, or build masturbation machines, or holocoasters, or put people in cages with bears and eagles, etc etc

If there really was a "final solution", I think the 6-8 million rounds of ammunition could have been spared

Top kek, I get that some of the stories people made were completely ridiculous, but this doesn't merit historical revisionism.

German engineering is retardedly overcomplex. They make Rube Goldberg machines by default dawg.

So about the leftover 3.3 mil corpses they didn't find after the war,
>German engineering is retardedly overcomplex
into what rube goldberg machine did they disappear the 3.3 million?

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>I instinctually hate people of different backgrounds now after 25 years of not being racist then slowly realizing that shitskins have all always behaved like worthless entitled animals and that all statistics on race back this up

You took the thread too seriously

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