This naturally occurring overly algorithmic geometrical-thinking mindset is what allowed the most advanced civilizations to get they are now. This mindset was what initially made man start placing rocks next to other rocks and build barriers, walls, buildings, etc.
Niggers lack this kind of geometrical thinking and as well all extroverted, feelers and sensor mbti animal-like normalfag NPCs.
I care for an autistic person 12 hours a day in his home. He can't even wipe his own ass. Without us neurotypicals you aspies would all be squatting in a field shoving berries up your asses
Gavin Diaz
Autism comes in many shapes and sizes. It looks like you might have autism, too, but only the retarded kind. Get a real job.
David Gomez
>Get a real job. I strongly prefer to sit on my ass for most of the day.
Me too. Quick question: does the autismo you take care of have episodes when exposed to high stimulus situations? E.g., being around many people, loud noises, etc.?
Nolan King
All vanity, effeminate in nature. Don't be fooled, Nazis were feminine. Only whore faggots bow down to Nature and respect it's "rules".
Oliver Ortiz
Oh fuck yeah he beats people up. I got hired basically because I'm too big for him to beat up.
Adam Price
Ryder Garcia
Based tard wrangler
Luke Ward
How the hell is that meal?
Adrian Johnson
Nature has no rules, except "don't be stupid." It's up to us apes to correct each other about everything else.
Brayden Foster
>uruguay lol U R GuAY
Lucas Brooks
Why is this pic so satisfying? Also MBTI is for fags.
Austin Sullivan
Aspie checking in...
Its a gift and a curse....
Elijah Carter
Every post you've made has been a get. Are you using a script? I've never been around a violent one, only the ones who get really quiet and pale before they get up and leave. I always assumed it was some kind of panic disorder before I talked to one of them about it. I wonder what made these people this way. Surely it's not something that's been going on forever.
imagining this makes me laugh this could be a sitcom
Kayden Baker
I don't mind autists. Just keep them away from sonic, they're drawn to that shit and it's no good for anyone.
Parker Cruz
Asperger's hasn't been recognized by the APA since DSM5. You're just autistic. Tell me, what special powers do you have?
Ayden Jones
that's only true for high functioning but even they lose motivation to be productive because of social isolation
William Adams
>go to chuck e cheese's with my dude >it's a bad idea I already know but he's close to a behavior rn wanting to go in so bad >he gets in and goes right to skeeball >crowd of niglets start swarming around him jumping up and down and yelling >he gets overwhelmed and starts throwing skee balls at niglets >I apologize to management and take him out for cheeseburgers at mcdonalds (his favorite) as a reward
Carson Morris
Don't know about spergs but lack of geometry in modern school is what always terrifying me.
Hudson Walker
>As a reward Literally rewarding him for bashing niglets. Holy fucking based.
Levi Cooper
>get I'm just an oldfag friend. I started tard wrangling because of all the tard wrangler stories on old /b/. >never been around a violent one It's the same signs, desu, just instead of leaving he starts hitting and choking people.
I'm not gonna lie I love my job.
Brandon Rogers
Power - I can reverse enginner and fix anything. Curse - I've browsed Jow Forums for over 10 years and I'm stuck here forever.
Brody Sullivan
The best part is that no one wants to be a tard wrangler so they're literally begging people to do the job.
Asher Rodriguez
Can you reverse engineer your bad spelling? I'm kidding. If you'd indulge me, I'd like to try something. Please tell me what comes to your mind when you read these: >House >Car >Bridge
Jordan Lee
This is your thread reminder that despite what they like to think for themselves autistm =! genius.
This is your thread reminder that many of the so called genius scientists such as Einstein, or Richard Feynman, were in fact perfectly adjusted, social & charming, with often "artistic" hobbies on the side (Violin for Einstein & Drums for Feynman). Often having quite a bit of success with the ladies. Even Stephen Hawkings, paralysed in a fucking chair, managed to pull tail by force of personality alone.
The thing you retards dont understand is that Science requites INSIGHT and not RUMINATION over the same thing again and again. Your ability to arrange stuff around is meaningless. Computers can do so as well. True value comes from breaking new ground, not just being exceptionally good in following the rules of old ground.
I actually do know an autistic mathematician myself. He is indeed very good with topology and drawing pretty shapes in mathematic, matlab and such. And guess what. That's all he does. He has zero patents or zero theories that moves science forward. Occasionally other theoreticians might toss stuff at him to double check stuff sort of like using him as an organic computer.
So no. Because you are an anti-social autist, who reads right-wing blogs all day and has no empathy, doesn't mean you are a great scientist, sowwy.
Communication I'm not the autists user but I'm surprised that this popped in my mind.
Levi Gray
That's interesting, actually. How is your relationship with your parents?
Wyatt Lopez
>those two fingers hanging over the edge of the tray Didn't even try at all.
