What's the point of voting?

My single vote is not going to change the outcome, so why would I even bother? Is there any legitimate reason to ever vote?

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Cause your forefathers died for that right

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If you think there's no reason to vote, consider everyone who pulled the lever for a third party candidate ever. Every single vote for Jill Stein, H. Ross Perot, Evan McMullin, and so many others raises the blood pressure of just the worst people on Earth. If you can't vote for you, vote for them.

It’s your civic duty.

>What's the point in voting
Vegas has odds on it; gambling on things is very profitable (for the house).
Also, candidates make a shit ton of free money that doesn't have to be accounted for: "I'm running for office, please contribute to my campaign." $5 here or there adds up. You even get a vacation out of the deal.
Other than that, there is no benefit to anyone. The powers that be will do what they want regardless. They might use elections as a poll to see how fucked they are if they go against popular opinion.
It's the illusion of choice.

i didn't ask them to do that for me

but still my one vote is not even gonna troll that hard

exactly. which is why i just don't think i am going to bother anymore.

It isn't a right, it's a privilege
But you are onto something. I vote because I like to use my privilege, that's about it.

If you vote and win the political Establishment will immediately begin to do everything in its power to overturn the election. See the 2016 election in the US and Brexit in the UK. Only if you vote for the candidates and policies of the Establishment will vote and election be allowed to go unchallenged

>Be New England
>Our votes dont matter to the US
>Zog puppets only matter if red or blue

What's the point of this nation anyway?

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>"Muh civic duty"
>"Please vote so we can wash our hands of any responsibility of making decisions."
How very Pontius Pilate of the powers that be.
>"Well, they wanted Barabbas, a criminal and murderer, free, so we have to crucify Jesus, an innocent man."
>washes hands
>"Got to give the people what they want."
>"My hands are tied. I can't do what I know to be morally right, because we had an mob vote."
Same thing with jury trials.
The state gets to punish randomly, as it wants to, because that make plea bargains more appealing, without any responsibility of the outcome.

Because you not voting is giving power to every faggot, nigger, spic, and kike candidate to lord over you.

>i didn't ask them to do that for me
So you are free to leave your country and go to a non democratic country

I vote. Simply because 1. I'm a citizen. 2. I'm not in prison, and never have been. 3. It's a right that I've been given by others. That said, voting does seem meaningless. Only because, a single judge or politician can erase the votes of millions.