Anyone else who really dislikes this cripple?
Anyone else who really dislikes this cripple?
attention prostitute
the woman i mean, the guy is just exploiting the bitches virtue signaling to get his crippled dick off
u know she goes out and gets drilled by BBC
hitler was right about killing the cripples
so were the spartans
yeah I strongly dislike this cripple
This guys life sucks give him a fucking break he isnt bothering anyone
I’ve never wanted to be a cripple before
How can you really hate a guy who made a book called "laughing at my nightmare". I dont even have to read it to know the type of man Shane Burcaw is. The title alone tells me he is a standup guy who has gone through some real shit. Way more than most of us have gone through
all his bla bla and your virtue signaling wouldnt be necessary, if we would simply kill all cripples and save the resources.
Spoken like a true incel. Where are these resources going to? Lonely virgins like yourself. You mad the cripple got a hot gf while you beat off into a sock every night?
Funny how he has a better chance of passing his genetics on than you
Well he made a book that many people bought, so he stimulated the economy far more than you ever will.
its true, that at this moment he is financialy and emotionally better off then me, but you cant argue on the fact, that cripples are useless to society and we, as a society, would do much better, if we killed/aborted them. This would:
>improve our gene pool, because less retards would procreate, if they were able too.
>less wasting of resources to keep retards alive, including time
>more space
>a better, more rational mentality, instead emotional desicion making
>strangers assume my girlfriend is my nurse
That could have something to do with the stupid little hat you make her wear.
a book that is useless and not worth the paper it was written on. But, well, you mutts only value money, not the actual benefits.
If cripples wouldnt exists, just like pic related, his book wouldnt even be bought, because there would be no need in understanding how a cripple feels and how he percieves the world.
Another factor is, that most people are braindead idiots anyways, and his books have been bought out of pity, to virtue signal and support this cripple. He is famous afterall and majority people tend to do and follow whatever is trendy.
Except there are some really smart cripples like steven hawking that make our world better.
Most severely crippled peoples die young anyways from other complications.
also you can shove your economy up your ass, so there is at least something that fills your empty being.
>muh economy
your economy won't save you from niggerification
good luck
>we'd save resources by killing cripples
>fuck the economy when cripples contribute to it
You are discounting the worth of his story.
Even at a glance you should be able to realize that if he can live his life with the bullshit he has to deal with you should atleast be able to see your family/ get a job/ she'd a few pounds. Not many people suffer physically and emotionally like he does in the modern first world, and remains as a reminder of how bad things can be and how humans can still overcome those odds.
But please, explain yo me how you have more profound insight than him when your daily challenge is trying not to burn your piggy fingers on hot pockets
This "retard" has
>wrote multiple well selling books
>Has a channel on youtube providing entertainment and support
>Has a hot gf.
>no gf
You're actually more of a drain of resources than he is when you think about it
hawking was not smart, but an overhyped vegetable, a public figure, a political tool. Anyone with an average IQ and an equal education could accomplish the same. And they do accomplish even more, they just arent hyped like this faggot, so you barely hear anything.
Ok if it's that easy why dont you just do what he did?
If you are so superior you should easily be able to surpass a cripple right?
>Save the resources
We have resources in abundance. So much that we are able to invite third worlders in the millions and still keep it up.
I'd rather we take care of our own, including our cripples and our elderly within our own people. Because that's what separates us from the nigger hordes with no compassion or sense of human decency.
Is she not his nurse though? He has shit dna, will never be able to protect and support her so the only reason she would have an interest in him is wanting to take care of him, which is a natural (usually female) instinct.
Is he rich or something? Why is she with him?
>1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
I can't get a girlfriend but a crippled midget can get a 8/10
That, or she is a pill head after his medication. That's actually fairly common.
Why the fuck is pol supporting some useless micro machine faggot.
Also i am not hyped, people dont pity me and dont give me free stuff. I dont get any insurance money or other benefits. I dont have a nurse that does everything for me on command. etc. etc. ...
>muh entertainment
and thats it? So how do i waste lore resources, if i dont have to pay a slut to wipe my ass multiple times a day and actually have a job, whoch contributes to society?
He comes from a very wealthy family. It's just money, another whore. Nothing to see here.
You are crippled just like he is you know.
because we're reddit now
>do what he did
why should i? I am not interested in studying physics and math for 10 years to then come up with shitty theories like the string theory. Everyone has his own interests, you know? Also privilege: You dont get to choose to which parents, nationality etc you are born. Having luck, a headstart, is of significants too.
>checks flag
not sure if troll post or not.