Dylan Morgan
imagine being a socially crippled nerd that stays inside all day looking at a computer because you can't maintain eye contact with people or hold a conversation without sperging out lmao
autism is a spectrum. many in the autism spectrum aren't that functional.
high functioning autism is only really useful in many situations from what I've seen and/or savant type stuff when it comes to high level thinking. many with autism don't have anywhere near normal thinking and/or high level thinking.
John Collins
This. Autism is just a disorder.
Joshua Moore
asgerben's are the real master race bow down before us and accept that fact
>not even a real disorder >just autism without the autism kystbqhfamalam
Ethan Martin
To be honest, people don't seem to talk about anything interesting. I'm not big brained or anything but it seems like everyone avoids heavy issues and they only want to talk about TV shows or people they knew in high school.
Dylan Jackson
imagine saying imagine bedsheet yourself pussy
Oliver Robinson
Not so great now. My father died when I was young. My mom is a great woman but to me my entire family is super negative. I try to avoid them kek
Henry Diaz
Sorry for the sage, forgot to delete it from a previous thread.
Colton Perez
>Feynman >perfectly adjusted, social & charming As much as I admire Feynman (no homo), that's bullshit and you know it. He could get away with being socially oblivious because he was absolutely handsome (no homo). Let me quote "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" to elucidate: >Once when I was over at Jerry's, I said to his wife Dabney, "I can never get the girls to pose nude: I don't know how Jerry does it!" >"Well, did you ever ask them?" >"Oh! I never thought of that." durr
Hunter Sullivan
But what makes a genius mate? So a human calculator is nothing much whilst a perfect NPC scientist aka someone that went to uni and works in stem - is the paragon of intelligence and borderline genius. Can you give an example of a genius from the last 50 years and why the person is a genius?
Landon Morgan
>not just being exceptionally good in following the rules of old ground. This is the downfall of autism. I never want to hear the word supposed in an argument again.
Julian Morris
why would I want that? I'd rather be that way and be happy for the most part. Plus people just think I'm retarded alone at times and nobody is going to bug me for the most part and I can be alone and have happiness.
society is soul crushing and/or depressing. people are often times fake if not for the most part fake. nothing is real and people don't even talk for real for the most part anymore out in public.
What kind of pay are you looking at to tard wrangle?
Noah Turner
HFAs are usually undiagnosed. Sometimes highly successful. After enough time, HFAs learn to camouflage their condition, similar to how a sociopath can emulate emotion. The ones I've talked to are miserable.
Do you have any very close friends? Maybe someone who you would consider "family" in a way?
Brandon Ortiz
I've been doing it for so long that you don't want to ask me that. I have no clue what new hires are coming in at and I've received a lot of raises. Enough to live on.
Xavier Green
most people are miserable in todays society especially in america right now for the most part.
William King
>naturally occurring Yep Stopped reading at that bullshit right there. You can't find a single non vaccinated person that has autism but every person with autism has been vaccinated as and infant.
That is the hand position he uses while he has diarrhea.
Jordan Walker
Today's society is based heavily on an oversaturation of social interaction and an oversaturation of sensory stimulation. Everyone may be miserable, but autists are definitely up by at least one standard deviation.
Nolan Morales
You're not wrong. I was saying that some HFAs have some kind of identity crisis going on. Their personality is a culmination of social norms, and not organic to themselves.
Julian Bell
HFA here. Its a fucking miserable life. I was made to go to therapy for years over my mom and grandparents not able to stand the fact that I wouldn't look people in the eye. I read as a kid that when you look people in the eye less than 65 percent of the time they think you're being dishonest but more than 65 percent of the time you're being aggressive. So there is always a counter going in my head that I use to meter how much I look at people's eyes. A lot of times its focusing on their nose directly between them but it seems to work. My biggest talent is in music but I cant stand to be the center of attention so I didn't pursue a career in it. Went to nursing school like most of my family but I cant keep a job more than 6 months before I'm a pariah at work because I'm 'weird'. I've actually had to have meetings with managers over people complaining that they're uncomfortable working with me because of it. Excellent nursing care but not fun to work with. That was a quote from my last review.
Zachary Peterson
do you honestly think that all interactions between people should be political debate?
Hudson Davis
you mad, tard? you gonna cry?
Tyler Russell
Girlfriend did tard wrangling, it was a dead end job with a lot of travel and low pay out. She made more money working as a server fri, sat, sunday. than she did all week.
Robert Jenkins
Pretty girls are going to make more money at a job where they can get tips than by doing anything else. This surprises you? Even ugly girls tbqh
Daniel Robinson
Not really. I got really burned in my life and I avoid people currently. I was the fixer and the giver in the family. That led to me becoming suicidal and I almost ended it all. My family and friends were always in need of a helping hand and I gave and gave until I had nothing else to give. And they became angry with me when I refused. That caused me to break twice. Second time was the severe " suicide feels like peace" kind of break. Year later and I'm still recovering. Maybe one day I will be able to have people around me but I don't know about it. I have a spouse but...not much help there. Just not as much taking. Basically I went through shit and I'm on the Pend, while avoiding friends and family.
