Anything you might wonder
Ask a shitskin anything
How's Jow Forums? I mean, you here, and you make AMA, you must be better than nigs all the Anons talk about.
That's not a question, whitey
Could you die, please?
For a civnazbol like me it's kinda shitty, at least ppl are woke on the Kike question
Do you play dota 2?
Not yet
Nope never did
Would you mind showing your flag? Because if youre in your home country, i dont think anyone would have a problem with you, but if posting from france or sweden. Well, you know.
You look like this retard bogan aussie legend player that just couldn't comprehend basic critical thinking.
How often would you say you larp as white here roughly
Could you show me a pic of his?
do you agree that all nazis should be exterminated?
You could easily be mediterranean
Turkroach im guessing.
Show me your flag. ATM you’re just a paid jewish mongrel poster. How many shekels did you earn for these responses? And show flag
Your point?
If you were to post a pic of yourself with a white girl nobody on Jow Forums would care. You're basically considered Aryan white here. They only have a problem with "racemixing" when it's black men.
Why can't you stop sucking cocks?
He has his real name and location on his profile so I'll just post the pic.
Are you indian?
Isn't shitskin a term for non-Europeans?
You need to stop watching the telly man. It is making you a smooth brain.
Are you romanian?
Nah that's okay.
And hey you're a shitskin but at least you're not ugly.
But for real though you shouldn't post your pic on Jow Forums.
It's not safe.
?? Dafuq ??
Reverse image search or smthn?
Are two tipes of mediterraneans, the european tan by sun, and the shitskin the mediterranean from morocco algeria tunisia and turkey they have
a facial traits very easy to see
Typical shitskin, turns up for a job, does nothing and then disappears.
Why ain't you workin' on makin' them beats boy?
You ugly nigger
Why a meme flag
you look british
This, show your real country Ahmed