Wageslaves can't answer this

Wageslaves can't answer this

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If you legitimately do something you enjoy, it doesn't feel like work at all.

what a meme

>live in poor shithole as former murican
>vpn to states
>do mturk for $5 a day for an hour
>live like a god

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delete this!
Right Fucking NOW!!!

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>be NEET
>spend time doing whatever I want
eventually I'm going to get so smart and good at things that I can make money doing nothing

The book Factotum is about working.
You would know that if you had read it.

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When you put it that way user, yup- it's a head scratcher. I think it's a bit easier if you have a goal or mission in mind, or a family tp provide for.

I thought you fuckers like balancing pennies on balloons and shit or whatever it is you do at semens

Bukowski worked til he died

Bukowski could ask that same question to people throughout history.

That a tranny on the left ?

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Wagie Btfo

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That's life. In the beginning, humans woke at dawn and worked all day just to find the food to survive. Woman would collect berries, men would hunt and sometimes spend days on the trail of one animal. Being nomads, they wouldn't settle in one place for long, constantly hungry, moving, and in pain. Then came farming, another incredibly difficult job where you wake at dawn and aren't done till just before bed. Especially without modern equipment. But it is much safer. And with farming, all jobs became worthwile--you need someone to build houses, furniture, clothing, mine metal, a blacksmith, create laws and order, roads, etc. Civilization. Because someone else is getting the food for you. And you can trade your skill, worth, effort, and time for said food.

Perhaps it's the safety that's destroying our souls. We lust for adventure and greatness. There seems to settle a general and spiritual malaise in the soul of every man living in modern society.

So, what does a man need? Each man imagines defending a loved one from a foe, fighting to the death if necessary. Dreams of proving safety and shelter to a caring and kind woman. These thoughts are not new; they have always been with men. They are men. The only alleviation I've found from the modern age is holding higher ideals from the past and living to them. The ages when men were men and recognized as such. Appreciated for their nature. Woman love it when you do it too.

Not true.
Even when working jobs I enjoyed, being away from my family for the majority of the day sucks.
By the time I see my girlfriend I'm too burnt out to talk to her. By the time I see my dogs I'm too tired to go for a long walk with them or throw their ball. By the time I get home I've lost my motivation to practice guitar that day.
and even if I did still have energy to do these things, I don't have enough time because I have to go to bed at ten oclock and I still have multiple errands to run.
40 hours a week is way too much. Right now 12-24 hours a week would be much more realistic.

i wake up before my alarm goes off. im getting paid to take a shit while i shitpost. personally love my neetfrens, always around when you want them. enjoy the neetbux pals, youve earned it.

Because I can afford to fuck prostitutes. That's why I wagecuck.

Although I have never approached a woman, I don't think they would like a 165 cm autist. In a country where the average is 183 cm.

I just wish I had a gf though ;_;

The feels...they are too strong. ; __ ;

If you keep fucking prostitutes you just lower your motivation and energy required to approach women.
Just date a woman who is shorter than you, or stop worrying about your height. I'm 5'9" and have approached 6'+ women and had success.
Many women don't care about height as much as you think. There is a good amount of women willing to date shorter guys, as long as you're not a midget.
One day you might pass by the woman destined to be your girlfriend, but you'll be too drained from hooking up with a prostitute the night before and you'll also be thinking "wow she just smiled at me. She's probably just being nice, I'm too short to approach her."
Go get what you want user

NEET's require """wageslaves""" to live.
Fucking cope and get a job looser lmao.

They still can't get the comimes are in charge. Their lazy asses were to busy to provide the necessary free helicopter rides.

Based. No one should be required to work more than 20 hours a week unless it’s optional.

lmao keep dreaming

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The trick is to actually get up 12pm and go to sleep at 6:00am in the morning.

Bukowski was a Jew, right?

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>Do something you actually enjoy doing.

>it doesn't pay enough so you have to live in a shitty area just to survive

>The trick is to actually get up 12pm and go to sleep at 6:00am in the morning.
That's me.

