Only girls reply in this thread

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Stupid image. I don’t even get it.

>Medpack: Only girls reply in this thread
>Jow Forums:....
>also Jow Forums: Hey guys, white female (18) here hihi, those babies are sooo cute, I don't get why you guys are so hateful towards America all the time, you're not muslims, right?

Instead of their first experience being cuddles with Mom American boys get their dicks snipped to appease the Jewish overlords.

>The power of the mutt is to make himself unsee, unfeel, even unspeak. You may harm him, mutilate him, he shall neither see the damage as love and feel the pain as bliss, and when his body is utterly ruined and taken apart, he shall thank you for it.

Oh okay. Still a stupid image. Idk anyone who does that.

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i also dont know any dead ppl does that mean dead ppl dont exis/? fuck of jew

obviously it's a shill thread
but almost all threads are shill threads
however this can be used to bash circumcision which is something the jews don't want (hence the implication that American parents don't care about their children, it's mere distraction)

No this is solely about circumcision and how evil it is
there's been multiple studies done on the effects of pain on the young brain and as far as I know, there's permanent changed brain patterns
might explain why niggers muzzies and kikes are so fucked in the head
you'd be too if you lost dozens of millions of nerve endings during a point in your life when you have hardly experienced anything
but there you have it, so much pain that most babies go into shock

can't wait to ban circumcision and watch the kikes seethe

We are born strong, we do not need mothers; you are weak.

They think this is OK.

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I'm a mom and I felt that image. Technically here in Europe unless you say you want your baby after birth, they take it to the nurses room and take its blood and measurements and make vaccines. Here they make the hepatitis b vaccine right after birth but in US they make like 5 combi vaccines one after another. Here they do them too unless you explicitly tell them before birth that you want your baby after birth. My friend wanted her baby vaccines after 6 months, but unknowingly the nurses gave the boy vaccines straight after birth.

That was the last thing that came to my mind. What about the involuntary blood draw, vaccination and nearly animalistic handling of the baby's when measuring them?

Australians don't do it and they make for very obnoxious tourists.
I suspect it's the next 'evolution' of man in making him more docile and controlled. We are domesticating ourselves. It may also promote narcissism psychopathy and distrust of family and authority all of which help one look out for number one. You'll get promoted at work and chicks dig dark triad traits. It totally fucks up empathy though. (Galatians 5:2)

My boy didn't leave our room once and i didnt sleep for three days. No way i was letting them get his foreskin

>be american
>get born
>leave a tip

>american flag
You definitely know people who do that.

I didn't sleep for the first 3 days either. At one point at 5am i was so tired I called the nurse to take care of the baby. And they gave formula milk in those mere 2 hours.

Oh my that's how they develop the hand rubbing tick.

So, OP creates a back trace file, tells women to look at the pic, gathers IP's then hacks their webcameras to get nudes to blackmail.

same, when we were in the hospital after the birth, my son was never out of my sight

Moms in this thread, do you recall how much you paid for your birth? I'm probably going to be living in America when I have kids and I want to know what to prepare for. Trying to go as natural as possible but I'm aware that that tends to be less covered by insurance.

>be born
>average birth expenses in the US range from $25-45k without insurance
>parents burdened with bills
>next they take away part of an organ, which serves six-eight distinct sexual functions, from your body
>the pain is so severe, you intrinsically grasp at your own knuckles until the folds of your fingers turn white - that becomes your second nature, the first of which was to suckle milk.
>the part they took from you sells for around $50-70k - that should cover your medical expenses, right?
>You're paying to pay them at the cost of a diminished sexual life for the entirety of your years on Earth.
>US is the only country that does this for reasons outside religious belief, thanks to the Pediatric Association, which wrote an opinion that is fake, about circumcision, which was inadvertently authored by Jews.


Are you pregnant?
Tips for an easy birth: Have sex when you get the contractions, but very softly just enough to help you open the cervix. I had a 6 cm rip that needed to be sewn after, all because I didn't have any preparatory measures regarding this.
Epidural: A MUST HAVE. Apart from numbing the pain, also the drug makes you feel super calm and good. You will feel in heaven after birth and like you just had an angel come out of yoy.
Walk. Walk. Walk. Walk. Walk a lot the last 2 months.

If they tell you to have cesarean tell them to give you some very strong reasons why. It's all a method to get more money for the doctors. They will try to do everything to get you to have a cesarean. Which is expensive and costly to your body.
Here in Switzerland for me it was 3000, 6 checks during pregnancy and Birth.

I think they only get 300-400 dollars per foreskin. Someone posted a screengrab once.

Thank you for your reply.

I'm not pregnant yet. I don't want to get an epidural if I can help it, I've read that it can make the baby more drowsy and I want to experience childbirth with as little medical intervention as possible, if I can help it. (I say that now though...) I also hear that the catheter is quite painful.

