Dylann Roof

Well, was he right or wrong? Everybody agrees that Tarrant was right but nobody can come to agreement as to whether this guy was.

Pic related is a photo of him when he was younger. Why do speds always make the cutest kids but grow up looking like potatoes? I’ll never understand.

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Yeah, he was fine. Only faggots and niggers hate him. Those darkies should go back to africa if they don't want to be shot. My two cents.

radical!? youth!?! murder!?!1

Fuck that guy he listened to nigger music

He was fine. Even the church going magic negro types are still just fucking niggers at the end of the day. Except they're often more self righteous the the street, ghetto type of nigger.

Absolutely a Total retard... the people he shot were normal humans, zero reasons for what he did.

tarrant is fucking pos.
you have to have mental problems to write lame ass shit on a gun.
5 yr old mind.

cry babies that can't handle reality.
wahhhh wahhhh

This, he could have shot a drug dealer or thug if he was so hell bent on rectifying some racial score. Watch his FBI interview if you think for a second he has an iq above 70. Terrible tragedy, terrible optics. Fuck him. He will be used for 100 years to beat down any white positive movement.

I am in no way endorsing what he did, just so that’s clear with the feds.
But he did what he did where he did it for a reason. Look into the positions of certain people he killed.

>Everybody agrees that Tarrant was right
fuck off retard.

wew, triggered

Please... they were just local black people. To top that off Charleston did not have a race problem. The city runs smoothly. The guy was an absolute retard.


you are triggered, don't be ashamed

Killing a bunch of diabetic niggers in a church is low hanging fruit. If he really wanted to be a role model he would have gone Judge Roof on the streets of Baltimore.

No sympathy for this kuppet

Even worse... that church was in a gentrified part of town... surrounded by a well to do area. Completely gutless worm.

Dildon Poof shudda tidepods’ed long ago

I remember the aftermath of the Charleston shooting, I was active here and on r/GreatApes (or maybe r/CoonTown? It's hard to remember when the schism happened) at the time. The majority reaction was disapproval and disavowal. It was pretty shocking, and it sobered a lot of people who were otherwise enthusiastic about the race war, because a massacre at a Bible study meeting was not the way things played out in The Turner Diaries and Hunter. I remember I commented repeatedly that you ought not to shoot niggers in their churches, that's the one damn place where you can expect them to pull their pants up.

It was far less well received than Christchurch, Poway, or El Paso, we hadn't gotten used to the idea yet and it got a lot of pushback. And yet Roof paved the way for Tarrant, Earnest, and Crusius, Breivik cast the mould, but the Norway attacks would have remained an anomaly if someone didn't take the all-important step of following suit. You need at least two points to make a line, and Roof was the second point.

If Charleston hadn't happened back in 2015, if someone else had slaughtered a bunch of nigs in West Memphis or wherever, and charted the path, then Dylann Roof could have shot up the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow and Jow Forums in aggregate would praise him. It's been normalized, now. But at the time, it was hard to countenance. Our bodies were not ready.

Good comment burger, thank you.
Someone said that Breivik represents the first raindrops of a future storm.
We can wait and see if this will turn out to be true.

>has niggers
>no race problem

A nigger is a nigger no matter what clothes they wear.
There is no room for picking and choosing you soft ass faggot.

I apologize I got ahead of myself and did not read the rest of your comment past the past comments you made.

I kinda hope it won't. El Paso kinda spoiled the idiom for me, I really don't like how that played out, and I can't just grin and bear it. Something's changed in me, and I really don't want to see you magnificent bastards writing manifestos and turning every venue I could think of into abattoirs anymore. I haven't thought of a better idea yeah, but I'm trying to.

Good grief, you Nazi types really need your own website. That edgy hate is lame

Well, the point of the whole circus is not to keep on waiting for isolated shooting for so much long.
At one point, the less white people there'll be and the more they'll be hunted down, they're gonna tribalize again. That's when serious shit will go down.

>wants to bring the fight to the nigger menace
>attacks docile church blacks
If he had shot up a hood, he'd be an absolute legends, but as it stands, he's just a massive faggot.
>inb4 tarrant shot up a house of worship as well
It's not the same and you know it.

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I feel bad for that kid to be honest

Okay, see, now you're just preaching accelerationalism, and accelerationism is retarded. It's just nihilism, with extra flourishes. It can be used to justify literally anything. Vote for a Democrat president and gun confiscation, it'll get us closer to the tipping point! Celebrate niggers attacking white women, it'll make white people wake up sooner! Import another 5 million shitskins, that'll put the pressure on whites and they'll be forced to act! Whoopie!

Well tell me how accelerationalism worked in Haiti? In Rhodesia? How's it working in South Africa, now? Where is the magical threshold of persecution where white people being marginalized and hunted down forced them to go Super Saiyan and pull their Devil Trigger and unlock their Sharingans and curb-stomp everyone else, because historically speaking, I don't think that's ever fucking happened.