Read "Post Office"

Taking BBC in the ass isn't a skill faggot.

freeloaders should get shot

This is true. Currently shitposting while taking an online class (for fun) sitting at work. Will hang or after my shift (maybe play video games in the back or banter). Will coach since classes after. Got here early to to so since grappling.

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The answer is simple - the alternatives are worse and if you just meet all your life, your children will have the same problem if not worse.
Life requires work to maintain. If you're not doing it, somebody somewhere is carrying you on their shoulders.

I've read them all.
I'm a fan of his work, can't stand when some dipshit tries use something I enjoy and shit it all up.

after like 5 years of neetdom dad found me a job. well i rejected his offer at first, but then he found me a better position so i said sure why not. currently waiting on my starting date

Let's see...
Not all jobs require to to wake up early in the morning, let alone 6:30.
Not all jobs require you to rush through your morning.
Not all jobs require you to "fight traffic", particularly if your job is within a few minutes of your home.
Not all jobs have snobbish bosses that treat their employees like shit.

Plenty of jobs can be performed without the worker having to be rushed out the door early in the morning, and plenty still don't take up more than 6 or 7 hours.

You're not suppose to enjoy it though. It's a voluntary exchange of time and effort in exchange for money. You're suppose to enjoy the money you earn.

Assuming you're not a retard in debt that fell for the college meme that has no disposable income or ambition.


Your dad is probably going to kill himself if you fuck this up. No pressure or anything but don't let him down for his and your own sake.

is that phoenician jones

As opposed to what? 8 hours per day, 5 days a week isn't very much to then have your food, shelter and other necessities and not necessities paid for doing a task that's mildly enjoyable to me... especially compared to shoveling shit on plants all day and praying that harvest is good or I'll die.

And if you wake up at 6:30 am to do a 2 hour commute you're probably fucking stupid and should die if you think that's reasonable.

>Be former best
>Turn into raging drunk
>Get so deep, give in, get help
>Start working
>Have money to do what I want
>turn life around
>Move out
>Organize life, time management to have more free time since I miss it
>Get bored
>Hit gym
>Train in martial arts (Muay Thai)
>Lose 90 pounds
>Muscles showing
>Women notice me
>Go in dates, have sex
>Make working out hardest part of day, work seems easier
>Wake up before work to get in gym to get hardest part of day done

Took me about three years total for me to figure it all out and make it happen once I moved out. The best part is sleep. I sleep because my body needs it, I sleep hard as well. Maybe I am a wage cuck, but I'm getting ass and I'm generally happier. I'm trying to think of a way to start my own business, but I'm just not sure if I want to put in all that extra time and lose the other parts of my life I fund. Honestly, feels good man.

if it took him this long to help me out he probably doesnt care. my friends and cousins got their dads to help them find work immediately after finishing high school. my dad waited over 4 years. yeah i dont care either

You're going to die when the civil war happens and no one will miss you leech.

Take the anti-capitalism pill

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no. he was a german-american.

Bro, even midgets get laid if they're confident enough.

>south africa
Go back to your slum, and while you're at it give back the computer you stole.

Former neet not best, damn phone


The likes of Bukowski are essentially the peak of capitalism and the peak of the very lifestyle he shits on. Because the free market existe he isn't forced into getting an actual work and can get bucks from preteens and pretentious assholes who cheerfully will pay for him to write trash.

All of that > No money

It’s almost like all we want is loyal wives and a future for our children or some shiiiiiiiiet

Who cares about that shit? We got showers and electricity. Gone are the days of backbreaking labor for 6 months and rest (its called winter fuckwit) for the other 6.

No. :^)

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I'm not "grateful". They have to pay me more to keep doing it every year. That said, it's better to leave a job well done than to be a useless piece of shit all day.

I dislike work, but I dislike starvation, homelessness, and suffering from easily-treated disease even more.

just follow your passions user

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>Wageslaves can't answer this
Then listen up there, lazy nigger: I got bills to pay. If housing, food and utilities were paid for, then a NEET I would be, but since that's not the case: I'll be working at walmart until my metaphorical casket closes.

