Would you kill baby Hitler if you had the chance?

Would you kill baby Hitler if you had the chance?

I'm a right winger but the killing of 6 million jews is just unacceptable, I changed political views from to left after seeing the atrocious things this man has done.

I've decided to support Israel by contributing to AIPAC, the jews are so smart and they control everything if you can't beat em join em

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Fuck yeah i would, nigga.

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not for jews, but for Poland


Why baby Hitler specifically?

If I went back in time, I would just wait til he's fuehrer and tell him to wait to attack the Soviets and make every camp a death camp.


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that's so fucked up man, my grand dad died in the holocaust

like how fucking dare you talk about death camps in such a light way?

have sex


You can only blame yourself for WW2.

Well if you're talking about going back to past using some sort of time machine and the likes of that, then definitely it's a 'No'. It ill drastically alter history and there is a huge chance that You and Me will most likely never to be born if you know that I mean.

Sorry for my English.

Not sure. The thing is the nazis lost and now the jews has everyone brainwashed with this holohoax thing. Maybe if Hitler didn't live things would be different and we'd have a better chance against the jews.

Don't forget to talk to Hirohito. No need bringing the U.S. into the war.


View Donald Trump through the eyes of the farthest left, and understand that stories are framed in a way that must be consistent with the views of the author...

Only God knows at this point whether the stories about him are truthful.

I have no opinion. Because I don't feel adequately informed of the facts, I've taken a position of simply not caring.


>killed the 6 gorillion
Funny, anyway any stipulations? Can I bring anything with or just knowledge. I just want to know if I keed to memorize Atomic bomb plans or not.

imagine liking hitler

how out of touch are you? do you also believe the earth is flat? contrarian retard

>Would you kill baby Hitler if you had the chance?
No, that's cowardly

Butterfly affect

No, you are out of touch, your ego just doesnt want you to admit it. If you truly believe you KNOW, then your belief would held up to my questions, right?

Nobody calls themselves a " Right Winger", shill harder faggot.

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Wud leave on rabbi’s doorstep

>triggered by obvious bait

Found the real kike.

>that's so fucked up man, my grand dad died in the holocaust
no he didn't

I'd bribe somebody to make sure Adolf got into that art school in Vienna that turned him down. He really was good, too. The pic is one of his.

Then I'd set him up Hanna Arendt for even more time travel irony LULz, and also to fuck with Heidigger because he was such a cunt.

In our timeline Adolf joined the Nazi Party when it had only six members. With Adolf sidetracked, I'd introduce myself at that point.

And when I became fuhrer, I'd make damn sure and really kill all six million Yids, or more.

Attached: HitlerMaryWithJesus.jpg (660x459, 33K)

Mine also died, he fell off of his guard tower

No, I would just make sure Hitler gets into art school

No. WW2 made the US.
Why would I want to stop that?

Kill baby Columbus, congrats, you saved 100 millions native americans and a lotta extra around the world.

Why would I kill the greatest man who ever lived?

Obviously not, it would create a time paradox and destroy the entire universe.

Nah, someone else would've taken up his role, the time was ripe. Of course that one could've been more professional, but also could've been worse.
Nah, I'd kill baby Gavrilo Princip, or rather I'd kill him right on that fateful day, before he could shoot the Crown Prince. Would like to see what would happen. Surely Europe would have another war, likely a big one, but maybe not with Germany as part of the "bad guys", completely changing Europe's subsequent fate.

It's a damn shame he didn't croak BEFORE busting his Kosher load into your whore grandmother.

Injun here. Had the Europeans not conquered the land, my ancestors would've either just killed each other or would've been killed by those retarded heart eating savages in Mexico.

You idiots could have just gave up Danzig, then worked with the Germans in the invasion of the USSR.

They did just that, b4 whites went over the Appalachian mountains the Iroquois literally genocided or enslaved all tribes around them from the area of the great lakes all the way into the mississippi , they basically hunted the beavers into nnear extinction at this time. They killed or enslaved men, forced their customs and language on the women and children. As whites began to move west they encountered basically a decimated native population, dying of disease, and basically like refugees migrating all over the place.

A trolling Jew. Shut it.

No but I would kill the adult you. Fucking faggot where do you live?

What if killing baby Hitler allows some other mad man to gain power but instead of dead jews he kills canadians?

Because at the 2019 march for life
(Organized by “christians” that are soooo
Pro life they suppress the talmud which is where american abortion law comes from) the khazar filth shapiro pulled this gag for muh shits n giggles

And the stupid white people “christians” applauded a man that looks at their children and wants them dead

And folks wonder why more and more whites have had enough of fake america fake again

I would give him a suit of POWER ARMOR. And gene seed of course from my best regiment.

Stop lying you cuck

>>Would you kill baby Hitler if you had the chance?
>>I'm a right winger but the killing of 6 million jews is just unacceptable,
>reddit spacing
>(((western right winger)))
>believes in muh 6 million
kys nigger faggot


oh nevermind
6/10 because I fell for it

Naw hell no.
Throw any baby at me and I'll raise it right and happy.
I won't even fuck his hiney or nothing.
It's adults that suck. They're set in their ways. Can't change them.

May I please use this image as my normiebook background image so that when people give me likes I can tell them Mr.Adolf painted it?
It would really make my day if I pulled off this subtle ruse with any modicum of success.

Clone 6 million baby hitlers so that each of the 6 million hitlers can each lolocaust 6 million then recursively do this into infinity to reach infinitely recursive hitlers


Check'd and based.

Based. Don’t listen to the assmad mutts.