
>donates 50k to ADL like a boss
h-he's still /ourguy/ guys

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What a cuck.

He stuck his neck out pretty fucking far, but he cucked after the Christ Church shooting. I don't blame him. It's just disappointing.

Who is that scrawny necked faggot?

What a Chad

What a fucking nigger.

I am sorry but WTF?

Because the hurt fee-fees of Jews are more important, than let's say any facility helping kids with leukemia or something.

Like donating money to mafia.

if you arent flooding the comments with how the adl got started you arent trying hard enough


Reminder that the ADL was created in an attempt to frame a black man for the murder of a white girl committed by a Jew.

Could this possibly be... actual fake news?

literally who?

As if he literally didn't get a call from the ADL saying they would drop all the pressure against him for a small fee of $10,000. He can afford $25,000 can't he, if it means it prevents another shoah. Surely the lives of the jews are worth $40,000! Or is he too much of a bigot anti-semite to be willing to pay a lousy $50,000 to make all his media-related problems go away?

he is a swede.... i liked him and still somewhat like him, just do not watch his videos. He knows that shit is going bad and knows that he has to be a good goy to stay on youtube. As such, he has no other option but to make a mockery of himself and many of his fans would not even care becuase "based zoomers" is a meme. Anyway, swedes are worse than niggers and have to be regarded as niggers-lovers

nooo what are you doing, you're posting cringe
you're going to lose subscribers

good thing they stopped at 50k. last time they went overboard and stopped at 6m even when the actual nummber was 300k

Check out his latest video. Guy is now oficially lobbying for this.

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Wait what? Source or gtfo, he actually supports the people that are fucking him?

Are you fucking kidding me, is this real? Disgusting.

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>our country's doors

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More like extortion and he's announcing who suppresses him


i hope 'unsubscribe to pewdiepie' will be the next meme

When I heard that he was considering making a stream to gather donations for deforestation or whatever environmental bullshit related to the amazon he saw on r*ddit, my warning sirens turned the fuck on. This motherfucker was about to donate to the same NGOs which are destroying my country.

He tested the redpill, yet his swede genes fought back. This is how he dies.

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He actually fucking did it wow! Fuck this faggot, actual kike puppet.

Like a virus celebrating a new infection-vector to its host. Fucking scum of the earth.

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He says he did, but he says it so fast that idk if i believe him or if this is some kind of troll??

Regardless if he actually did donate to them, then fuck him and fuck whatever kike convinced him to do it.

based zoomers getting triggered by an eceleb
empowering generation

>our country
Oh man that really fucking activates my almonds

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hitler literally did the same thing

It's probably protection money kek


>we heard you wanted to retire goy
>we heard you wanted to enjoy the fruits of your labor
>it'd be a shame if we had youtube cut off your funds
>bend a knee goy

A swede redpilled? Lmao thats a good joke.

You proofs? Faggos goy?
I don't see any link archive or clip.

The sad part for pewdiepie is that it is too easy to punish him for his Swedish nature - the left does not forgive and does not forget, the right would do it if he was not a swedish cuck. It will only take one new shooter to say "remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie" for him to still get fucked.

Checkem , to cover for convicted pedophile jew, Leo Frank.

Damn. Hope that Marzia bitch dies in a terrorist attack.

Damn. Hope that Felix guy stops being a bitch ;)

Welp, if he keeps donating money to ADL and other pro-open borders organizations, he's increasing the chances of Marzia getting raped, so. Maybe he's into this sort of thing. Who knows.

Anyway, next time you speak to some of your granade throwing friends, just tell them to say "subscribe to pewdiepie" after "Allah Akbar" in their next adventure.

or better yet: "subscribe to AllahDiePie"

2:12 latest video.

Rape and murder of a 13 year old white girl

What's wrong with the ADL? I thought they were the good guys.

Stop projecting.

Either way, at least he's white. You are a subhuman. Your opinion is not valid. God I wish people from non-white countries would be banned from participating on Jow Forums. It's irritating having to read posts from these "humans".



>God I wish people from non-white countries would be banned from participating on Jow Forums
I can't even...

Blame him, blame him you spineless cocksucker. Nothing he did is defensible. He was already cucking hard before Christchurch, the entire reason they orchestrate events like Christchurch is because they know cultural dissidents like Pewdiepie will quickly bend the knee.

I was always saying this weak faggot is an epitome of eternal swede cuck. pathetic sub-male mixlander, what a joke.

>It's irritating having to read posts from these "humans".
If my country was as bad as you claimed we would be immigrating to your country, you fucking retarded cuck

Pew die pie
Don't forget to unsubscribe!

They probably got to him, to be fair

>pew pew pew *video games noises* pew pew pew colors pew pew pew "yay i clicked the buttons in the correct order within the parameters programmed for this particular game. pew pew pew $5,000 per 1 million views. pew pew pew

And you are. I've met several Bulgarians here. Your country is one of the shittiest in Europe. Fucking Africa tier, nigger.

Bad title but its a good compilation of his best moments youtu.be/aUYzJA46kPU


1st of all, you met bulgarians in your country because it has open borders and anyone can go there and leech from your free gibs
2nd of all, most bulgarians going to shit countries like yours are not bulgarians but gypsies. you probably do not even know the difference which means that you have offended my culture, which means that I can now sue you for discrimination. If I sue you in your country, the judge will be a woman and I only need to cry about how you hurt my feelings and you will get a long sentence.

You swedish cucks are so brianless that you are just the slaves of our world and all other nations should just get whatever gibs they can from you because you were cucks enough to give those gibs away in the first place. I cannot have respect for Canadians, UK and Sweden because there are no men in those countries.