You sound like a loser desu
Says the word incel check
Social justice agenda check
Making fun of people for not having sex check .
100% found the kike . Jews will be genocided soon. I hope so
HP Hovercract
I dislike them all
Good shape on that cunt. Id ram her for free.
> but you cant argue on the fact, that cripples are useless to society and we, as a society, would do much better, if we killed/aborted them.
So the day your mother/father/brother/sister/child/whoever... becomes crippled you think it's ok to get rid of them?
Kek, I think you even have a solution for that in mind, Fritz
German sense of humor on full display
god i wish that were me
poor dude. bet that skank will stay long enough to get every bit of money and attention, leave, and fuck jamal in 3-5 months. Elliot Rogers was right.
>god i wish that were me
What, a cripple? Wish granted. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery of wish.
I am banned
objectively untrue
>being this much of a retard
go virtue signal somewhere else
Im back
>The title alone tells me he is a standup guy
I see what you did there
You can't kill random people just because you deem em cripple, the state can take the definition and broad it to whatever they want, in today's political 100% of the people who visit this site are consider cripples, you sound like a mental cripple and you should get gassed according to your logic
Got banned for talking about drugs rather than the degeneracy of Swedish women.
>Good shape on that cunt
That pose accentuates the illusion of a waspish waist. Probably not all that irl. Still, I'd fuck it.
>Mad because I said incel
>Attacking the less privileged just because
>Seething because your inability to make women want you was called out
100% a virgin. Really we should kill off the men that women refuse to fuck. If you're an able body man with no sexual market value, you should be eunuched and made into a worker ant. Save the resources am I right?
Oh yeah, his girlfriend is beautiful
Nigger detected
>your economy won't save you from niggerification
Your lack of one might though. I might be on to something.
>That's actually fairly common.
Sure thing Tyler!
It's a joke retard
>a joke
it was meant as a comment for all the room temp iq posts you made itt
All your posts can be considered jokes
This guy has a hot girlfriend while everyone who browses Jow Forums is all alone. I guess personality really does matter
I love Pepe the frog!
C'mon guys. This is shit.
Lets triangulate something
To be ironic or to be not ironic. That is the question.
Any news from Q?
If we all work together we can achieve anything
but nobody wants to work together due to anonimity.
Jow Forums is filled with big mouthed, but useless people.
>useless people
C'mon. Thats not true.
Jow Forums does EVERYTHING.......finding actors and launching airstrikes and calling out people.
Imagine the world without this place?
Did I mention how much I love Pepe?
The fucken man.
Everything I know about women, I learnt on Jow Forums.
You know why
I always feel sorry for that little fella. Even when he can do everything. I will always feel sorry for him.
Have you ever noticed how much it pisses them off when you feel sorry for them and refuse to treat them normally.
Like those dorks that bring their capper mates out of the house to do ablebody activities like bungie jumping and going to discotheques.
When’s the sex tape being released?
I would tell him simply.
"Disco dancing?. No way. You cant dance, youre spine is fucked. No women there will find you attractive, maybe cute and they will patronise you the whole time. Plus, youre a fire hazard. imagine if there was an attack or something. Stay at home here. See you later. I'll let you know all the stories"
I gonna fashion my grave stone to mimic a Jow Forums post, green text and all.
You can all give it, but................
This is mata mata mata shite, sorry, META META META shite. (Thats meta as in meta physics).
Im the only one who understands it.
Do you ever feel really intelligent just mentioning, ya know, brainy stuff, like phenotypes.
Have you ever heard of Richard Lynn?
Im in the top percentile JUST even knowing who he is. I might read what he says one day.
My favourite is Yotsuba B. Dunno what that is in English though. All these chaners are asiaphiles.
Hate farming thread, MSM article incoming: Far right to genocide disabled people same as Hitler
>be cripple
>get neetbux to hire someone to take care of you (can’t survive otherwise)
>find hot girl and mutually agree to spend their free time making fake relationship YouTube vids for shekels
>get millions of views from triggered incels and dumb normies
>split the cash and gets more free money
Living with a hot chick and not fucking her is torture though. But he likely has no sex drive from fucked up health and no muscle
>strangers assume my girlfriend is my nurse
That sounds kinda hot
>people wasting money on useless thing = GOOD
this is your brain on Jews
>dude who gets paid to exist and doesn’t have the courage to kill himself is inspiration because hot gf
>thinking she’s really his gf
Man humanity really is stupid these days
>no sex drive
Ecstasy and booze will solve that. Mephedrone too.