This article is literally trying to normalize the idea of Israel pre-emptively using nukes

>But under what conditions might Israel start a nuclear war?

>Nuclear Pre-emption

>If a hostile power (let’s say Iran, for sake of discussion) appeared to be on the verge of mating nuclear devices with the systems needed to deliver them, Israel might well consider a preventive nuclear attack. In the case of Iran, we can imagine scenarios in which Israeli planners would no longer deem a conventional attack sufficiently lethal to destroy or delay the Iranian program. In such a scenario, and absent direct intervention from the United States, Israel might well decide to undertake a limited nuclear attack against Iranian facilities.

Attached: Israel nukes.png (1260x1160, 730K)

Other urls found in this thread: no, a prediction/country/il/ until a significant event happens in Europe/country/il/

Israel doesn't have nukes, nukes aren't real.

Take your meds schizo

they have literal films of them going off how do you kooks explain that? or the islanders who were poisoned by the radiation

Take your nukes schnitzel

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>let’s say Iran, for sake of discussion

I'm sure Bolton will find a job with an Israeli Think Tank.

I've seen films of the Death Star blowing up, was that real too?

Nukes are fake. The emperor is naked. Act accordingly.

*against whom*

I can kind of see people saying they faked the moon landing but I don't see how they faked the nuke tests

Weev go back to dailystormer.

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Yeah jews do shit like that


no shit sherlock
it's gonna go down the same way as it did with iraq and syria
we'll bomb their nuclear program and destabilize the country into a war so they cant afford to do it again for decades.

my brother flies to tel aviv
he says jews smell bad

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Made in laurel canyon, same place they filmed the moon landing etc. Same place where they launched rock and roll and manufactured the 60s bullshit.

Zooming in into the sun. Actually all the nukes footage is laughable if you know what you're looking at.

You can tell he spends lots of time on computers.

Educate yourself.

Nukes aren't real and Israel's screwed.

remember all those posts about jews losing influence?
yeah. you're fucked.

You kikes gonna one up the Whites in SA and go beyond apartide and just start nuking brown people?

You fucked up Chaim. You lot are just simpletons with delusions of grandeur.

Always ignore (((pilpul))) and (((propaganda)))

These rats are tryng hard to be wiped off the map. GO IRAN!

Cool, Israel nukes a nuclear facility in Iran and breaks the taboo on nukes that has lasted for almost eight decades. Fast forward 30 years, every shithole has nukes and throws them around like fireworks. And all of Israel's neighbors have them for sure. Jews aren't that smart, are they?

Israel isn't real and nukes are screwed

DO IT! FUCKING NUKE IRAN. I dont give a fuck. Hurry up already you fucking PUSSIES. DO IT!

Shamefur dispray

>Israel might use its nuclear weapons
>trusting a jew
The real red pill is that Israel doesn't really have a nuclear arsenal and that they've just been bluffing.


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No, you are fucked because normies HATE YOU now

did you forget which thread you're in?

Who cares?

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And petty tyrants withoit soul or magnitude

>Jews are going to cause the end of the world

We already knew it was gonna happen, I always expect the most chaotic outcomes living in clown world

not until a significant event happens in Europe that makes you wake up against the shitskins
tel aviv smells bad, including the people there
absolutely disgusting city

The thread that kills jews, all threads kill jews in here

America used Nukes willingly, Israel would be forced to use them. Iran's recent aggression is proof enough that they thirst for the destruction of the only bastion of freedom and Democracy in the middle east.

The fact that America does not wan't to protect Israel from Iran is ironclad proof that we as a nation no longer care about freedom anymore.

>muh joos!
Seeth hard nazi trash

Attached: TypicalGerman.png (600x450, 277K)

Kek, fuck you kike, jew trashcan

The National Interest founded by Irving Kristol, a jew.

Wow, jews have realised Trump isnt their Shabos goy.
No more yanks dying for israel, means jews have to use nukes to hurt Iran.

>not until a significant event happens in Europe that makes you wake up against the shitskins
Is that a threat kike?

Attached: 9-11 jews.jpg (800x597, 44K)

Dad of bill kristallnacht

No (((you))) today, you people don't even try to fit in

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no, a prediction

John Bolton fired then a challenger article appears !

>Iran's recent aggression is proof enough that they thirst for the destruction of the only bastion of freedom and Democracy in the middle east.

Stop, the bait isn't funny.

Attached: John Bolton Zion.jpg (938x844, 133K)

So now they do have nukes?

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It's literally the israeli plan to justify genociding palestim in a permissive atmosphere, and it has already failed since we saw through it.

get a job, mossad

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Jews should be pre-emptively genocided

Hitler is the jewish messiah !



Ay yo, take a look at this nickle nose here

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>no, a prediction
I'm not going to tell you how I know but I know that you are an actual shill who has been shilling on other sites including Jow Forums.
Also, those are not your words but you copied them from someone else.

400+ warheads

Make that 80 and they're low yield, Russia will nuke Israel with its ~25 Megaton R-36s and there will be nothing left.

unironically take your meds no, a prediction/country/il/ until a significant event happens in Europe/country/il/

No, make it 400+

What are you trying to prove here kike?
I know you are a shill... we both know it.
You shill on MEMO too, I know kike.

Why did the fucking burgers have to covertly supply these inbred parasites with a nuke.

That American Bald Eagle on the F-15I isn't very subtle.

It was France, but burgers would have done it by now if France didn't.

>if Iran mates nukes with a delivery device, we will deliver devices with nukes mated to them.
Seems logical

When the kikes finally murder their 6 millionth enemy their souls will be set free

No, France supplied the reactor and missile.
Merica supplied the uraniam.

as you said
>those are not your words but you copied them from someone else
and the fuck is memo

This is just The National Embarassnent doing business as usual. It's a rag for boomers and people who think war R cool! But don't Know anything about ear aside from Hollywood myth and cowadoody retardation. They run retarded articles all the time, and about half of them are a schizophrenic back-and-forth about trying to bring back battle ships like the good old days. I have an entire folder of unintentionally hilarious headlines and screen caps from them.

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I didn't know they HAD nukes, we should really inspect their arsenal to confirm.

>national interest
Shit clickbait that runs the same ten articles every few months

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Wait, you guys told me the joos are stupid. How do they make a nuke if they stoopit?

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Jews are quite cunning, nobody says otherwise. But their main advantage is being blatantly tribal and making sure whites can't be tribal by means of owning the media and politics.

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Sweet Jesus man. Clear up those notifications.

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this exactly. if israel uses nukes on iran what's to stop pakistan from nuking israel? writer of the article didn't think too far ahead

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For some reason the Yahoo news page is constantly pushing these neocon war-monger articles from National Interest.

Thanks for reminding me lol

You mean Edom. Calling them Israel is silly.

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FACT: they were busted for having a literal Russian agent working for them writing pro 2A articles

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This one was like 6 months ago btw, long before the Trump gaffe

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