Are they just a statistic or they are really useful?
Female cops
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Useful for community outreach
useful for sex amirite
I think they're useful but not so much in a gunfight based on what I've seen on r/gunfights.
Yes I go to reddit to watch gunfights it's just gun fight suck my cock
They’re useful as eye candy and fuck buddies for the other police officers. Useful for the community though? They’re somewhere between not really useful and a danger to the community
Officer S!!!!
Basically this. I'm with LAPD, and while i still don't think women should be foot patrol or any position like that. It really does help to have some mother-like figures on the force.
To be expected. I’d like to point out to you though, that while they’re shit at gun fights, they’re worse everywhere else.
My wife is a CO. Dumb job all she ever talks about she should be at home cooking meals
It pays pretty great though.
What's your job?
They're terrible people. I wouldn't even want to speak to them.
>I'm with LAPD, and while i still don't think women should be foot patrol or any position like that. It really does help to have some mother-like figures on the force.
How does it feel to be a member of a Domestic Terrorist Organization at war against the American People.
Just a walking, talking liability with a firearm. Overpowered by any run-of-the-mill crackhead.
They are a liability on patrol, but can pull their weight in CID, CSO and other semi-admin 9-5 positions.
Indeed. Outreach works better when cops reflect the community they interact with. Therefore, we should exclusively hire criminals to be cops.
Female cops are totally useless.
My dad was walking on the street and some drunk/high hobo was attacking random people and shouting. There were two cops on the scene, a man and a woman. The female cop was trying to talk to the hobo but he kept shouting her down and then just stood there literally shaking as the situation escalated and the male cop had to try and restrain him. In the end the male cop, my dad, and another random dude had to restrain the guy while the female cop stood there uselessly.
I've heard this is basically the case 99% of the time. They're meter maids and they don't do shit, they cannot subdue or intimidate anybody so they're useless as police.
SIster became a cop
she was trying to brag about all the training she got. sparred with her and got her pinned and on the ground in 20 seconds. and she tried to punch me in the kidneys a few times too.
and i'm not a strong man
i listen to my counties 911 dispatch all the time.unless its something like a car deer accident, they always get back up for the women.
for the same thing the will send one man.
thats a fact
they have lower arrest rates
not only that but male suspects routinely out run them, overpower them, and in many cases even kill them. they have higher mortality rates on the job. which has led many female officers to shoot you first and ask questions later. there are more wrongful deaths at the hands of female cops than male officers in many cases.
tldr; too many cons and not enough pros with female officers serving communities
They're only useful for violating other women by putting they're fist in their cunt to search for drugs. You could also make the argument that it makes the cops seem nicer than the enforcers of the oligarchs that they are.
I've seen a vid of a female cop killing a man in handcuffs; accidentally fired weapon because it was too heavy for her.
They're even worse in the miltary. You roaches might actually have a chance at this rate
>waaa my back hurts
>I'm old
>this is too heavy
>why aren't you helping meee
Goddammit. I'm glad I'm out now. They're absolute garbage and a complete embarrassment.
Tell us your stories
They should be civilian employees rather than full law enforcement. Victim servicesand clerical
I've seen a couple of videos of female cops staying calm and gunning down criminals but that's the exception. Generally they're useless.
Been doing the job for two decades. Not a single female officer that I have ever encountered has been marginally competent in the job.
>Routinely fuck up simple paperwork
>Get into fights and expect male officers to get them out of trouble.
>Are heavy handed and demonstrative for no reason.
>Lack the faculties needed to EVENLY apply the law to both sexes.
>Can't into statutory or ConLaw so they routinely misapply statutes (bad arrests) or fuck up searches/seizures (4th am), etc.
>Become house mice at OPP and hide away from anything functional
>Use their vagina as a weapon to promote and/or harm others (EEO complaints, blowing a captain to get someone reassigned).
>Can't shoot for shit.
>Routinely call in sick for anything causing minor discomfort thereby screwing the squad.
They are just fucking useless. All police women are either whores or lesbians. There are none in between that are what Jow Forums would deem to be a desired trad female. No female in their right mind would EVER go into this field. This means we're full of girls trying to overcompensate and desiring male approval for the most minor things.
I'm sure they can be useful for checking parking meters, writing tickets and doing office work. But when it comes to actually apprehending large men. They are tit useless.
Useful in dealing with women and children . Thats about it.
C/O here, was actually surprised at the amount of female cops we have.