So yet again another person who doesn’t understand the actual definition of nihilism.
Acceleration follows the same logic that gets whites targeted by nonwhites and their own governments in false flag attacks. Moshey uses these false attacks against their own supporters to rally and anger their troops to take action and support the “counterattack” against those whites.
We are simply using the CIA’s/Mossads tricks against them. As for ethno-satellite states, are you actually surprised that a population of what is less than 10-15% of the nation’s whole to be overrun by the rest of the 85%?
The goal for first world acceleration is to incite anger and counterattacks BEFORE we get to such a low population.

>Well tell me how accelerationalism worked in Haiti? In Rhodesia? How's it working in South Africa, now?

the niggers won.
we should do in in our countries what the niggers did in "theirs"

"Accelerationism" is all well and good in theory, it just means "reach a breaking point". What bugs me is the mind-numbingly stupid strategy of sitting out/voting Dem/trashing le Blumpf etc. in the name of "accelerating" things.

When the left takes control, they shut down the mobs and the right goes back to pouting uselessly. When the right takes (some slight semblance of) control, all hell breaks loose (antifa/insane SJWs/mass sh**tings etc.).

Want to see nothing happen for eight years? Vote Biden. Want to see actual street-level violence and psudo-r*v*lutionary activity by leftist politicians? Get Drumpf back in the WH.

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Had he gone and shot up about of thugs in the ghetto he would be a hero. He even wrote about how he would not feel safe doing that. He picked the most harmless people possible. And then it garnered sympathy for the very people he hated. And he is what got the ball rolling for this crusade for removing Confederate flags and tearing down statues. Fuck him, I wish him the absolute worst in prison, I'm sure I'll read a story about him being some nigger's prison bitch. His little sister is smoking hot but will probably lose her looks when she turns 20.

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He is just the price to pay for living in a multicultural community. It beautiful.

fuck off anti-white kike. Keep dreaming about your nigger rape prison fantasies elsewhere.

>Well, was he right or wrong?
He killed a black senator and organizer for the black supremacist organization called BLM. They base their ideology on hatred of White children. Of course he was justified. He may have been a "terrorist" according to the definition. But his first act was not a terrorist act. His first act was to assassinate this hate filled black supremacist politician. The others were merely a spur of the moment attack since he could not possibly have known that they WEREN'T political elites.

Blacks in South Africa used to toss grenades into White churches and laugh at the victims. Compared to black terrorism, Dylan Roof was a precise assassin. He was not seeking primarily to wantonly kill random blacks but to assassinate a black supremacist leader and then shoot anyone associated with his ideology of hate.

The best weapon to employ is to have as many white babies as possible, and to homeschool them. Putting your kids in public school is nigger tier neglectful abandonment.

The Nazi gangs in prison hate his guts. This crusade for removing Confederate flags and tearing down statues started because of this idiot. He did the bidding of the people he claimed to hate. The media loved this story. And he left his beautiful sister who needed him.

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No Panthers!
No black supremacy in our land!

>I believe that meaningless flags flying (which would have been taken down ANYWAY) is more important than racial survival.
Ask me how I know you're an SPLC kike.

Dyro killed a senator. The same before that same senator had met with Hillary Clinton regarding black lives matter.

Dyro is a saint. They were not "innocent church goers", they were race baiting political niggers.

Shalom you kike nigger

Shalom kike nigger, he killed a senator who was a race baiter

His sister loves him and is proud of him you gutless kike. His entire family is proud of him and your a nigger.

> triggered!!!!
What is this, fuckin' 2016? Get the fuck outta here with this cocksuckin' shit you fuckin' stupid mothafucka. Fuckin' Jew bitch, fuck you.

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This is our fuckin' own website you dumb mothafucka, what the fuck do you think ya fuckin' doin' here, cocksucka?

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what kind of band was he in? any recordings?

The funnies thing is that we aren't even being edgy. There is nothing edgy about a kid who is bullied fighting back. Nor is it edgy for a nation under attack to retaliate by attacking their enemies. And it is not edgy for a people under threat of annihilation to fight back however they can. Persecuted people have always been forced to rely on "terrorism" (as defined by those in power) to retaliate because all other means of resistance have been denied to us. The Palestinians are another example of a people deprived of even rudimentary means of defending themselves peacefully so they must rely on "terrorism" to keep their oppressors at arms length. There is nothing "edgy" about self defense.

You Nazis are worse than welfare mooches.... go start your own website, or are the free gibz here to enticing

Maybe you should go away instead. Go back to twitter or some other heavily censored website so you can hang out with your trannies and liberals and suck the cock of the jews in peace. For now.

voting for dems is not real acceleration. if you want to accelerate, use your gun right. you are an american.


Watch his FBI interview. He's a total dumbass. What he did was stupid and wrong, and he should be locked up, whether it's in a prison or a loony bin. I don't know if he was on psycho pharma drugs or in an MK-ULTRA program or what, but I think there's more to the story than a retard losing his cool.

We've tried optics. It didn't work

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There was an anti-white black congresswoman among the dead, and apes that attended the church were just found to have broken into a home and shot an 8 year old white girl in the head, killing her, for no reason.

>Good grief
Who are you, some kike boomer from the ADL?