PewDiePie is a cuck

>PewDiePie is based and redpilling kids
Yeah... I hate to break it to you faggots. He chucked to them pretty quickly

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Other urls found in this thread:,-2.2708329,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x480c52a48c927533:0x519c23a30a1a6cc3!8m2!3d49.214439!4d-2.13125


Name one bad thing about the ADL that is not a nazi conspiracy theory.


50,000 BIG ONES


it's jews.

Funny how all the ecelebs that get mysteriously hyped for no reason, end up being frauds.

>its not whites who allow it
Did the joos force felix to donate?


it's full of kikes

What did he do? And you're crazy if you thought he was ever in this for more than money.

God fucking damn it.

To he honest I was glad he went back to playing video games instead of talking politics even though he said a lot of things i agreed with, but this is fucking gross. FUCK the ADL

How about the fact that they are the organisation currently advising Jewtube and other social media giants on who needs to be fucking censored, namely anyone right of fucking Stalin

>name one bad thing about the adl that I haven't labeled as a nazi conspiracy theory.

what do they have on him

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Oof. Dropped.

What a fucking nigger

who will the stupid 12 year olds look up to now?

why? What a stupid thing to do.

He faps inside his own foreskin user. I think the cuck might be you.


So instead of a real cause like fucking cancer research or WWF he gives 50k to these cunts.

>Everything I don't like is a conspiracy theory made by Nazis
How can anybody argue with such strong delusion?

>I-it's swedish name!

"Subscribe to pewdiepie" is now a hate phrase so he's trying to distance himself by being a good goy.

>donate 50K to the ADL
>nothing changes, everyone still hates you because youre a popular white male

why do people cuck like this

>bad thing
>not a nazi conspiracy theory
Fail on both fronts.
>deplatforming nazis
>bad thing
Please enumerate all things I don't like and of which I said they are nazi conspiracy theories

I like how you mutts can't name a single thing except nazi conspiracy theory.

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he should already know that apologising isn't enough for that scum.

He was made an offer he couldn't refuse

>Enjoy married life and keep on being a famous millionaire e-celeb churning out meaningless content
>Or we will destroy you and everything you care about, oh and here's £50,000

This entire thread is glowing. Cope harder pewdieniggers

>nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi
>conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory

the modern left in a nutshell

The only thing I can remember is them branding Pepe a hate symbol. But actually that was good in the end since it saved Pepe from the normalfags.

Back to your hole retard

Seems "the modern left" *) has the finger on the issue at hand.

*) Nazi conspiracy theory

What a 180

Or making ((( ))) one too.

And kikes voluntarily put them around their names just like 1930s jews putting on a yellow star by themselves

What? Why? What the fuck is going on?

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>The only thing I can remember is them branding Pepe a hate symbol.
Which it is.
One more word out of you and the next 10 days will be Anti Drumpf memes on the front page exclusively. You have my word that I've got more time and determination than you.
Your move, asshole.

Glad I stopped watching this faggot

>One more word out of you and the next 10 days will be Anti Drumpf memes on the front page exclusively. You have my word that I've got more time and determination than you.
>Your move, asshole.

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Pay to play user. Such is life

He couldn't have picked worse with this "charity" because of course they need even more money. All the major media/entertainment and art industries aren't enough.

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>Rides wave of irreverent counter culture to 100 mil
>Slams door on those who follow with donation to censorious org

Isn't being jewish and American enough?

hes a pure nordic aryan, marrying a pure south med girl. hes literally race mixing with brown eyed people.

who the fuck thinks hes somehow redpilled?

It's JewDiePie now you insensitive fuck!

shit sucks
Yeah, YouTube probably told him that they'll keep monetizing him if he backs the fuck off of politics and edgy shit.

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>The Anti-Defamation League (ADL; formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States. The ADL states that its mission is to "fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defend democratic ideals, and defend civil rights for all", doing so through "information, education, legislation, and advocacy".
Kek this is beyond parody

ADL is a fraud. It was formed to protect Jewish terrorists

>13 year old Mary Phagan Was Raped and Murdered by her boss, Leo Frank of B’nai B’rith, on April 26, 1913
>ADL was formed in 1913 to help this Jewish sex pervert escape justice.

