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Based and redpilled. Muslims shitting their pants

I can't wait until Israel is Samson Option'd

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>"If we go, everyone must go."
Can you imagine living such subhuman dregs? The only way to secure peace on the planet is to fully eliminate Israel. Every man woman and child would have to be destroyed, as unfortunate as that might sound to any bleeding hearts.

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fuck off bibi

Jews were still a problem before Israel existed

So they're finally playing their hand and forming Greater Israel? Thanks, America.

is that right? I had no idea

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Muzzies will do nothing of course, all they can do is rape a european child and then hide behind NGOs.

>"If we go, everyone must go.
>what is Mutually Assured Destruction? What is nuclear peace
>I had no idea

A. Fucking. Leaf.

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>what is Mutually Assured Destruction? What is nuclear peace
Making the entire world uninhabitable because you pushed your neighbours and the entire world too far is unacceptable. Every Jew on the planet deserves to sink down into the deepest depths of Hell and suffer for all eternity.

It's the only way for the real human race to survive.

So whats the likelihood of actual war....zero I assume

>being this upset
Looks like someone hasn't read up on the cold war. Or hasn't read generally, rather. You should probably stick to fucking dogs, or at least if you want to give your 2 cents at least read some books.

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we are slaves just like you

Didnt you heebs lose almost half your tanks to militia last time you tried this shit?

This time they will have uavs, tons of cameras and support direct from Iran. What could possibly go wrong


yes goys, nukes will never be used as a first strike option by a genetically insane "race" of "human," don't worry! :P

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When you can invade and steal land, kill civilians, lie through your teeth the whole time, and call all criticism 'Antisemitism'.

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>that image
highly offensive... to compare a harmless fly to a dirty Jew. despicable

what a fucking cuck.
every nuclear nation has such a plan
here is from the words of putin himself
>if someone makes the decision to destroy Russia then we have a the right to react
>sure, for the world it would be a global catastrophe
>but I, as a citizen of Russia and the leader of the Russian nation want to ask you a question
>what do we need such a world if there wouldn't be Russia

You think any Israel jew who survives whats to come will be allowed to live anywhere on earth if they start nuking people? The entire world Jewish diaspora and Israeli survivors would be hunted down and will actually die in a holocaust.

Israel will fall and their nukes won't be used. now get the fuck out of Palestine.

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exactly 0%
maybe another intifada, but i don't think so


it might actually be happening guys, like the big one, for real, spiritual shit

rich coming from Palestinian diaspoora
anyway, look up what is a cobalt bomb

I don't think you understand at all, probably the dumb Jew brain working against what little of a brain and soul you do have. You don't reserve the right to destroy the planet for taking and annexing territory, which is illegal under international law.

so this is why john bolton got fired he gave the ok for this.


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I wish Saddam was still around so he could launch a few missiles into Israel. These kikes are really overstepping their boundaries.

This is accelerationism. Israel is doomed

>but muh international law
annexing the west bank won't start a war with our neighbors, annexing the settlements in area C would just piss the pallishits off a bit more.

might makes right leaf.

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Nuttyahoo announces this, then Bolton is fired.


lol no.
>שתי גדות לירדן - זו שלנו, זו גם כן
>Two Banks has the Jordan - This is ours and, that is as well.

Yes, please, use the Samson option. Level new york, D.C., Berlin, London, et cetera, into a pile of glowing ash. Spread fallout over the entire globe for a generation.

It's like being hunted down is a sport to you.

>caring about international law when it's convenient
ahmed please, you're just embarrassing yourself.

>fuck the jews so I can wreck my brain with jew poison
I know that feel

oslo accords were a fucking mistake and finally bibi is correcting them. just a week away from election so his relection is guaranteed.

>but muh international law
rich coming from a fucking Jew nation that uses it to their advantage whenever possible, and cursing it when you act like subhumans.

>annexing the west bank won't start a war with our neighbors
Fucking retard I'm not even saying that. annexation or occupation of territory was the direct cause of the Yom Kippur War, and the entire world community, including the United States didn't dispute for a single moment that the Arab Coalition was in the wrong for attempting to retake their territory.

Any way you look at it, morally or according to law, specific Arab countries have casus belli for taking their land back. That doesn't give you dirty Jews right to nuke them for taking what is theirs.

shut up, jew

BASED! mandatory draft for all white men ages 18-35 when?

Bibi is based and redpilled.
Most evil globalist jews have long since left Israel and don't care about their home country at all.

Reminder that David's Empire and Greater Israel are a fantasy and never existed.