Useless? I wouldn't say that, but competent enough to have my back if an inmate decides to act like an ape? Not sure, there is also a good amount of male cops who are not competent.
Female cops are good for thoroughly checking my whole body for illegal items
Female cops are worthless, they get thrown around like rag dolls by all the dindus
Shit thread like always
>she will never handcuff and physically abuse you when you commit a crime
Do they tend to use their primary weapon more than the men?
Valid points right here. Why waste manpower on this when you can use singlemompower?
How do you know that? I suspect this is the case but I need a study or an analysis of news reports.
Females are usually better at deescalating a brewing situation due to usually being more socially aware of shit.
Once shit hits the fan, unless they use their gun and have to rely on strength alone, they are borderline useless.
Insta boner
I'm a civilian what's OPP?
I carry PBA cards from Detectives and Sargents I know from work. Cops always strike up friendly conversation about what I do, how I know these officers etc.
They always have an attitude get extremely aggressive and act as if my cards are disrespectful to them.
I have no idea why.
Women suck at deescalating shit. I feel like they make things worse half the time. They have their annoying voices and are more prone to power trips then their male counterparts. Women are only good at desk spots, or in areas where crime doesn't exist.
What do you do for work?
Asset Protection/Loss Prevention Manager
what the fuck was that guy even trying to do
Cattle Weapons for Communism Kikes and Anti White Agends. They are worth nothing once you know.
Ah okay that makes sense.
He certainly didn't snatch anyone's purse that day.
There´s NOTHING borderline about it.
They´re absolutely useless.
The one in a million badass chick cop like this one then get cited as the norm, when they´re the fucking rarest of rare exceptions.
In Brazil, where the citizens are disarmed, criminals often hold up entire crowds of people and rob everyone. They will even rob a dozen or more cars that are stuck in traffic and speed away on their little motorbikes, completely unmolested. Imagine if someone tried that in USA. They'd get blasted by somebody packing a .44 in their glove box
based Stacy
>In Brazil, where the citizens are disarmed,
they are used primarly for handling other females in cases of body-pats and searches.
>Females more socially aware of shit.
>I'm with LAPD
Nobody cares what traffic cops think.
Get back in the intersection faggot.
Im a cop. Currently a detective. Work with a couple women. They dont bring much to the table. in fact most bring down the organization with their bullshit. Anything they do well, a male can do just as well without the liability.
In patrol they are walking gun dispensers for felons.
Wasnt always like this, all learned though experience. Went into policing with an open mind. Been in 6 years.
>In patrol they are walking gun dispensers for felons
what's going on here exactly?
pretty uncommon flag
How mad does this fucking show make you?
Tried watching it for Fillion, but it´s a fucking clown world (((show))) almost constantly.
not gonna say were, but 3 days ago i seen 2 female WPCs trying to arrest a dude and he literally pushed 1 to the ground and walked away from the other one..... nobody helped the cops. i smiled.
Female officers are needed in cases concerning women and children, and their presence can be defusing in domestic situations. Also, over here 99% of police work is reasoning and wrestling with drunks, and (depending on situation) female officers might have calming effect on usually male drunk troublemakers.
In actually dangerous situations they're not really fit, I guess there's been just one publicly well known case where female Finnish police officer has been involved in shooting and said officer ended up bound n wheelchair after hunting rifle destroyed most of her innards since she was careless in the scene.
>walking gun dispensers for felons.
hahaha perfect.
>Female officers are needed in cases concerning women and children, and their presence can be defusing in domestic situations
>their presence can be defusing
watch that
I'm talking of Finland of course, most of petty criminals are just typical snowautists who temporarily forgot it due to alcohol.
>I'm talking of Finland
nobody fucking cares about whatever the fuck you're from
i shouldn't laugh but god damn if this exact scenario isn't repeated multiple times a day here. i've honestly lost count of the times i've seen drunk people on a night out literally tell the cops to fuck off and walk away. and then cops have the balls to throw a ton of money (our money) at pandering to fags and pakis while demanding they deserve respect. fuck that.
>repeated multiple times a day here.
Statistic are useful.
>this exact scenario
Shit, our boy Dorner missed one.
He forgot nigger rule one.
Guess he´ll remember in future.
how in the name of baby jesus is ANYONE meant to respect these fucking clowns? how are we supposed to take them seriously. jesus christ.
yea, these weirdos have infest ever section of our lives here. please do not let the usa fall to such levels of stupidity.
>please do not let the usa fall to such levels of stupidity.
too late
SWAT can't arrive with loaded weapons?