Bass Scares White People

I've been conducting an interesting experiment lately. I've come to the conclusion that in music, very low frequencies upset and scare white people. Low bass frequencies at 50Hz and below make white people uneasy and bothered. I've done this experiment by having a subwoofer in my car and playing various black produced music. The dark melodic tunes and heavy bass seem to scare whites and make them put their heads down in insecurity. I did a comparison and noticed white produced music barely contains any frequencies of low, long, bass notes but rather highter tones bass notes at 100Hz and up. Why are white people afraid of these bass frequencies?

Attached: Future.jpg (790x395, 73K)

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Shut the fuck up you dumb leaf

Orchestral music and organ music has lots of comfy low frequencies that range into the sub-audible. You have to list to real white music.

Why are Asian """""""men""""""" jealous of white men?

yeah and police sirens scare brown people
what is your point?

It's more like nobody wants to listen to your atrocious bonobo-beats.

They put their heads down because they’re annoyed of your choice of nog music

What do you mean bass scares white people?
Have you been to your local lake or pond? It’s full of white people.

Easy, they have micropenises.
we don't.

Attached: fuckcanada.png (493x388, 211K)