Just a threadly reminder

That pic related is NOT Brenton Tarrant. He was not a fucking chad, get over yourselves. I cringe everytime I see this photo (and other photos like it), because none of them are Saint Tarrant. Saint Tarrant was an incel, not a fucking chad.

Just a reminder for those who don’t remember the thread, here it is in it’s entirety debunking your bullshit.


No normie would’ve been capable of such a magnificent high score anyways. A normie/failed normie, like John Earnest, would’ve done remarkably terrible. Just remember that.

Attached: 78C99DC8-7DBF-43AD-AB14-468907BC7E99.jpg (194x259, 9K)

nobody fucking cares, memeflag using double nigger. go reddit space somewhere else

Stop posting about BT, this isnt cripple chan

That woman looks oddly familiar

Dude, 4 chan is cripple chan

>muh chad muh chad muh chad
just call them daddy already you fucking obsessed faggots

god almighty

t. incel

Attached: imagine1.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

>No normie would’ve been capable of such a magnificent high score anyways.
Means please try to top it goyim.
Feds want to radicalize whites to be shooters so they can use them as an excuse to disarm the public.
You feds must be a bunch of old men. You're so bad at your jobs.
Your shit is so obvious.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I loce Jow Forums so much.


Glad you like it here fed.
It is your job to be here, after all.

Who cares about whom he fucked?

He mass killed nonwhites and its all that matter. He’s a Hero

And use slang like “normie” on your containment shithole

the person in the photo is a random russian cunt u dumb cock
that isn't brenton tarrant
but nah keep going on about the woman like a brainlet
you clearly have no idea what is going on and in fact I envy that

Jow Forums is dead. Jow Forums is the best board for rejection of degeneracy and embracement of racism and National Socialism.

Dafuq you are talking about, schizo mong?

I said that his personal life doesn’t matter, because he did what brave and robust Europeans must do - mass kill nonehites

> coping this hard
Lemme guess. Your primary website of choice is reddit and you happen to be a virgin.

Attached: 1565510963147 (1).jpg (374x495, 34K)


plus it's been already said multiple times that the guy in OP is not Tarrant.

Incels should just turn gay

Fuck off dongo

le anglo

I guess that after going after Tarrant for being

>a gamer
>thinning hair
>an Aussie shitposter

journos will now focus on finding who he eventually slept with.

who the fuck cares? those sandmonkeys are dead anyway, that's what matters and that's what (((they))) are mad about.

>brings up something nobody ever talks about


He is famous for slaying muslims. Not for slaying pussies.