Are there any right wingers and nutty as the average leftist?
Are there any right wingers and nutty as the average leftist?
Unironic Nazis
Unironic Ancaps
most of them yeah
the average leftist isn't really what you see in Jow Forums screenshots of tweets with like 10 likes or whatever
oh also leftist != liberal those people hate each other as much as they hate people on the right
Non-monarchists. new to this board?
I mean every libertarian is living in a fantasy land. Same goes most of the religious right. Basically all of the talking heads are pretty out there. The whole alt right is a joke
>alt right
only faggots say this
Normalcy isn't an "alternative lifestyle". That's why we made that phrase up to describe homos.
Alex jones
> "alt-right"
> pejorative invented by journalism majors which is meant to describe anyone under 40 with even mildly conservative views (even if they are for legal immigration, homosexuality, etc).
The average leftist is a whore who believes and repeats whatever he is told to to move up in the (((party))).
Sarah Palin
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body
is that jones being a gay frog?
Laura Loomer
Milo Yiannopolis
feel free to share details
There are more extreme conservatives than liberals
Probably 20 to 1.
Look at this board, you guys believe in some really really stupid embarrassing conspiracy driven shit.
By the way
Did anyone ever hold him accountable or question him on the tranny porn found on his phone.
>op pic
two establishment kikes
I wonder what'll happen when someone BRAAAAPs diesel smoke on them
National SOCIALISTS? sound lefty to me user...
How can a pro photographer make them both look so fucking ugly?
Bible Thumpers are pretty fucking insane and the first ones to adopt conspiracy theory shit like Fake Nasa, Flat Earth and medicine turning kids autistic.
He is at least self aware and can actually give some sort of information.
average trump supporter believes there is an old man in the sky who sees when you jerk off, and wont let you live in his kingdom when you die, unless you confess this to a priest beacuse it's a sin.