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every nation has this principle. didnt fucking putin say that if the world would be without russia then why should russians give a shit what happens to such a world and they wouldnt mind nuking it to shit ?

its obvious that a world where israel is under existential threat is not worthwhile and should be destroyed.

Who gives a fucking shit

If they thought they could push the palis into the sea they would have done so decades ago. I do hope they bite off more than they can chew this time, maybe vs Iran or Saudi... hope my USA frens can keep out of any hole israel digs for itself tnis time.

Good luck, kike-sempai. May you purge all Middle East from mudslimes.

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Not every country follows a principle of "we'll defend our illegally seized land by any means." I wouldn't necessarily have any problem with Israelis defending their original borders, that's all that was allotted to you dregs.

Perhaps ots the jew manifest destiny

>Muslim population: 1.5 billion+
>Active IDF: Less than 200,000. Most of which were forced to enlist and have terrible morale.
What's the word for this? Chutzpah?

Israel will probably use it's nukes on Europe if this happens. History will show it was a mistake to give them any

Blame the French. Conniving Jew fucks hid them from your own inspectors.

>Tu quoque
firstly, we don't, but even if, not a valid argument.
>annexation or occupation of territory was the direct cause of the Yom Kippur War,
lol you don't even know the history you're discussing.
we didn't annex ANY land before Yom Kippur.
we never formally annexed east Jerusalem and we annexed the Golan in the 80s.
it was fought over the pride and land that the arabs lost in 1967.

>Any way you look at it, morally or according to law, specific Arab countries have casus belli for taking their land back
they took this land the same way we did, they have no more right to it.
might makes right, that's it

Go for it Moshe. Fuck the muzzies, have your fun.

No nukes, Avi :^) I wonder if the Libyans would be so kind as to let you borrow their rubber rafts to sail to Europe.
I promise you that you and your people will be kicked out of Palestine and the entire middle east, and relocated somewhere else. Hopefully eastern Siberia.

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Yes but turning israel into glass would be a good start to eradicating the kike menace.

>no nukes because i decided

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Notice how I said annexation OR occupation? Fucking Christ, get some glasses.
>the arabs lost in 1967
You mean lowly arab fucks with zero military skill were defeated by your surprise attack? Do tell me more.

>might makes right, that's it
Except when might destroys your nation, then we all have to suffer. the mentality of a child.

Eventually you kikes are going to piss off the Arab world enough to unite them against you. If Turkey, Iran, and Egypt decide they've had enough you are completely screwed. If you fire nukes, you're screwed when the might of the entire world comes crashing down on you. If you don't, an Arab alliance that is too large to stop will overrun your defenses. You have been pushing the world around for a long time, and you've gotten away with it because retarded boomers are in charge. The younger generations don't give a flying fuck about Israel. Your tactics to weaken the West was shortsighted because now the might of the nations protecting your shenanigans is waning. The new superpowers are well aware of your games, and they have resisted your influence. Your days are numbered.

You sound like a Nazi. All hail the Jewish master race, now put on a happy face!

you disgusting demon

>"let's endanger the lives of every other jew on earth over our ravenous and illegitimate claim to this land we're illegally squatting in, at a time when everyone is waking up to our cousins globalist scheming."

Either way it would be worth it. If you nuke it all you'll be hunted down like dogs in the new world. This is chess, not checkers.

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They didn't police their new testament canon good enough.
Revelation 16:12-20

oh gee, i wonder why

notice that i just called you a retard over it
just suggesting it shows you know nothing about the topic discussed.
>You mean lowly arab fucks with zero military skill were defeated by your surprise attack? Do tell me more.
that's not the point, but the arab armies are still as useless as they were back then.
>Except when might destroys your nation, then we all have to suffer. the mentality of a child.
politics between countries is often very childish looking.
but that's doesn't matter.
>arabs uniting
stop reading this fiction here
our relations with the arabs countries are only improving.
i'm more of a libertarian
>The Serbian people will remember Sharon for opposing the 1999 NATO bombing campaign against the former Yugoslavia and advocating respect for sovereignty of other nations and a policy of not interfering with their internal affairs.
which you immediately forgot and sided with the Palestinians


>it doesn't matter
>you know nothing
>that's not the point

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Looks like Cuckmerica is bout to go to another war for Israel. SAD.

Other way around. Manifest Destiny was Jew LARPing. We just didn't know it was a fiction.

