Look at this ugly Mulatto. can you see the German features in his face? I do, and it's fucking disgusting. This Goblin is playing N-ball for the German national team, and his name is Dennis Schröder. fucking gross
Look at this ugly Mulatto. can you see the German features in his face? I do, and it's fucking disgusting...
Why is Europe so shit at sports?
there is no way that guy is mixed race, he looks pure sub-saharan african.
Her mother must have been the niggest nig if this nigger is only half nigger
What is up with you Germans and the French and French offspring countries going for the niggest of the nigs?
I call pic relateds niggers
He's hot desu
he's 100% nigger. Half blacks look nothing like that
As they say: you can't take the nigger out of a nigger but you can't take the nigger out of a nigger.
So whats wrong with this I dont get it?
I don't know what's more disgusting. The congoid or the blonde whore drooling over him.
If I had only one bullet, It would be the girl.
Actually, I think his father (whose picture I can't find anywhere btw) might not be his biological father, but instead a faggot who met that niggerbitch mom when she already had children.
She looks retarded, which you would have to be in order to be into filthy black niggers.
Plus he's also muslim. Fuck.
yeah that's probably it other than the 2 mutt babies that are being held. Everyone else in that picture looks like they're straight out of africa
Looks pretty German to me
From the 50% DNA of the mother he got all the blackness genes tho kek
Natural selection at work.
I don't care, there isn't a single """person""", creature in that picture that shouldn't be executed right now.
All i see is german user he is 100% pure Austrian phenotype.
Niggers are so fucking disgusting. It truly baffles me that anyone can look at them and think "yep, we need more of that in our country" instead of the complete opposite
I see a nigger
3rd couple on right needs to be gassed
jesus christ carm down. Just because whites are more handsome doesnt mean you have to lash out in a murderous hatred and jew yourself.