Thank you for your other tips though. I'll remember the bit about sex and walking. I hope to be fine regarding cesarean, from my research they push it more in Ireland and the UK. If I'm still here when I birth then I will not be having cesarean, unless of course there's some real medical reason as to needing it.

I hope it will be as inexpensive in the US, but from what I hear they won't tell you prices, won't let you shop around, and everything else depends on your insurance. I want to be as out of a hospital as I can be (birthing centers, midwives), but I don't want to go into debt to have children.

I'm pretty sure they sell the foreskin for stem cell research. They did sell aborted babies for research so this wouldn't surprise me. Medicine world is all about money.


>thats totally normal in burgerland

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The epidural doesn't affect the baby. There is a big misunderstanding regarding the blood system of the baby in the womb. Many people think the baby has the same blood as the mother. When in fact the baby is related to the placenta and its essentially the placenta that feeds the blood of the baby but only in nutrient terms. The baby has its own nerval system which isn't affected by the epidural. And the catheter is nothing compared to the contractions. Just the thought of it scares people but reality is much different and you will thank gods they created it. However if you've had a healthy first 3semester you can a home birth with a midwife in the bathtub, or even alone in a dog position, easier method. But without the contraction meter they have in hospital, its very hard to understand when you are having the last contractions which are vital cs the baby's head is already out and the face is in the cervix which doesn't allow the baby to breathe. Bcs you have to push whenever you get the it's a tricky thing really.and if you don't have anyone to explain carefully and scientifically what birth is, it's gonna be hard. Ps. Don't eat any pineapples during the whole pregnancy as it causes the placenta to rip from the womb.

>The pain is so great
Thank you jews.

Can someone explain why women are the most adamant about circumcision for their sons? I don't get it.


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you need a nigger baby for france

What is the point of mutilating our dicks?


Thank you again. I probably won't do a home birth, at least for my first time. And I'm open to getting an epidural if I can't take the pain, but I'd still rather not have it.

My little brother was circumcised because our dad was adamant that his son would have a penis that looked like his. My mom didn't want it done. Do you have statistics that show mothers are more adamant than fathers? As I understand it, americans do it more so out of culture than anything, male and female. I've even heard stories of mothers not wanting it and then the hospital does it when they're sleeping or something.

You are a good man

Because for women it feels better to have a clean circumcised penis instead of an ugly old looking one.
But really I wouldn't know, maybe uncircumcised feels better. My man says that guys without circumcision feel better and last longer in sex. So he kinda resents his parents for doing it.

If we meme'd female circumcision into reality, what would become of male circumcision?

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I discussed this with a guy friend of mine whom i know wants kids. I asked if he had a son, if he would get him circumcised at birth, and he said he would.
When I asked why, he stated "because I don't want him to be made fun of by women when he is older and going to have sex, and it's easier to clean if it's cut, we all know how lazy kids are"

I was pretty appalled that his reasoning for wanting to mutilate his son was based on what other people's opinions of his son's dick *could* be in the future, and being lazy.

I have a friend from Somalia who was circumcised 7 years old. She says even now after 4 children it hurts when she has sex. (26 years old)

I hate these images because my greatest desire is to have a family with a loving husband. I want to have a few kids, take care of them, raise them ourselves, cook for them, and do our best to keep them sane in this kiked world.

No genital mutilation, no gender neutral pronouns, no early sexuality education, no malnourished vegan diet, no white race self-shame, no forced Jewish propaganda, no divorce or open relationship bullshit.....

But i will never have this because no man wants a stay at wife who cares for kids..... the ones who want it can't support it and the ones who can think that the modern woman should be strong, independent, and has a valid position in the work place besides part time supportive roles

I hate this life

>I have a friend from Somalia who was circumcised 7 years old. She says even now after 4 children it hurts when she has sex. (26 years old)
Did she have 4 kids in Switzerland?
Yes, this is still /pol

thats apples to oranges, dont do that
normies love to make false equivalencies when it comes to mgm and fgm
there is a procedure that is almost exactly the same effect for females as circumcision is for males, and thats the removal of the clitoral hood. not the entire clitoris, or the labia, but the clitoral hood
try this for a redpill, ask a lady how she thinks it would feel if her clitoral hood was removed and her clit was constantly exposed? thats the exact same thing circumcision does

I have no prrof, it's just thatbi hear more anecdotes from people on Jow Forums and irl friends that the woman usually wants the circumcision. I know the dad's usually want their sons cut like theirs story. Surprisingly my dad didn't want my bro circumsized. Mom did though I think.
I guess? I wouldn't know either. It's not like thinking to fuck their sons (hopefully) Maybe it's 50/50 on moms and dads wanting it then.
Honestly people are ignorant. the studies done on babies brainwaves while having circumcision is disturbing. And if the roles were reversed getting their daughters vagina mutilated to look good or easier to clean wouldn't fly.