David's Empire is a fiction concocted after the Greeks and Alexander's real conquest. David with his boldness and youth and charisma is literally a
Jewish ripoff of Alexander.

well it is not my fault that from
>it was fought over the pride and land that the arabs lost in 1967.
you start downplaying that victory, ignoring the point

The only Arab nations you are agreeable with are Sunni Arab states on the Arabian Peninsula. Good luck getting the Saudi government to convince the Saudi military and populace to fight against other Arabs for Jews. The Arabs have united before, and they will again. All it will take is the correct catalyst.

Why bring up a war that you caused, and lied about the cause?

Saw it. Doesn't apply to the Jewish strategy since there are more Jews outside of Palestine than there are inside. Jews will still need to survive in a post Israeli world, and their only card is to not set off their illegally obtained nukes.

I know nukes won't fly and so does anyone with an above room temperature IQ.

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to call you an idiot
>annexation or occupation of territory was the direct cause of the Yom Kippur War

shut up faggot we're nuking everything and get away with it

Yom Kippur War was launched by the Arabs to retake the land, there is no disputing this.

I don't care about Palestine, but I want to let every kike in Israel know that we Aryans will wipe your little Talmudic dictatorship out in less than 6 days

>you won't use MAD because i decided.
we almost used these nukes in 1973
>illegal nukes
we never signed the NPT
>Arab trying to insult someone's IQ

you are right, we will probably won't use the nukes, because we wouldn't need to

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wrong, before the war we offered Egypt Sinai back for peace, they rejected.

imagine the smell


So many Israel flags are seething

you and what army

>israelis seething about the annexation of the west bank
i think you got something wrong here

>we almost used nukes against nations that were justifiably and rightfully trying to retain their own land
And what is this supposed to make you look like other than a bunch of insane people?

>lying about the Khartoum Conference
typical Jew

You don't seem to understand international law. You have no right to be recognized by neighbours, especially ones you fucking militarily attacked without just-cause. What is right, which was upheld by the UN and the United States, was that of the Arabs to take back their occupied land by whatever means necessary, because again, occupation of land by military forces or otherwise is illegal.

its disgraceful really

>if I cant have nice things you cant either
subhuman mindset

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*angry goy noises*

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Why can't you just enslave the Muslims kike? Muslim pussy is better than jew pussy any day.


i disagree, blackish labia and hairy all over, imagine the smells

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you just proved that you arent part of the global consciousness, and I am glad for it
when you fire your nukes we will reincarnate on some other plain of existence and build paradise while you will be reincarnating as insects in a nuclear wasteland forever, welcome to hell you satan worshiping trash
looking forward to never having to deal with you again

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>she asks to come in to see her mom
>foreign ministry agreed to let her in to see her mom if she agreed to not abuse the trip for political reasons
>bitch rejects and gets exposed as a hypocrite
damn i love this shit

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>the samson option exists making israel a nuclear state meaning that it's illegal for congress to give them money
>israel is not a nuclear state
pick one

how we will defeat Israel
1) bombard all cities of Israel with emp-fitted icmbs and similar missiles (non-nukes), especially targeting military and nuclear instillations. ensure Israel's air and nuclear capabilities are taken put.
2) amphibious invasions of Tel aviv, Gaza, Taiga and akhizvaland. also invade Lebanon and Sinai, push into northern and southern Israel through there. Israel forces will be spread thin and their defensive lines.
3) encircle Golan, allow Syrians to try retake it.
4) push to, encircle and beseige Jerusalem.
5) get the rabbis and bankers to sign a humiliating peace treaty in front of wailing wall (which will be defaced with a swastika).
6) after victory, deport Jews to hell and abolish the Talmud.
>with what army
the based and redpilled aryan zoomers

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>w-we're gonna get resurrected j-jew!
We're reaching cope levels that shouldn't even be possible!!

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>*palestinains launch bottle rocket*
>*kevetching and holocaust call backs intensify*

>blackish labia and hairy

I mean you're not wrong. Just take all of Palentine and say fuck it. Stop all this slow-moving 4d chess bullshit.

its not illegal for congress to give us money.
i do agree that americans should rise up and stop all foreign aid to everyone because if you follow the money 80% of that money goes directly into US defense contractor companies.
US is basically a crony capitalist\communist state at this point, if this happened in israel there would be a violent revolution.

>And what is this supposed to make you look like other than a bunch of insane people?
imagine thinking about politics like this
it doesn't matter who is right, the ones who wins gets to write the history.

>typical Jew
it doesn't matter, we tried to engage with peace talks
oh and here is the archive referenced

>You don't seem to understand international law
you don't understand international relations.
also international law is mostly moot

>breaking your holy covenant with god
>being smug about it
b-but muh high IQ

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>it doesn't matter who is right, the ones who wins gets to write the history.
Spare me your empty platitudes