80% of all young people in Sweden suffer from anxiety due to the climate change

>80 percent of Sweden's young people have climate anxiety

>Climate change is arguably the biggest threat facing our world, with enormous consequences for future generations. Already at an average temperature rise of 2 degrees we would see a big negative impact on our planet. The politicians ignore this fact and do not make the necessary decisions.

>Climate change has become a daily threat for young people, a new study shows. Concerns about the climate issue have already caused almost half of young people to change their behavior according to the survey. Nearly 40 percent say they can sacrifice a trip or not shop for clothes in a year to reduce their climate impact.


Attached: 1565253609719.png (1280x932, 3.12M)

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Is that Stockholm or Mogadishu?

Climate change is not the reason Swedes are anxious.

that's literally just a lie to cause more hysteria

realize that we are all going to die if we don't start killing jews

Also (((climate change))). High trust peoples and society's can't coincide with kikes and niggers.

Attached: endenhofer climate change.png (907x587, 412K)

Well when 80% of your population is from Subsaharan Africa I assume their change of climate might cause some anxiety.

Inb4 20% are brown.

I suffer from anxiety from population change

OP is an idiot, Zoomali youth don't give a fuck about climate. you should instead display pic related, it's a "climate strike" in Stockholm. notice the amount of roasties

school in a shitskin ghetto obviously

Attached: Swedish libshits.jpg (1024x1024, 253K)

is climate change the "at war with eastasia" for sweden/the world?