I can't think of any context where someone could explain away why they gave money to ADL. There is no context that can justify this.
The ADL has never done anything good. The ADL is purely a propaganda company that uses muh holocaust to fight back against all white interests. These people are responsible for the online censorship, these people are directly responsible for deciding that the content which used to be ok on youtube is no longer ok.

Even if someone runs into a Synagogue and shoots 6 million jews, what the fuck does that have to do with ADL? How does giving ADL money help? It's not a charity, it doesn't save lives, it only destroys lives of people who had nothing to do with any of these events.
Why the fuck would anyone ever give them money?

they prob annoyed the fuck out of him for the past year everyday asking him to apologize or something so thats why hes throwing money at jews/maritza is making him do things since they're "married" now kek

That's the face of someone being extorted if I've ever seen one.

We know they were the ones behind the character assassination attacks on him. This makes no sense.
ADL are the people who attacked Pewdiepie because he wore a british soldier suit which is ''close enough'' to an SS uniform, ADL was the one that tried to get him kicked off youtube and ruin his life because he made a joke about how media takes everything he says out of context as he does a skit where he looks at a Hitler speech. These ADL people ruin the lives of thousands of people like Pewdiepie who didn't do anything, who aren't even political.

Ive been watching him for years, dude seems like a good redpilled person but for obviois reasons he cant state it publicly

Cope more gypsy.

I like the guy. I just don't understand his stance on things and there is no consistency between his words and actions since the shit with the Christchurch happened.


That faggot should tell us

Got to pay the jewish mafia for it's (((protection))).

first i made fun of you, then i actually told you why you are a castrated cuck
first you made fun of me, then you reply with the "cope more gypsy" cope
You are the one copeing, my castrated friend. And your whole life in you cuck country is going to be a cope of what could be to have balls and testosterone levels higher than a woman.

Unsubsubscribe to * JewDiePie *

(((Leftists))) have complete control over YouTube and all major media companies, he had to pay the toll some day.

anyone who is made famous is a jew you fucking retards.

There is nothing redpilled about the guy, he is just an apolitical normie. There have been many times where he talks directly to the people who listen to him with no act and no bullshit, and he makes it very clear that he hates racism and hates how some of his fans are racist, islamaphobic and antisemetic.
This is a guy who has taken all the bluepills when he was young and just doesn't want any more bluepills. The positions that he held were the acceptable leftist positions just 10 years ago, but today they are not progressive enough. He hasn't been paying attention to the current narratives as he has been busy with his channel and playing shitty games.

This is a guy who 10 years ago fully accepted the narrative that diversity is good and now he is surprised that the people who told him diversity is good aren't satisfied with that anymore, now not only does everything have to be diverse, white people have to go.

PDP has been a spineless excuse for a man for years now. The media broke him, and the change was pretty obvious.
He just pumps out soulless content where he scrolls down Reddit, a site he said he dislikes, to read out superhero movie memes, which he said he dislikes.

In a few more years he'll be supporting child tranny groups. Swedish evolution.

nope he is not.
same as tarrant isnt
he is just random youtuber who got used by some mossad retard to gain traction like couple different things that were posted here for last months/years, but didnt want any of this in a first place.
he just wanted his subscriptions and money

The Swedish genes kicked in I guess. He'd rather play Minecraft to entertain zoomers and live in peace with his wife than be known as the anti-establishment guy I understand that but boy do I missthe 2017 era PewDiePie. Also reminder that the ADL was founded after a bunch of Jews defended a literal pedo and a murderer

Talking so much about "cucks" means you are worried that you yourself is one. You know deep within that you are an enormous beta.

Now I won't reply to you anymore. No time to discuss with gypsies.

Tell me, which race was it that brought forth the current state of the modern world?

Slow down there, he only became relevant about three years ago and was still often making kiddie shit. He really only fully sold out in early 2019. Most of his peak stuff was from 2017-2018. He already was fully pushing kids to become trannies before 2017. He's reverting back to the Jewish piece of shit he was when he first became famous and everyone but kids hated him.


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i only call cucks 3 nations: UK, Canada and Sweden.
You are trying your left wing "projection logic" on me with no real effect.
Even If I never write to you, my balls will still produce more testosterone per minute than your will produce in a month.

this exactly

wait a second



2.1K dislikes

Pewds, I guess your investment in the ADL was good.

He keeps dropping hints in his videos that he's a vegetarian Buddhist now.
What about being insanely rich turns you into a fucking retard.

Very concise, I bet that's precisely how it is.

Would be nice, to redpill zoomers on some backstage PewDiePie lore.

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14 February 2017. If only we had heard.

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>I don't blame him.

Did Hitler just donated for a jewish organization to fight ''hate speech'' on the internet?

Bravo. Finally someone said it . I really don't understand people who say stuff like "our guy" . Where are they eyes ?

>If only we had heard.
We don't control pewdiepie, so it wouldn't matter anyway


But I thought this E Celeb was REDPILLED bros?! WTF BAKA LMFAO

>people fell for the pewdiepie is redpilled marketing scheme
You deserve this

He just hired a shitty PR firm and communication strategy is not his strongest talent (ironic for being a YouTuber). Donations are the easiest thing in the fucking book to do when your reputation is hurting and you want more. His PR firm sucks, so he sucks or his talent manager or talent management company sucks (yeah I know he's a YouTuber, but I'm sure he def is working with SOMEONE at some capacity).

>Don't forget to unsubscribe!
I wasn't subscribed in the first place, desu

You can tell seconds after he said that, that he doesn't agree with it and it really does look like the jews got to him.

>being in denial this badly

> implying he wasnt always a cuck

wew lad

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