Gavin Hernandez
What I do for fun is none of your business.
Ayden Taylor
House = safe Car = limitations Bridge = human
Ryder Wright
Why don't we get parades and money thrown at us like minorities and sexual deviants?
Nigger, nature is the only thing that we know of that can kick our collective asses. We try to tame nature, but that shit doesn't work (new orleans anyone?).
To not respect nature is to be a retarded nigger cunt.
Ryder Lee
No it's not autism, idiot Stop obscuring the real difference which is being a hylic (you), a psychic (not you but some people here) or a pneumatic (me)
Jackson Ortiz
Because autism doesn't make the vagina tingle.
William Howard
I don't need a debate or a history lesson, just something beside who puked on who last night or Marvel movies. I like hearing about people's weird dreams but that tends to take a close relationship.
Jayden Collins
Napoleon, give me some of your tots.
Colton King
lol. Autistics are trash, you fuckers will get bent if someone messes with your surroundings. "master race" more like dumpster trash. sorry, but no, your mother lied to you when she said you were perfect.
Charles Barnes
Ideas bigger than pop culture would be nice even once in a while.
Parker Harris
Ive always said we autists need to force society to accept us like the faggots did. Is after the ball a good book to learn their tactics? If kikes can brainwash them to fuck niggers we can brainwash them into fucking us
Connor Martinez
>brainwash Female instinct is to fuck the conquerors. No brainwashing required. You want them to fuck you? Take charge of society.
Jackson Green
Do you also carefully curate your speech and meticulously read body language? I've definitely heard of the "bridge of the nose" trick. Do you experience episodes of any kind? There seems to be two types of perceptions of HFAs; completely agreeable but quiet/shy, or weird/unnerving.
It sounds like that your trust in others is broken, and that you have become isolated. You should consider finding a male bonding group - gun club, survivalists, group building, things of that nature. Something impersonal and external to focus on with others as a shared goal. I would suggest "nerdy" hobbies like D&D/tabletop, but those tend to attract less masculine individuals and sometimes even women.
Nathan Mitchell
Put two men together in a pub and watch as they slowly start talking about politics within 10 minutes. You don't need autism to talk politics a lot, it occurs naturally in social interactions.
Cooper Nelson
Do you have a car? Can you drive? How do you feel about social interactions - are you nervous around people, even those you're familiar with?
Hunter Rogers
Niggers arent and never have been conquerors. They are the bottom of the barrel underclass and are getting poorer, dumber and more violent by the day.
Lucas Wilson
Poor, dumb, violent, and reproducing at an astonishing rate compared to whites. A conquering doesn't have to happen in a day, user.
Grayson Brooks
I have no car and never want to own one. I own a driver's license for the sake of (job) security within this construct we have going on currently. I am not nervous around people, i just don't like people. Social interactions (and I am assuming your definition now as them being things like small talk, physical interactions like shaking hands, having dinner together. Any pleasant interaction. ) are meaningless to me for the most part. They offer a small insight into someone else's persona and can serve as a way to understand another's thoughts, but other than that are more annoying than anything. (I do experience trouble with language and how people use words outside of it's intended definition, I am aware my language differs from yours)
Grayson Peterson
Reproducing only because we handcrafted a dependent population. If the west were to fall, so will they. Imagine a human feeding a flock of seagulls. He does this for decades and the flock knows when feeding time occurs. When said human passes the flock will perish and tje population will dwindle. (although basic instinct will save some)
Parker Ross
I do carefully think about the things I say and how I carry myself physically. I feel like a chameleon that cant quite get the colors right. That slight off bit puts people off. At first they think I'm a funny guy as I emulate the speech patterns and personality of people I perceive to be popular characters in books and movies but that veneer quickly fades as they see the cracks in my personality. Then it goes from me being the funny guy to me being the weird guy. I just want to be able to do my job and maybe one day be able to cultivate friendships. People say just be yourself but when you have no idea how to do that, what do you do? I've accepted that I will never have a relationship that goes beyond a second or third date. I'm really good at first dates and one night stands but beyond that my personality flaws become apparent and offputting
Cameron Long
Oh and I do have episodes that would easily be described as spastic or hand flapping type things. When I'm in public I resist them wholly but when I'm alone it feels so good to let my body react naturally like that
Michael Mitchell
Feynman was also a chad, getting in bar fights and taking home Vegas showgirls. His books are a great read.
Zachary Hall
Theyre stagnating, theyve been ~13% of the population for almost a century
I'm INTP, and I agree with you. Morale is fine to keep civilization going, but the priority is problem solving. If animal rights activists existed in the Stone Age, our ancestors would have been killed off by the lions. Every single one of them.