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He did it for them to fuck off for a time. Classic mafia shakedown.

Don't you anons know how anything works?

Drumpf memes it is.

>Which it is.
No. Pepe is for everyone. Pepe is what you make of him. Pepe is free.


>White woman don't fuck us because of jews
>Schoolshootings are a jewish psyops to take our guns away
>Everything i don't like is either jews or chills.

There are several threads about these subjects every fucking day by nazi scum that whine and complain how everything is a conspiracy against the white man in their minds.

I suspect it was some kind of deal backed by this Honey service, which sponsored the video. No idea how that works and why would he mention ADL.

LoL, I made a post yesterday in the shizo red dot thread saying they got pewdiepie & he lost his soul. I said to check his next video if you don't believe me. Now this.

WTF man

Oh shit guys, he is super cereal. I just changed my vote to Hillary.

I unsubscribed. Not that it matters anyway. I haven't watched any PewDePie in months.

They do (((studies))) where they count Islamic attacks in Europe as examples of the "right wing" terror epidemic in the west, then use this data to exclusively attack whites.

Maximum Swede

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He is uttermensch

Proofs? =0

This but hopefully unironically.
Islamic terrorism IS rightwing. Your feefees don't change the facts.

He's a family man now

The ADL are corporate blackmail artists just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

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I really, really want to believe its like you saying user... but...

He already said that now when he is back to play videa he earn much, much more then ever before and he probably just really want to put that tag behind him but...50k ! fucking hell... Even when he make some charity he puts much smaller amount and people on twitch donates rest... And now he just drope 50k bomb for no good reason...

redpill me on the ADL, wtf do they do ?

He literally donates charity to an organization famous for defaming people like him, this is the "white race" you people are protecting. Pewdiepie literally screams "I'm a kike" and nobody in his fanbase is questioning it, society is doomed, the West is over.

More like JewDenPie

>guaranteed replies

seriously though what did you expect from a swedish man

Honey is definitely suspicious too, but I think it was more about YouTube. He works for YouTube afterall and he's been monetised since he went back to gaming videos. This was a signalling from him to let YouTube know that he'll (((play along))) with them.
But that Honey stuff, oh boy.
It's nothing but voluntarily signing up for a gigantic browser activity tracking botnet service. You're giving away 100% of your privacy for coupons on websites that collaborate with Honey by raising the price on everything that isn't used with a Honey coupon. Anybody who promotes that shit pretty much hates his audience.

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Am I the only one who thinks he was just being sarcastic?

My dude just because a lot of retards here are unironically obsessed with jews doesn't make the fact that you see nazis everywhere any less stupid

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A bit of censorship makes them a little bad.

No I bet more people use that to cope also.

what all kikes do

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>that flag
>that post
Fucking w e w

No, he said it a while ago that his goals for the next few years is to make as much money as possible and keep investing it for the future.
He's selling out as hard as he possibly can. He just conned the edgyboy crowd to support him.

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Yo what is that fucking flag bro

They're censoring anti-ADL comments that are getting loads of likes lmao

His eyes tell you a lot user

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No, censorship is good, if it censors violence. Words can be violence.

Always the funniest cope

>he wasnt always a disney plant!
>he met his pink haird sjw tranny before he got famous!

$50000 is not sarcastic

adl is based, pewds is based,
pol has been fiddled

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its a jersey

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They push for online censorship of political adversaries.

Okay Comrade Stalin... I respect your opinion.

literally just trying to clear his name after quite literally saying "nigger" live on stream, what the fuck even is this thread? Have you all forgotten about Mel Gibson?


Can you link the post?

Why is this faggot cucking so hard? Cause he said nigger? Dumb fuck has enough money to say whatever he wants. This shit isn't necessary and won't help him anyway because the left never forgives

>He said nigger once so giving $50,000 to the no make fun of jews group is okay!
Admit it zoomers your e-celeb used you.

Thanks Gurnsey bro.

You have no idea what the ADL is, do you?

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