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Hanky died broke as fuck while literally working manual hard labor jobs

The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

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It could be the opposite. He could have had confidence in you, that you would be better than them and find your own path.

It seems you failed there, and now he's doing what he can to keep you from fucking up


So don't work in the morning.

>12-24 hours a week would be much more realistic.
You would have to have to double the people on payroll. You cant get shit done with those meager hours.

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To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it will yield you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread, until you return to the ground—because out of it were you taken. For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.”

Damn dude, there is no creation of a society that doesn't have you starving to death every 14th year, and dying of disease 4/5 before you hit 30, that doesn't involve working.
You're an uber faggot, get over it, learn to respect what it takes to get something done well, and stop thinking this happens by accident.

Chuckie Bukowski was a old alcoholic jew who was generally a douchebag to everyone in his life

He had moments of great writing, but he was not a good person or someone you'd want to emulate.


Yeahman. "Women" was a chore to get through.

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If being comfortable makes you so much happier than working, why are so many NEETs depressed and unhappy?

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Right about when we dropped the gold standard. Hmmm.

Already have.

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Midgets have something interesting about them

Bukowski only learnt that after decades working hard at various jobs.

I think this is first of your breakroom photos I've seen with anyone smiling in it


I'd be smiling too if I was out of a literal shithole known as Indonesia and getting college literally paid for.

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I’m 6’1 and I have a weird phobia of women taller than me. I actually feel intimidated or something and I stare at them like they’re aliens, I can’t help it.

Dont date supermodels.

You can't enjoy it unless you're working for yourself. Boomers are just fucking idiots who sold our futures because Mr. Kikeberg told them to.

Supermodels are tweeker thin anorexic mega-thots. Not even attractive in a realistic way imo, like watching hentai or fantasy. Some meat is necessary, and definitely tits. Supermodels don’t have tits.


I literally work at a shit plant for a municipality for a city that is 90% nigger.

I still love my job because I get to work with my hands and talk mad shit, and I make more than anyone my age.

Yeah alright let me get my gun and make you voluntarily give me all your stuff. It's not fucking voluntary when the alternative is death. You can't even go innawoods and farm/hunt for yourself because the taxman will come jew you and the government will shoot you for living on land that isn't "yours" even though you're a thousand miles from anyone who could want it and the only way they found you is through IR satellite.

Because the alternative is be poor, starve, get sick and die. If you think there is another alternative to working to living im all ears.

Yang gang 2020
Lolcats aytyyyyyyttttttttyyyyyy lmao iPhone Walmart don’t yamaguchi


Whats the alternative? how the fuck do you survive without a job? Do you live with your parents? What are you going to do when they die?

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This is why I'm either becoming a teacher or starting a corporation with two friends.
FUCK wagies

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My alarm went off today. Same time as always. But whats different is the sun wasnt up yet. Do you think peasents where waking up at 530am during the fall and winter? Im gonna guess no.

If you hate everything to begin with you become indifferent to work.

>I type stuff into a keyboard for maybe two hours a day
>the rest is me reading news articles and ranting against other people why CrossCode isn't a good game
>something I love to wake up for at 8:00 AM each morning because my work place is just down the street

>t. software engineer

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you're going to work to btfo wagies?

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>how the fuck do you survive without a job?

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>No money
>No house
>No car
>No qt girlfriend
>No family
>Accidentally suffocates to death in his furry suit while masturbating to tranny porn in his parent's basement.
Knock yourself out.

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The answer is, that's not an accurate description of employment.

You know what’s worse than work? not having anything to do. Even your hobbies get boring after a few days of doing nothing else.

I love not working! I just use EBT and welfare I get off wagecucks like yall cumskins!

>implying we pay taxes for lazy sacks of shit like you

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I've tried the NEET life but it just doesn't work for me. I get depressed and tired. I legitimately like having a job. It makes the relaxation worth it.

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