Brit/pol/ - trust the plan edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Speaker John Bercow announces he will QUIT at next election

>GOOD RIDDANCE: Tory MPs say Bercow is a 'nauseating wanker'

>Nigel Farage: I can help Boris Johnson to majority of 100 MPs in general election

>Cruel yob spikes seagull with 'ecstasy' tablet hidden inside a chip

>Isle of Wight firefighters called to Ventnor Binfire

I called eddie a midge and he cried

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Anonymongs are seething at my mental ward game

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No one cares, this is a politics board

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No it isn’t you newfag

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It is, this isn't your shitposting schizo story board


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stfu virgin this isn't a politics thread

So hypothethetically what would happen if there was a ge and the lib dems manage to implement their policy of revoking a50 with no public vote?

>lib dems

It literarily is mate, you just finished school or something?

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Which one are you in faggot i will call them, and track you down

Fuck me how desperate is she. Prove her wrong.

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No confidence vote followed by 400-seat Brexit Party government with PM Farage


I've rewatched this quite a few times lads

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Hung parliament, coalition of libdems, greens, snp, indies. Could happen.

inb4 this thread gets deleted.

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thought everyone wanted no-deal, weird.

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I miss him :( What did the people from Sainsbury's did to him?

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It’s called being attractive mate

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maybe if AIDS boy defects

Where did he learn telekinesis?

some nice kino from last night
>Black Rod

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Immigrant birthrates trending downward faster than any whites
>But they'll bring in more!
Boris has already committed to a points style system which will guarantee a rapid reduction.
>But he's just like Cameron and May! They lied about immigration and so will he!
Boris has prologued Parliament. This in itself should tell you he is nothing like either May or Cameron. He'll go to great lengths to get done what he wants to get done, and when Parliament won't let him, he'll cause a crisis. If he keeps causing crises of these sorts, this will leave the door open for even further right elements to be elected as people get more and more fed up. Either way immigration is set to fall significantly.

bollocks article with a made up headline

Low hanging fuit more like.

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The way Jezza puts his hands up in defense is pathetic and hilarious. What would he do if Boris walked around the table?

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>tfw being kettled into memeflag brit/pol/ threads by deleting genuine brit/pol/ threads

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Ok lad calm down.

Boris needs to implement a rural families grant system, which means if you start a family in rural England you get benefits like what Orban is doing in Hungary,

they're performing horrific experiments on him as we speak
during the day they make him sit in the middle of a building site for their sick enjoyment

It would be a failure and I'd have answered that way in that poll. The EU offered a standard FTA in the beginning which would have suited both sides nicely and fully respected the referendum result, but our remainer politicians decided to try to keep us in by the back door. If we end up leaving with nothing, which will unnecessarily harm some businesses, it would be a failure of our remain establishment.

Why are you seething that I have sex mate? Is it because you don’t

*prorogued rather
Sure. Sounds like a plan.

>le big shouty shitlib man

How do you know that immigration is set to fall?

>not the ERGs fault for strong arming May
ok lol

The thread got deleted because it was shit, all brit/pol threads should be thrown in the bin so we can get on with our lives.

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Did he?

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Britpol is a containment thread you spastic, it got deleted because I intimidated a jani by havin sex

What do you think the rod is for m8.

Pls tell me wigs return with the next speaker

He’s on about Patel you fucking mong

The ERG only refused to vote for her deal, which was keeping us in by the back door. We could have had a standard FTA hammered out by now and had left in March with all sides happy, except remoaners who can't accept democracy.

blond in the top right can't beleive it

when are things going to get better?

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the only time Bercow gets near a black rod is when it's in his wife's vagina and he's sitting in the corner crying

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Not everyone needs a wig like you you baldcel


They don't know what they are doing. If he survives, he will be way stronger.

They aren't

I was talking about the black rod but now you mention it does look like he's looking more at Patel tbqh

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Im married you fat cunt. I can just imagine the absolute munters that would hook up with a fucking mental ward inmate, .

The one Eddie posted is alright but this one is just frightening

Ffs are you spastics so fucking retarded that you literally can’t identify eye contact in humans? Fuck u cunts get more pathetic by the second

Bercow was absolutely seething while the lords read the Queen's statement.

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I was actually looking for that one, but I’m not a seething incel so I didn’t have it pre-saved and on hand like he did

This is common af in women

Just thank me you fat scrote.


If he implements his points style system, immigration will not be able to continue at its current rate. Australia uses a points style system, and, up until recently, it was one of the hardest countries to immigrate to in the world. Australia's main concern is the Chinese buying up property, not a load of third worlders. This is precisely because of their points style system. We won't have to worry as much about the Chinese because that's mainly an issue of geography for Australians. China can't exert the same kind of economic pressure over England that they can over Australia. If all else fails, make it illegal for non citizens to own property. That's what we should be pushing for next anyway.

what's happening here? Corbyn giving way?

whats his name?


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Do a hand stand press up for me bitch

>"I'm donating $50,000 dollars to the anti defamation league"

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he's clearly not looking behind him you spastic
your inability to detect eye contact is why you're still a virgin

what am I supposed to be seeing here

If you can do them now (doubt) its cos i told you about cc. Your welcome.

When labour tried to stop Bercow leaving chair last night

Corbyn was in the middle of his response to Boris' speech and Boris just stood up, didn't say anything and Corbyn sat gave way, he just sat down

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It's over.

Australia has a higher net migrant rate than the UK despite their PBS.

So Boris could reduce immigration back to the tens of thousands without intentionally doing it.

And I hope it's Cummings who designs the PBS and not some lolbetarian or corporate retard

Something about her bedroom screams crazy.

>learn telekinesis
i think he's Merlin lads. Come to aid King Arthur reborn (nige or Gove)

Get comfy we're not leaving

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Because she’s not directly behind him you fucking braincel
Nah not yet, forms better tho

you've never been in a womans bedroom so how would you know?

how can one get a job as a bouncer in parliament?

I get the whole badboy image thing, but a rapist/nonce seems a step too far lol

stop repeating this meme in everythread
they would have refused the FTA too becuase it would have kept partially under EU law

does everyone have to give way to the pm?

Pretty standard 20-something girls bedroom, not that you know obviously

>And I hope it's Cummings who designs the PBS and not some lolbetarian or corporate retard
Cummings is a lolbertarian.

jokes on you i share a bed with my mum, and shes nuts.


Yougov has a weird sampling method were they poll only 30 young men and then weight it to 90.

So basically if you tick in Labour on a poll, it will show that 3 people ticked Labour

hes looking at priti though

>Something about her bedroom screams crazy

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He isn't but try again

For anyone who has actual knowledge of such things, is AC Grayling taken seriously as a philosopher? I genuinely can't understand how a professional philosopher, ostensibly one of the most intelligent people in society, could fall into Brexit derangement syndrome in such an extreme way. There are intelligent people on the side of Remain for sure, but he doesn't seem like one of them.

Technocrat lolbertarian?

>people who actually know what they’re talking about disagree with my emotional investment
>they must be wrong

No it wouldn't. Under a standard FTA only companies who do business with the EU would be affected by EU law, and likewise EU companies who sell into the UK would be affected by British law. Under May's deal, every company in the UK regardless of whether or not they do business with the EU is subject to EU law.