What kind of moves can we predict Russia will be making in the next 20 odd years?
Let's say the U.S. does become distracted and Russia can be more free or aggressive in its foreign policy, can we speculate what they would do? Would they move on the Baltics? Take Ukraine? Annexations or invasions?
God forbid we talk about something other then Incels and women lol
Xavier Taylor
>Would they move on the Baltics? Take Ukraine? No >Annexations or invasions? Perhaps Belorussia. Russia's geopolitical strategy is breaking other side's strategy.
Pic related is all you need to know about Russia's geopolitical goals. In military terms terrains like the north european plain are indefensible so the more Russia pushes west the safer the country gets, in a nutshell they seek natural barriers.
Islamification of western nuclear powers continues to be their number 1 national security issue so they will continue backing nationalist movements to fracture the eu, and failing that roll into paris to remove kabob themselves.
No. Fall of the Rome once again. Russia will play Byzantium role in this scenario. Our muslims drink vodka if you about tatars/bashkirs or north caucasus. Perhaps Russia will take East Europe, but just perhaps.
why should the US care what the heck russia is up to? cold war over. commies are gone/hiding russia is a big place, America is a big place. long as they stick to their side of the world, who cares its nasty globalist bankers constantly sending merkan troops around the world for sum dat d'mockracy stuff
"avoid foreign entanglements" but no one listens
Jayden Jenkins
Kek I hope they will annex malmo
Bentley Hernandez
Nothing nigga, didn't you know? China Russia moved to economic front, they will use theirs armies to protect those nothing more, in a very slow manner, so no big wars
Lucas Scott
Maybe Skåne will elect to rejoin Denmark, if shit hits the fan.
can russia stop being aggressive for once and develop itself? the average salary there is 500 euros a month and the only good and rich cities are moscow and sankt peterburg while other cities look terrible
James Harris
No. Trotskists now dug in USA, NY and Cali. Can Donald repeat comrade Stalin's achievement in cleaning this sheet?
Because Denmark is NATO but Sweden is just a host not member?
James Gonzalez
>agressive >annex crimea as to not have a western border state controlled by the west >syria: backing up your allies in times of crises what am I missing here?
Luis Baker
If i was russia, i would be trying to better relations with eastern Europe where possible. Or atleast negotiate millitary agreements. West Europe is going to become a new Soviet union, and the V4 will be first on their shitlist.
Lincoln Cox
Yep, Stalin did the right thing with those scum. But they also tried to push us left during the cold War, now they're bitter that Russia is completely lost to the left.
>Russia doesn't have any ideological foundation to push abroad >Russia doesn't have any means to conquer or occupy foreign nations >Russia's only interests are keeping their own shit together, which will consume their all efforts for the next 100 years >Russia will focus on defense and indirect manipulations and subversion of the adversaries
Joseph Evans
Hudson Young
Because Skåne was invaded by Harald Bluetooth as a response to piracy, and their dialect is close enough to Danish, for the rest of Sweden to mock them.
Thomas Gomez
>average salary there is 500 euros I pay 10 euro/month for 25 celsius in my home. 20 euro to heal one tooth. >Russia is completely lost to the left. Left and left is two big difrences and 4 more little. Just fix and restore names.
Ayden Jackson
In the(hypothetical)case of annexation and expansion would Denmark be any more safety for them than Sweden?
Jaxon Harris
Postmodern do not need ideology. Yep, take people not land. Yep. For next 30 years. No, Russia will be scarecrow for western media. They will gone too.
Jack Perez
China is going to invade Russia Russia is gonna get fucked by China China is “””renting””” land off Russia in the Far East but also claiming it’s historically theirs like they always do
Next major war will either be a flashpoint in south east Asia over the spratly islands or war of Russia vs China in the Far East
America has to make the decision whom to help kill off and it might be difficult with the Chinese colonies Canada New Zealand and Australia going against America
Probably not. Although, the veil of political correctness could be lifted, ever so slowly. I am not advocating for it though. But I am concerned that the Swedish situation could be hijacked by sanctemonious outsiders, such as the Ruskies.
Isaiah Carter
>China is going to invade Russia But they are invading you. Canada and USA. Russia has no chinatowns. China's front to the south. Have you any chinks in your goverment?
Kevin White
They own 60% of the rail system in Australia but they have to pay for the workers/maintain it. Australia only gets 40% of the profit.
Kayden Morgan
Cant speak about US, but Canada...If only you knew how fucking right you are. At that point there are more Asians in Canada than there are Asian Minorities in Russia, and US probably have even more of them.