*theyre going to

show bobs and time stamp or gtfo

My baby was not man handled thankfully. Is that a normal thing there?

anecdotes are not evidence, the majority of people in my personal circle who are *for* circumcising are men, ironically.

>it's not like thinking to fuck their sons (hopefully)
said guy i talked about in last post actually came at me with "don't you find cut dicks more aesthetically pleasing? shouldn't you agree with me then, that if you had a son you would want him cut too?"
It doesn't matter what i find "more aesthetically pleasing" when it comes to my son, because i am not going to be fucking him, and to mutilate him based on my own aesthetic preferences would be negligent at best. If he wants to get it done himself when he's older, he can have at it. but it will be his choice.

>And if the roles were reversed getting their daughters vagina mutilated to look good or easier to clean wouldn't fly.
agreed. it was stupefying to hear him give these reasons for wanting to cut his son, because if anyone said that about a vag it would just immediately be abhorrent

I'm so glad our doctor was a German woman. She came from a country where circumcision doesn't happen so she helped convince my husband not to circumcise our son. She debunked every single reason to get it.

I didnt want to do it because I couldn't stand to have my son in pain. But I left it up to my husband because I see it as important that a man be allowed to choose what happens to his son's body. His family pressured him and actually became enraged we didn't do it. His stupid aunt said men get gross down there. She tried to argue because her son's circumcised dick needed a lot of care with bandages and leakage from the wound that the intact penis would be worse. If their grandmother wasn't in the room, I would have told her women get smegma too. Turns out just like I thought her son had a horrible open fucking wound on his penis and that is why it needed so much care.

Yeah sorry I wasn't trying to make an argument like I had proof or anything. It was a sincere question because I usually only hear that women would rather have their sons circumcised. It's mostly hearsay.
Its really weird that dad's would be cool with that. With all the duck problems I've seen posted on fit and other boards I'm surprised fathers don't do more research.
Also heard that it's a bit of a conspiracy that was ritualized to make Jews more easy to control mentally by some Russian General. Besides apparently taking the pleasure out of sex. Why do hospitals do that while the parents are asleep? Is that even legal?

Show flag.

She had 3 in Somalia and one here. We are at the same baby mama group.
Sweetheart just be strong for yourself and love yourself. The right guy will come at one point, or just move to Eastern Europe.
. Man are shit and even if you show them how caring you are, they will hang you as a coalburner while having children with philipina, Japanese and african monkeys. Men today have become fragile and hypocrites and then they blame women for all their shitty policies.
Lmao how are your women? Once this Latvian girl was telling us that she hadn't slept with so many people, just 30 something.

The hospital midwives literally take the baby after birth and do these without asking you and then send you a the medical World you always have to make your voice heard otherwise they will drain your money.

>She had 3 in Somalia and one here. We are at the same baby mama group.
B-b-but what about the racial integrity of Europe?
Do you approve her behavior of participating in the demographical warfare for her private gains?

huh... never thought about this

Any white girls in here want BBC?

>Japanese and african monkeys
>Men today have become fragile and hypocrites
>I have a friend from Somalia who was circumcised 7 years old. She says even now after 4 children it hurts when she has sex. (26 years old)
And you have a nerve to talk about men's hypocrisy!

of course. women don't give a shit about demographics

What is your problem? I don't see any white women here procreating with anything but white guys. Guys on the other hand, are getting married to all kinds of chimps.

>of course. women don't give a shit about demographics
Well then what was the point of universal suffrage?

That's fucking disgusting. I'm surprised home birth doctors aren't more popular. I'm sure they're out there.


>What is your problem? I don't see any white women here procreating with anything but white guys. Guys on the other hand, are getting married to all kinds of chimps.
Well you see, what you call a "problem" is in fact an inherent male atribute - ability to think with clear logical patterns and identify contradictions.
And I literally pointed you one:
you called africans monkeys, yet maintain a friendship with one, who immigrated to your country and has kids there.
And to top it up, you are talking about someone else's hypocrisy.
Do you see "my problem" now?
P.S.fuck the yellowpilled males

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the retarded americans yet, not discovered the scam about Pediatric.

You interrupted a well-going thread to post something that is technically true, bit not of importance in this case. Let's stick with the original topic.

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I had a huge debate with her on why she had a kid while she is on social assistance and not married. She wishes she never got pregnant but now she is getting injections not to remain pregnant again. She loves me very much and she wished her kid was white. She hates blacks more than all of us. She removed her hijab after I talked her into.

American here. I was circumcised, I made sure my son wasn’t. It is definitely flipping. My wife watches a bunch of

Yeah I'm a girl
Guy In Real Life

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Skin to skin time costs extra. Foreskin removal is on the house.

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Glad to here this. Which region and which race are the boys? I've heard someone saying the rates are down to 30%, but as far as I know, it's more like 60%.

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My vagina is itchy lately. Any solution?

Betadine solution

Getting married with one and maintaining a friendship with someone who you see every once in 3 weeks is different.